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Are exams good?
Yes 53%  53%  [ 10 ]
No 37%  37%  [ 7 ]
I drink urine for breakfast 11%  11%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 19

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Just a short topic here for complaining in. Last Friday, I finished my optional tests, which, in Britain, are given out every year except for SATs years. Now, I think that they are the most pointless things ever. They're supposed to measure your academic progress, but teachers can do that just by looking at your work throughout the year. So what's the point of a big test at the end of the year when everyone is fed up and bored? It's been said by a lot of people that kids are being given too many tests and exams. I agree so much. Godammit when the SATs happen next year. :(
Just rant here about crappy tests that you have/had to take, what you think of the system and what you'd rather have. Or, if you're weird, post about how much you love test!!! :shock:
Me out!!! Death to public exams!!!


Sun May 14, 2006 1:40 am
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goldenquagsire wrote:
... Last Friday, I finished my optional tests, which...

Something about this line is bothering me... And I have a hinting suspicion its because you are complaining about an exam you chose to do.

Myself, I don't mind exams. It's only when I'm about to get the results back that I'm crapping myself. Without exams, how would you be tested on what you've learnt throughout the year?

However, I HAVE had some bad exam experiences. Once, the timekeeper of my Japanese exam could not read his watch properly, and we had 15 minutes less than what we where supposed to. But it affected everyone, and we all got a massive scale-up. Another time, I forgot to turn my phone off and I GOT BUSTED. :evil: :evil: :evil: Luckily, I only got a warning, but I thought they were going to confiscate it =/

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Sun May 14, 2006 1:55 am
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I'm among the insane minority who quite likes exams, myself. I'm fairly lazy, so I don't really study all that much beforehand, and yet I always go pretty well. The worst part of any exam in my opinion is that horrible boring half hour or so at the end when me and one or two other people have finished early and we're not allowed to leave. Apart from that, exams are very much preferable to normal schoolwork - especially the study periods :)

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Sun May 14, 2006 2:58 am
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Exam conditions are not representative of your true skill.

They simply show memory and time-management. Neither of these really come in handy for practical applications of English, Maths, Science etc.

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Sun May 14, 2006 3:53 am
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I have a French final coming up on Thursday and Friday, and our PSSA's were about two months ago.

I don't mind tests. Matter of fact, I prefer taking tests over sitting and doing classwork. I don't study, and my grades are in the 'excellent' class. The PSSA's, however, were a bit different, as they give you two hours in the morning to do a section of it. It takes me about 45 minutes to do, then I have nothing to do for the rest hour and fifteen minutes... apart from sit there and stare at a blank chalkboard. (They let us bring books, but I've read the one I brought already about 5 times. I couldn't find anything else to bring.)

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Sun May 14, 2006 5:25 am
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AP Comp Sci, SAT I, 6 subject finals, ACT, SAT II. That's this year.

AP Comp Sci, AP Physics, AP English, AP Calculus, and as many as 8 subject finals. That's next year.

Is taking a test at 8am on a Saturday the best way to measure a person's skill and knowledge? Of course not. However, that's what the system in place is.


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Sun May 14, 2006 10:49 am
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DragonPhoenix wrote:
goldenquagsire wrote:
... Last Friday, I finished my optional tests, which...

Something about this line is bothering me... And I have a hinting suspicion its because you are complaining about an exam you chose to do.

They're called 'optional, because they're optional for the school. Us kids don't get one word in the matter. Oh, the irony...


Sun May 14, 2006 1:04 pm
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I have exams coming up next week or the week after that, I don't know. I <3 exams. The rules in my school are, if you fail a quarter, you must pass the exam. If you pass both quarters, you have nothing to worry about, so I don't stress myself out about them. I don't have to show up for some of the exams, so I get school off those hours.


Sun May 14, 2006 2:13 pm
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I'm like, a really good test taker, and since Honors classes' exams are 15% of the semester grade, I <3 exams. :D


Sun May 14, 2006 4:53 pm
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Exams are the only reason I graduated. It kills me to think people actually have to study for any assessment.

Retention comes from association and ingemination. Final exams, for most people, are a final reideration of what you learned, a last desperate attempt for the school to make sure you remember what they taught. The hierarchy of repetition for me was homework, quizzes, tests, midterms, and finals. But I always thought that assessments should be assessments and not another broken record learning technique, so I never studied. It showed me what I did and didn't know.

Exams are the best way to test a person's knowledge or their ability to manipulate the system, considering there really isn't another way.

Mon May 15, 2006 12:51 am
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DatVu wrote:
Exams are the best way to test a person's knowledge or their ability to manipulate the system, considering there really isn't another way.

You make a good point, but there is another way. The teachers can chart the progress made by the pupil across the couse of the year/term/whatever simply by looking at the pupil's work and general input into lessons. In Year 6, I knew someone who was very smart, but got a level 2 in their SATs (level 4 is the average expected grade for Year 6). If they had been assesed on their classwork, I'm sure that they would have got a level 4 at least. It might be harder work for the teachers and harder to invigilate, but it would be a better mark of pupil ability than cramming all the students in one hall in the beginning of Summer and force them to do long, boring tests on things that they learnt months earlier.


Mon May 15, 2006 8:03 am
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i have always been better at exams then at school work... don't know why, just am.

Mon May 15, 2006 10:01 am
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I never revise and I get good marks. So I don't mind them. I just hate finishing early then sitting there for ages staring at my pen or the old man at the front.

Exams are ok.

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Mon May 15, 2006 10:47 am
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They're called 'optional, because they're optional for the school. Us kids don't get one word in the matter. Oh, the irony...

Yep, that is true. 'Optional' shouldn't be the word. 'Forced Upon' should be the prefix.

rubypoke wrote:
I never revise and I get good marks. So I don't mind them. I just hate finishing early then sitting there for ages staring at my pen or the <s>old man</s> idiot who falls off chair at the front.
Exams are ok.

Me too ^_^

They're stupid (Eg: my French tests) when the teacher says 'Learn all vocab by tmorrow or detention!' which is pointless. It's memorising. To learn, you don't let it scrape off the top of your head, you L-E-A-R-R-R-R-R-N.

In the SATs I think I did pretty well and I only revised for Maths.

Exams are a bit nerve racking but pretty easy when you keep optimistic and don't freak out, hold your head as if it's falling off and groan.

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Mon May 15, 2006 11:31 am
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exams are really good. they polish ur knowledge and gives us degrees.and good world knowledge too.

Sat May 20, 2006 9:29 pm
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Barath, I hope on my Emerald cart that you were being sarcastic. Exams don't actually teach you anything, they just see what you've learnt. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but don't degrees normally involve essays? Finally, get four normal pupils from any random Year 9 class that has just taken their SATs, and try and tell them that tests are good! :D


Sun May 21, 2006 12:20 am
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Exams are good. They make you look smart and special and make the teachers happy they've taught you something. I love exams but I drink urine for breakfast as well. Which one to go for? Lol. Options in a poll should be independant, ie all different thoights about the same topic.

What colour is your hair?

I am an alien

Who says aliens can't have blonde hair. That would be sexy w00t.

Ok, just basic guidelines, don't go spaz liek he's on probatio ban him or anything just trying to make someone smile. I'm really paranoid now :(

Sun May 21, 2006 2:01 am
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Magic Umbreon wrote:
Exams are good. They make you look smart and special and make the teachers happy they've taught you something. I love exams but I drink urine for breakfast as well. Which one to go for? Lol. Options in a poll should be independant, ie all different thoights about the same topic.

What colour is your hair?

I am an alien

Who says aliens can't have blonde hair. That would be sexy w00t.

Ok, just basic guidelines, don't go spaz liek he's on probatio ban him or anything just trying to make someone smile. I'm really paranoid now :(

1. They don't make you look smart, etc. 'cause the good teachers actually know how smart you are from how you've done in their classes.

2. It's called "a joke".

3. The last paragraph. English translation please?


Sun May 21, 2006 2:05 am
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I'm currently in the middle of my set of AS levels.

I not exactly a big supporter of exams, I don't need any more stress than normal : /
Especially if the exams happen to be General Studies, the single most pointless subject there is, that's compulsary even though I'm doing non-compulsary education. The unis don't even count it as an Alevel, it's just that pointless.

I don't mind the study leave though. Many months of doing nothing at all with the odd exam scattered about. It's like a little slice of heaven.

Stop reading my signature & get a job.

Sun May 21, 2006 4:02 am
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Exams!!! :cry: Eh, they are horrible.

I'm having my science exam on June 4th. But my doggone science teacher will give us the exam review sheet on May 27th. That sucks. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Sun May 21, 2006 9:50 am
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rubypoke wrote:
I never revise and I get good marks. So I don't mind them. I just hate finishing early then sitting there for ages staring at my pen or the old man at the front.

Exams are ok.

Same here.
Me, I'm the lazy type who doesn't study also. Though I always pass my exams. Gifted child I am [/Yoda-Like]. (I have asbergers (spelling) syndrome.)

Sun May 21, 2006 10:16 am
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Cal wrote:
rubypoke wrote:
I never revise and I get good marks. So I don't mind them. I just hate finishing early then sitting there for ages staring at my pen or the old man at the front.

Exams are ok.

Same here.
Me, I'm the lazy type who doesn't study also. Though I always pass my exams. Gifted child I am [/Yoda-Like]. (I have asbergers (spelling) syndrome.)

Meh. The only kid in my class who revised for our optional tests was a girl who could have probably passed the tests whithout revising, knowing or even doing the tests! Oh, and it's Asperger's Syndrome. Ever read "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time"?


Sun May 21, 2006 10:20 am
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Goldenquagsire wrote:
"The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time"?

My brother has, but I'm too lazy to read it. Plus, I'm addicted to the Internet, and I really wish I wasn't. (Because I can't get to play Pokemon anymore, if I try, I get bored and then get magnetised to the computer :( )


My brother usually passes his exams I think, though he failed 1 this year (I think), however, he hated the subject anyway so, he doesn't give a Flygon (Lol).

Sun May 21, 2006 10:30 am
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Believe it or not, my grade is always on the boarder line between an "A" and an "F".

How does that work you ask? Well, at my school, if you don't do at least 50% of your homework, you automatically fail the class. And I only do about 50% while my test scores are very high.

I personally like tests, because that is where my grade comes from. I would prefer taking more tests than doing homework, since most of the homework is just repeats and wastes time.

My logic is, I rather spend time studying, take the test and see what I need to improve, than doing tons of homework and not learn anything.


Sun May 21, 2006 2:21 pm
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:) I don't have any exams. I am out already

I have become a little more shy since my last visit.

Sun May 21, 2006 3:32 pm
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