I'm not a misanthrope. I don't think humanity is dumb enough to kill itself with nukes or completely deforest the planet. I don't really believe we have near the effect on climate change that we think we do, nor that the most rudimentary solutions would help...recycling trucks = twice the trucks needed to transport your garbage, is that really what we need?
The planet WILL be gone in about 500 million years because stars simply don't last forever, and everything on it will die before then, and the question there is whether or not anyone will leave in search of a new home and whether or not they have Tekkaman on the job. The sad part about that is how much of our history will inevitably be left behind unless computers by that point are pre-packaged with a massive anthology of books, movies, art, music, games, photos, and biographies of great people. We are at sort of a point where we don't like to lose anything, so maybe that idea will become reality. Just keep backing up your stuff. Don't listen to the anti-piracy guys--DRM will ERASE CENTURIES OF WORK FROM OUR LIVES IF YOU DON'T FIGHT IT
Overpopulation is a very scary thing and must be my number 1 rational fear. I don't think I'll live to see the worst of it in North America but I wish it would occur to people to lay off the sex if they can't find an empty spot on the street to sleep at night.
Nothing should be legal about
this. Not that I don't owe my existence to prolific grandparents. I'm not ashamed of each pair of my grandparents having at least five kids, I just think it's time to start slowing down. I'm the younger of two and wish to have two of my own one day and that just makes sense to me.