
What's Your Handwriting Like?
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Author:  Galar [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  What's Your Handwriting Like?

If you don't have a scanner or a camera, you can describe it to us or compare it to someone else's, or something. :)

Anyways, here is mine:


Now, what's your handwriting like? :o

Author:  Patchy [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

(If I can work my scanner I'll use it, my camera would make it backwards.)

Mine changes a lot. Sometimes, it's joined, others it's not, and usually it's a mix. My mom keeps nagging me to fix it, but really, it's not that bad. It's perfectly legible. Sure it might not be perfect, but compared to some people I know, it's amazing.

It used to be awful. My f's would have huge lines going through them, my g's would go too far down, and even *I* couldn't read it.

I would comment on yours, Galar, but I can't see it. :0

Author:  Kurusu Lapras [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

My handwriting is always light and hard to read. My teachers tell me to write a little darker, but I'm just used to writing it the way it is. Sometimes I write too light that I can't even read it from a distance, but it's usually easy to read once you get used to it. I've seen worse handwriting than mine.

Author:  Krisp [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?


According to the property files, I "created" that file in November of 2006, but I'm pretty sure I haven't talked to ozma since 2005. He was some douche from another forum/IRC channel and was constantly making himself a target for bashing/hate. My handwriting in the picture is my usual handwriting in real life - I know, it's really messy. >_>

Author:  Beav232 [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

Lol Toasty, how much do you hate him.

And the little P.S.: lulz

Author:  Registeel_Rocks [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

My handwriting is not very good at all. I hold my pen very oddly, so it results in this helter-skelter style of font:

As a bonus, this is a what a typical page of notes in my school notebooks look like:

Also, here is a picture of how I hold my pen:

Author:  Zombie [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

R_R, you drawded my cousins on the bottom of your page.

my handwriting is crap, in english and arabic, I can't hold the pen right, I can't hold the paper right, and I'm pretty sure of got early stages of arthritis, coz I keep cracking my knuckles.

Author:  Krisp [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

Registeel_Rocks wrote:
My handwriting is not very good at all. I hold my pen very oddly, so it results in this helter-skelter style of font:

As a bonus, this is a what a typical page of notes in my school notebooks look like:

I don't think I've legitimately laughed at something on these forums for a few months like I did at your post.

I haven't been in school for a few years, but when I was in school, heres what my notes typically looked like (and yes I still have my notebook from senior year)

Author:  Afonso [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

I'm feeling awfully humiliated here :lol:
My handwriting is horrible, almost impossible to read.
when my camera's batteries are recharged, I'll add some pics of my *roll eyes* Beautyful Writing*roll eyes*

[off-topic]OMFG, who's krisp??[/off-topic]

Author:  Krisp [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

Afonso wrote:
[off-topic]OMFG, who's krisp??[/off-topic]

some guy nobody cares about

Author:  Mega-chan [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

Sloppy. :( My cursive looks great though. :)

Author:  conman2k8 [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like? ... to0104.jpg

I had a few minutes to take a picture, only had a pencil on hand. Yes, I know, it is nearly impossible to read. I will put in the text later.

Admin edit: Please don't stretch the page - thanks! -Krisp

Edit: Sorry Krisp, I forgot how big pictures are on my camera

Author:  Patchy [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

Krisp, my writing is exactly like that. If I can work my scanner I'll show you guys, it's like, my letters like b's never connect at the bottom, I flick my a's out like a mile, I try to make my B's fancy by going around, and it usually ends up going through the rest of the letters. -_-

And my s's start in the middle of a line, and I end up squishing them in, and they look like ~'s.

I've gone back to my joined writing now though, it's neater and the letters are more or less the same each time.

Author:  Equinoxe [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

Why does everyone else have better handwriting than me? Even on the internet? D:
It's usually even more horrible if I'm tired and/or have written for a long time with no breaks.
Plus pencil equals unreadable by anyone else but me.

Bonus: what my notebooks look like if the subject is boring
Sorry for the crappy quality; I was too lazy to get downstairs and scan these. :D

Author:  lordtomato [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

Some people say my handwriting is hard to read. I dunno.

It's small and close together, script, and sometimes I join hs to es in words such as "the" and "health". Like the join between h and e will be cursiv-ized. My gs, ys, qs, and js tend to have long stems, and my lowercase ls are straight except for a sharp angle at the bottom where the pencil leaves the paper.

You could say my handwriting is messy. I'd say it's inconsistant.
but trademarks of my handwriting are longer-ish stems, small loops and os and inconsistant spacing

Also, I'm the only person I know who holds a pencil not on their index finger (most do)
but between index and middle.
hold your pen/pencil backwards in a normal hold. then swing the eraser between first and second fingers. It's a much easier hold to type with, and it puts less stress on thjat place on your middle finger where the pencil is always pressing. For me at least.

mewtwelve, that's a nice drawing. mine are usually small and not scenes like that..
And I know a girl whose handwriting is almost exactly like yours, but a little messier.

lol R_R, half life 2 ftw!

Author:  Equinoxe [ Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

lordtomato wrote:
mewtwelve, that's a nice drawing. mine are usually small and not scenes like that...

Thankees :3 I must say it was a very boring lesson. :DD

Also, I often write my notes with pretty coloured pens, not pencil, and then I manage to wipe the ink with my hand when it's not dried yet.
Result: something that's veeeery hard to read.

Author:  goldenquagsire [ Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

Krisp wrote:
I haven't been in school for a few years, but when I was in school, heres what my notes typically looked like (and yes I still have my notebook from senior year)

desu desu desu~

Suffice it to say that my handwriting is terrible. Unfortunately, my scanner appears to be kaput, so you'll have to rely on my word for it. ):

Author:  Blackwind [ Sat Feb 07, 2009 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

My handwriting used to be pretty nice. College messed it up - yes, I used to take notes in college. I grew some sense a year ago and stopped attending half the classes altogether. :P

But honestly, handwriting is overrated. I give the pen factories ten more years of activity, tops.

..."Pen factories"... does that even exist?

Author:  psynvrn [ Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

My handwriting, if I'm in rush, is a chaos.
But my friend's handwriting is much more than a chaos.
Nothing else to say. :evil: :evil:

Author:  mExCaLiBuR [ Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

Now, this is kind of weird. I feel I have 3 distinct writing styles, depending on what I use to write. Some people (actually everyone) says I write like a girl <.< And they're right... It's not my fault my parents drilled me on my penmanship over and over as a child... So meh...take a gander at these 'lil beauties: ... G00015.jpg ... 0014-1.jpg ... G00013.jpg ... G00012.jpg

EDIT: The last picture is what my handwriting looks like when it's turned into a font.
Oh, and I realize it's "BROWN fox....not just quick." And sorry about the crappy quality of the pix...

Author:  Jaguar [ Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

Mine is alot like Century Gothic font

Author:  DarkMegaMan [ Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

Here are samples of my handwriting;

When I write normal speed. ... oke001.jpg

When i write ub3r slow. ... oke003.jpg

When I write fast (note taking in school) ... oke002.jpg

Author:  DatVu [ Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

Someone will probably turn this into a link, but I'd prefer that is isn't. ;[


Author:  DragonPhoenix [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

Hello folks

I thought it'd be interesting to see other people's handwriting. I was going to make a new thread but since one already exists... was a scan from back when I was 16, it's still more or less the same though

I might scan in some of my uni notebooks, my books definitely aren't as neat as they were back then...

Author:  Edoc'sil [ Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's Your Handwriting Like?

I'll keep it short and sweet:sloppy and fast but readable.

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