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Author:  Jigglypuff [ Wed May 03, 2006 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Dreams

No, not the dreams you have at night, dreams you have for your life. And no, not the shallow ones like "ZOMG I WANT HAWT GF!" or "I want a PS3/360/Wii" either. I want to talk about real, serious dreams, ambitions you all have for your lives.

And I'll start with mine. I'd be a liar if I said there was anything other than this that I want more at this point in my life:
You probably don't know what that is. It's the Stata Center at MIT, the hub of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence fields, among others. Hopefully at least some of you are familliar with MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It's one of the world leaders in math/science/engineering, and it's my dream to go to college there.

MIT has long been home to some of the world's brightest minds and greatest inventors. Back in 2002, MIT completed a project that all geeks like me know about: human touch online. They actually managed to transmit physical human interaction over the internet. The thought of being in the same place as the minds who were behind that is incredible to me.

I honestly don't know if I'll ever make it to MIT. My region of the country represents the lowest percentage of MIT students. I honestly can't afford it without a significant scholarship or a lot of student loans. I honestly don't know if I'm smart enough to generate the numbers they're looking for. The odds certainly aren't in my favor.

But this is something I'm not going to give up on. Even if I don't make it, my desire to try will make me a better person in the end. I'm sitting here next to a big packet MIT's sent me.. that means I've got my foot in the door, and now I have to wonder if their entire student body would be enough to force me back out. It's enough to keep me dreaming, at the very least. And, as long as I have a dream, I'll find a way.

So that's my story. What's yours? What is it that you dream for in your life? What is it that drives you on into your future?

Author:  goldenquagsire [ Wed May 03, 2006 11:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

*sighs* I have but three dreams:

1. I want to get a degree in Archeology and History. Ever since I was in Nursery, I've loved History, possibly due to my Grandparents and their similar love of History. I'd be happy if I could get that degree. Sady, a career in History is like any art. Low-paid and unappreciated. Seriously, in my school, I must be something like the only guy to like History, even though History is often the subject with the most debates and videos. So, I've got a feeling that I'll never get a job in that area, simply because it pays badly. *sighs at the modern world's contempt at the fine arts*

2. To keep learning the clarinet until I have acheived the highest level of ability. This will take some time, as I'm not even Grade 1 yet... Still, Music is a talent that runs in my family, so I might have a slightly better chance with this dream than the above.

3. Learn how to use loads of advanced computer programs, like simple game-coding devices and image editors. No, I'm being serious! I want to follow in my father's footsteps, and go further into the realms of computing.

These are my hopes, pathetic as they are.

Author:  rubypoke [ Wed May 03, 2006 11:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jigglypuff, just be confident. I was confident at my first kickboxing tournament, thinking 'Im gonna kick butt, im gonna kick butt.' And I came 2nd in Semi-Contact and 3rd in Continuous. Not too bad for my first comp. So just hope and stuff like that. ;) That building looks amazing though.

My dreams in life...

1. To be able to get all A*s/A's or B's in my GCSE grades in two years, or maybe I get a mark at the end of next year. Meh. I knwo I have an A or A* guranteed in French, mainly as Madamn Mawhinney told me. ^_^ Business studies, if I do it I may get a B. Digital App, well, computers and websites so, A hopefully. Music, Miss said an A if I put my mind to it. And then the other non choosable lessons I have to do thing. English etc.

2. To get Blackbelt in kickboxing by the end of next year and get Gold before my birthday next year in Semi-Contact. Stupid Toby lanky boy.

3. To go to all the places ive been wanting to go to.
France (Been, but I would like to go again and again.)
Majorca (Same as France.)
Prague (Same.)
Florida (Same.)
Japan (Oh how much id like to go to Tokyo ^_^)
Australia (Meet people, try to see a Kanga.)
Germany (If I ever learn German i'd like to go as its a very clean place apparently...)

4. Meet a girl that feels what I feel, but im not going in to any of it. ^_^

I dont look so deep and so far into life. I look into big things coming up or little details when im older.

Author:  Flarey [ Thu May 04, 2006 12:32 am ]
Post subject: 

I've never thought that I had a dream, or anything. I had no idea, no little imaginations about what I wanted to do as a career when I was little. I've got no big universety, musical career or sport to excel in. I'm never been the most ambitious.

Lately I've realized that I did have a dream. Well, sort of. It may not seem it to you guys, but I want to be just like my parents. My dad's a genius with everything technological - he builds computers for fun, he can fix anything. I want to learn those skills, be like him. My mom's the coolest mom I know, and she's amazing at what she does. She never gives up, while I seem to give up at anything when I get sick of it. She's a teacher, just like I want to be, and I hope that when I become a teacher I can teach people as well as she does, and still be their friend. I want to be like my parents, which is no easy achievement. But hey, I can try.

And.. a bit of a crazy one, but it's gone in and out of my mind for ages. People have heard me say that I want it, then that I wouldn't want it for anything. Deep down, I still believe that in this stage in my life, the biggest honor imaginable would be to be a Moderator of my favourite site - of Psypoke. That's my crazy dream :wink:

And yet, funnily enough, these seem amazingly trivial compared to some people's ambitions...

Author:  Cal [ Thu May 04, 2006 4:50 am ]
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Nothing too much, but I guess these are them:

1. Getting a good job, and basically passing most of my exams and learning lots of things about technology and advanced systems.

2. Umm... Helping animals. I care for them more than people. (People are animals though... Meh evil ones anyway :P )

So that's them... Pretty basic.

Author:  daveshan [ Thu May 04, 2006 5:12 am ]
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Author:  Blackwind [ Thu May 04, 2006 9:56 am ]
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Oh, you'd get sick of immortality awfully soon, I assure you.

I don't dream all that much. I see what shows up and grab it if I want to. Although, the best things that ever happened to me... I didn't do a damn thing to deserve them. :oops:

But if I'm entitled to have a dream, despite being as happy as someone in a wheelchair can be, I'd like to walk again; I have a lot of catching up to do, especially in sports; hopefully I will someday. And I'd like to have a decent eyesight again, too, but that's unlikely.

Professional future... I want to be a doctor, but it's very hard over here. And I can't tell if it really is a dream. At 17 years of age, I doubt I can tell for sure what do I want to do for the rest of my life.

And I'd love to be able to make it up to my girlfriend for these last months, in which she has had to date and hang around with a crippled guy.

Author:  goldenquagsire [ Thu May 04, 2006 11:20 am ]
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Blackwind wrote:
And I'd love to be able to make it up to my girlfriend for these last months, in which she has had to date and hang around with a crippled guy.

I don't think that she would care at all if you're disabled. If it's love, then she wouldn't care about that sort of thing at all. Besides, who actually considers hanging around with a wheelchair-bound person 'uncool', apart from idiots and bigots? Anyway, you should be very happy that you got a girlfriend. Good luck with the doctor thing. There aren't enough doctors these days.

Author:  Gardevoir1313 [ Thu May 04, 2006 2:27 pm ]
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Hm. Never really thought of it. Lol, my dreams change every month or so, but here's the ones I have at the moment:

Survive high school
Get better at math (It's my worst subject; that's why I'm taking Pre-Alg this year)
Figure out a career :oops:

My 'professional dream-thingy' is to go into medicine (maybe Psychiatry/Psychology/whatever)

Author:  2x4b [ Thu May 04, 2006 2:57 pm ]
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[color=blueviolet]Well I've always wanted to got to Japan, but with the

Author:  Chikorita [ Thu May 04, 2006 4:52 pm ]
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Hm... my dream?

Get a novel published / work with a professional stage crew. That's all, really. I just want to keep going with my passions: creative writing and stage crew. And not end up working in some stuffy, miserable office.

Author:  Pimm [ Thu May 04, 2006 5:04 pm ]
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I guess my big dream having all the time in the world to make music.

As you might or might not know, I rap, I write songs and I produce beats. My perfect life would be being able to make, record and publish a lot of song, but also helping other (new) artists no their way to succes.
Currently I have less time to put into music because of school, and if I don't get succes before I graduate I will have even less time because of my future job. That's why I want to make money out of the music I make. Not to get rich (I don't really care), but to be able to live without another job so I have lots of time.

Yup, that's my dream.

Author:  R2Breathe_fan [ Thu May 04, 2006 6:13 pm ]
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I've had three main goals in my life and I plan to follow them through, no matter what:
    To be a Video Game Developer and see the world
    Be truely appreciated for my singing voice instead of criticized for "overpowering"
    Be a successful writer and prove that even teenagers have true potential, just never enough encouragement.

Say all you like about me. That my goals seem out of reach or that maybe I'm not good enough. But it's the fact I'm willing to risk EVERYTHING that has made me who I am worth trying.

Author:  Darth DLA [ Thu May 04, 2006 8:20 pm ]
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My dream:

Ever since I was like, 3, I've been interested in anything and everything that flies. I've tryed interesting myself in software desing, but it didn't work out. I esspecialy want to Fly helicopters. my plan is to join the army so they'll pay to teach me. it won't be easy, I currently have glasses, The army doesn't let people with glasses fly. Only till just recently did the US army athorize lazer surgery. after serving in the military I want to get a small prop plane and fly for enjoyment, and teach others to fly.

Author:  Aranor [ Fri May 05, 2006 12:02 am ]
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well as a much younger person i figured out that my 3 main dreams where:

1. Get Taller

thats worked out fairly well :) im 6'3"

2. Get Smarter (and be able to join in "grown up" conversations)

worked out well too, im no genious but i can hold my own in a battle of wits :)

3. Have a family

Heres where things get tricky.
In November '05 i was diagnosed with testicular cancer, which presented as a germ cell tumor in my chest (approx. 7" wide) that was pushing my heart down and crushing my right lung against my ribs.

I've received a lot of treatment for it, and im havin surgery to remove it on the 25th (yay!)

But the bad news is, because of the nature of my cancer (even though its completely curable) i wont be able to have kids, so that sucks.

Career wise i've never really had any idea what i've wanted to do, but since i got diagnosed (i had thought about it a bit before) i've come to the conclusion that im going to be a counsellor :) and i'll go to Uni when im all better

Author:  Tesseract [ Fri May 05, 2006 4:27 am ]
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I want to become a video gaem coder, and i want to build my very own castle.... in colorado..... and no im not kidding, i seriously do.

IT'S GOIN TO BE GINORMAS!!!! WITH BLACK ROCKS AS THE FOUNDATION AND SUCH! it's gonna roxxors my nonexxistant boxxors.

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Fri May 05, 2006 6:37 am ]
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I don't really have a "dream", but I guess I do have some sort of plan for my future. I'm going to complete college this year, and I'll spend the next two years serving the army. After completing National Service, I'll be heading off for university (hopefully), where I hope to study Pharmacy, Medicine, or perhaps a course related to the Life Sciences. Then I'm off to pursue a career, start a family... Yeah, I'll be content with all these =)

Author:  Tom [ Fri May 05, 2006 8:41 am ]
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Typcial of many young men, I'd like to be the singer in a rock band.

Author:  Sneasel 2 [ Sat May 06, 2006 1:05 pm ]
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I want to be:
An auther
An illustrater. (For my books and other peoples.)
And of course the first person to bring nintendo events to england :lol:

Author:  Sneaky Sneasel [ Sat May 06, 2006 1:45 pm ]
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Sneasel 2 wrote:
I want to be:
An auther

To be an author, you must first learn to spell it correctly.

Author:  bobashotmace [ Sun May 07, 2006 2:53 pm ]
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Well, 2 very different paths, one, get a job in game development at nintendo (was atari but that was when they were still atari, not infogames) or become a pro boxer and step into the ring with ________ (enter name of whoever will be the big one, was iron mike but as he's now an ear biting retired convicted rapist in his '40s (I think) I'd pass on that one now)

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