
Funny Fights
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Author:  Preblooch [ Mon Dec 18, 2006 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Funny Fights

I believe this has something to do with sports. If not then uhm.... Shazaam! "Zaps all with electricity"


Post fights you've seen in the sporting past that you think deserve recognition as a cool or funny fight.

I want to point out Carmello Anthony's fight last weekend, and the fight a few months ago with "Insert name of colledge" and FIU. What do you all think of these fights? Discuss or I will go Shazaam!! on all of you. Also, post some fights in the sporting industries and discuss them as why they were good fights.

Btw....That fight with FIU roflmao :lol:

Author:  Pokemaniac [ Mon Dec 18, 2006 6:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well the story I have to tell actually happened at school today.Anyways in Gym class we where playing BaskettBall and everyone was cheating doing double dribbles and taking forever to through the ball it was really funny basically because everyone was doing some cheating

Author:  Preblooch [ Mon Dec 18, 2006 6:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Im talking about fights as a result of Loss/Unwanted penalties/ Anger at the Ref. Not cheating.

Author:  Sneaky Sneasel [ Tue Dec 19, 2006 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny Fights

Preblooch wrote:


I want to point out Carmello Anthony's fight last weekend, and the fight a few months ago with "Insert name of colledge" and FIU. What do you all think of these fights? Discuss or I will go Shazaam!! on all of you. Also, post some fights in the sporting industries and discuss them as why they were good fights.

Btw....That fight with FIU roflmao :lol:

If you're talking about NCAA Football, it was FIU and Miami (FL). And yeah, that one was pretty good.

Also, NASCAR has had some pretty good fights and stuff, helmets have been thrown at cars, and one guy even drop kicked another car for making him crash. This was during a red flag, so the car wasn't moving.'

And there's fights in hockey all the time you know >.>

Author:  Dark_Yoshi [ Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:46 am ]
Post subject: 

I just saw a soccor fight on TSN SportsCenter. It was between Barcelona (probably spelt wrong) and another team. There were at least 100 people in it. It looked real wild, there was punching, slapping, pushing, cops with beating sticks and kicking with cleets (ouch!). But yeah, it was pretty wild. I have never seen a soccor fight as bad as that one in my life!

Anyway, Scott Thorton and Barnaby fought eachother twice in the Anaheim-Dallas game. Barnaby got a Game Misconduct on the second fight. Or it could have been the hit on Perry. :?

Author:  Latios [ Sun Dec 24, 2006 2:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Recently there have been alot of fights around the NBA. I was watching a game after the Denver Nuggets drafted Allen Iverson, and for no reason Carmelo got fouled. Since he is always the one with a bad temper he hit punched the guy who fouled him and ran to the locker room. He is currently suspended for 3 weeks.

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Fri Dec 29, 2006 9:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Latios wrote:
... watching a game after the Denver Nuggets drafted Allen Iverson, and...

The Nuggets traded for A.I. , they didn't draft him.

Anyway, My fights... Well, there was one at my elementary school once. We we in gym class, and we were playing baseball. The batter swang and the bat sliped out of his hands. It hit the third baseman in the leg, and since he wasn't looking, he thought the batter threw it. Man, that was a long fight. The gym teacher couldn't separate them, and they both got suspended. The funny thing is, this happened when I was in 4th grade. Needless to say, babeball hasn't been played there since.

As for professional fights, I thought the FUI/Miami fight was huge.

I'm also surprised there really wasn't a fight when the French soccer player (can't remember the name) headbutted the Italian guy in the World Cup finals. I expected an all-out brawl

Author:  Auzzie [ Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well i dont know if this qualifies as professional as yours,but resently at my school we were playing hockey in gym class and the 2 guyz(seperate teams) kept on pushing and shoving each other,until one of them pushed from behind the other guy into the wall and the guy had to get 7 stitchs,but thats not the point,because after school the guy took a composite hockey stick(well the guy that ended up getting stitchs did) and started beating down on the guy with the hockey stick, until some people broke it up,because it was with a hockey stick!

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