
divorced christmases
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Author:  emaricaman [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  divorced christmases

ok my parents r divorced its kinda weird thow cause i have too go to my dads ether at christmas eve or at noon on christmas so its kinda hard to have any real christmas sceduale or anything like that but i just want to know if im the only one thatr goes threw it

Author:  Krisp [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 5:43 pm ]
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I usually celebrate Christmas with my mom's side of the family on Christmas Eve, and with my dad's side on Christmas day. I'll be lucky if I even see my dad this year though, I don't even know if he still lives in Ohio. :

I hope I get to go to my dad's side though...I got so drunk last year, I can hardly remember it.

Author:  DatVu [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:19 am ]
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On every holiday, my father's family would eat a lunch together at my grandparent's, and we would leave at 2 to go to my mother's house, and we would eventually go to a relative's house to celebrate the respective holiday there, occasionally at her house. Recently, my father's family has become too large to celebrate at my grandparent's house, so we no longer do Easter or New Years together, and we rent out the kitchen and cafeteria of a Cleveland private Catholic school to feed everyone.

Christmas is much different now for that reason. With my father's family, we always do our Christmas get-together the Sunday before Christmas, since we can't rent the same place on that day. Christmas Eve is spent at my mother's mother's house, seeing my grandfather either before or after, but sometimes I don't since it's traditionally an unpleasant experience. My mother likes to have Christmas at her house, but just the immediate family. It sometimes changes when we see my father, but we try to stick to the traditional over at 2 since my stepbrothers go to their dad's in the evening.

Author:  Serpentsounds [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:50 am ]
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Krisp don't encourage our youth to behave irresponsibly! :O lol underage
Anyways, my parents have been split for about 10 years...I usually go to my mom's and dad's side of the family for christmas on the same day, the eve of.
Whether or not my dad shows up or not, I never know, but at least I get to see my cousins.

Author:  emaricaman [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:34 am ]
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ummmmm how did u get wasted but ya its kinda funny to watch my uncle mark at christmas see we r polish {we make grood vodka} and when he opens a bottle he throws the cap in the trash soooo thats a cool part of our christmas

Author:  poorcolossus [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:21 pm ]
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My mum and dad have been split for 8 years, but are at least on speaking terms. I go to my dad's for christmas, and my mum comes over.

Author:  DatVu [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:47 pm ]
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Rofl, I know no divorced couple like this. My mother can't talk on the phone with my father without swearing a lot and occasionally throwing the phone or slamming it into a wall. Anger issues. ;[

Author:  Krisp [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

DatVu wrote:
Rofl, I know no divorced couple like this. My mother can't talk on the phone with my father without swearing a lot and occasionally throwing the phone or slamming it into a wall. Anger issues. ;[

Yup, same here. My mom and dad hate each other with a passion. They can't even speak on the PHONE without cussing each other out.

emaricaman wrote:
ummmmm how did u get wasted

Use those few brain cells you have in your head to figure it out.

Author:  emaricaman [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:37 pm ]
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umm r u 21 krisp cause its not fun if u r

ya my parents hate each other too i have to deliver messages fer my mom

Author:  Serpentsounds [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:42 pm ]
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No, Krisp is only 18 and was 17 at the time...I guess she's just a party animal

Author:  Swift [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:03 pm ]
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emaricaman wrote:
umm r u 21 krisp cause its not fun if u r


you've obviously never drunk before ;) NOT THAT I'M IMPLYING YOU SHOULD, OF COURSE.

My parents are married, but my friend whose parents are divorced actually get together for Christmas, despite whatever caused them to split up in the first place.

Author:  mr.m.m.j. [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

People under 21 aren't able to legally drink in America?... wow
Where I live you can drink and do other things right after you're 18.

Anyway, my parents are separated but not divorced and they don't have any real grudges against each other. So, we can spend time with each other whenever we want including Christmas.

Author:  Flaming_Wuzzle [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:08 pm ]
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mr.m.m.j. wrote:
People under 21 aren't able to legally drink in America?

There are exceptions to that law depending upon the situation you're in. Mostly it involves your parents being there.

Author:  emaricaman [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 7:17 am ]
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i have drunk i just dident get drunk but whare do u live in witch u can drink at 18? i mean thats freakin sweet

Author:  xoxoStephie [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:22 am ]
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you can drink in canada when you're 19, and I think it's 18 in mexico. In other countries you can drink wine/beer at a pretty young age, but usually you need to be older for hard liquor.

anyhow, my parents have been divorced since I was like 3 but my dad is a butthole and I never see him anyhow lol. so basically it's christmas with my mom, and my dad might send me some lame ass gift basket from walmart as a present. I think last year I got a bunch of really really cheap makeup that came in a big plastic box.

Author:  emaricaman [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:42 am ]
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plastic is a great gift my friend got a plastic box and took his sisters hello kitty and melted the plasticv then put hello kitty in it and now we call it "hello kitty in carbonite"

Author:  Jamie [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:57 am ]
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Drinking in Canada is 19, but I think it's different in Quebec. I've drank before... But never been drunk. I don't like the taste of alcohol (except MAYBE Bailey's) and I hate what it does to you. I wouldn't like not being in total control of my actions.

My parents are together and I'm totally psyched for Final Fantasy Twel- ... ... I mean Christmas.

Author:  Marluxia [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:10 pm ]
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My parents are divorced but my dad is in prison.
So atleast you get to be with both your parents.
Yay for you!

Author:  The Fire Queen [ Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:01 pm ]
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My parents have been divorced for almost 16 years. I use to love spending christmas with my dad. Until 4 years ago when he came to live with us for 2 1/2 years. Now I don't even talk to him, & I don't want to see him this christmas, but mom is making me. :cry:

Author:  Latios [ Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:04 pm ]
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Well since we moved to Texas from colorado all I can do is call my dad.

I think I'm the only one here who is the closest to 21 and everyone else who is in middle school and stuff don't drink, krisp is a bad example. Hell I'm a bad example but we don't need to get into those details.

Author:  Alkhazor [ Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:45 pm ]
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My neighbors parents are divorced and so are my friends. Mine arent though :D The always have thier family get together and they get double gifts!

On the drinking subject...If I was sa...13...and I wanted to drink for like maybe just...1 glas...would anybody here let m e hire them to be my parents? Ill print up the legal terms... :twisted: :roll: :D :? :shock: JK!Maybe I should wait about 4 years and vacation in mexico instead :twisted: hehehe...No, Ill probrbly never drink. It really int that great. It tastes terrible! I probrablly wouldve been better off with that saprkling apple cider all those years ago... :twisted:

Moral:Kids, dont drink. If grownups are keeping somthing from you its becouse it can and will hurt you. Only you can prevent forest fires. :wink:

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