
Favorite Animal
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Author:  Miasma [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Favorite Animal

I checked the first two or three pages and didn't find a topic like this, although it probably exists farther back in the Forum. If that is the case, well, all I can say is that the original has obviously been dead for a while, so I am reincarnating it here if there aren't any objections.

The title is self explainatory. What is your favorite animal and why?

My favorite animal is the wolf. They are strong, magestic, and are sacred to my religion. It is also my totem animal (or spirit guide, whatever you want to call it) so I feel a strong spiritual connection to lupine energy. You should see my room. It's all wolves. Also, one of my favorite Egyptian dieties, Osiris, is often depicted in relation with wolves.

Author:  Tenraikatana [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite Animal

Miasma wrote:

My favorite animal is the wolf. They are strong, magestic, and are sacred to my religion

I love wolfs as well even though i don't know exacly why. I like the glow of theire eyes and they represent wisdom and power( not where i live. Here they represent evil and stuff like that, even though it's rubbish).

And you mentioned that it was sacred in your religion. Can you please tell me waht religion is it. Animistic, totemic?

Author:  Miasma [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 1:11 am ]
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(**sigh**) okay, a little off topic, but I'll answer this and we can get back on track. (I really don't want to get this locked...)

My religion is Paganism. NOT Satanism...that's those other guys.

We believe in living in harmony with ourselves and nature, as well as with each other.

Since wolves are a totem animal in Paganism (sort of like a zodiac sign, but a bit more intrapersonal than that...) they are considered sacred, along with the deer, bear, hare, and many more that I can't even remember right now.

Simple enough?

(If you want to know more about it, feel free to PM me instead of posting here. I'll be happy to (and would rather) answer any questions you might have through PM, because like I said, I really don't want to get this locked for being off topic.)

Author:  Miltank_94 [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:29 am ]
Post subject: 

My favorite animal is a cow because I like to drink milk. :D

My secound favorite would have to be a panda because pandas are greatly in danger these days and are almost extinct just like what is written in Lapras's pokedex information. :)

Author:  goldenquagsire [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Hard question! The shortlist is:

1. Lizards (They're the closest things to Dinosaurs that are alive today)

2. Cats (You gotta' love 'em!)

3. Eagles (So magestic, so elegant)

4. Dogs (My uncle's dog, specifically. It died this year. :cry: )

5. Dolphins (Dolphin haters are EVIL!)

6. Monkeys (God, they're just so cute!)

Basically, any of those.

Author:  Birdknight [ Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:54 pm ]
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i thought birds were the closest thing to dinosaurs?

any way my favorite animals are cats.

theyre just so darn cute :D

Author:  Gardevoir1313 [ Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:09 pm ]
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1 - Raven (Something about this bird... ooh.)
2 - Wolf (Majestic and just awesome.)
3 - Hawk/Heron (Hawks are powerful and Herons are elegant.)
4 - Ocelot (They just look cute ^.^)
5 - Fennel fox (Cuteness ^.^)
6 - Tuatara (I think I spelled it right... they're an ancient lizard species. They're cool imo)

Author:  JsXtm [ Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:18 pm ]
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Totally Cats. Hamsters are cool too; I have a hamster, but I don't have a cat, because I'm alergic to them.

Author:  Valentine [ Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:34 pm ]
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Snow leopards and dogs rule. I also have other favorites:
1.Snakes (slither...)
2.Cats (there is no reason not to like 'em!)
3.Wolves (pretty much anything that howls I like)
4.Lemurs (especially the ring-tailed lemur)
5.Foosa (real animal, gosh, I've never seen one in an atlas)
I love milk, but I'm a little afraid of cows. I don't know why...

Author:  gibbler23 [ Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:29 am ]
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Cats becuase they have evolved from some of the most viscious hunters known to man.

Author:  Galar [ Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:36 pm ]
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{persian} I love big cats, those wild felines. Tigers, lions, cheetas, leopards, the list goes on. They are so imponent, and elegant, the greatests of all predators. They move in such a smooth way, and I love the way they are incredibly skilled and agile. They have this sort of air of superiority, and their cubs are simply the cutest thing ever. There is this Animal Planet show that I love, "Big Cats Diary", where they, well, show lions, leopards and cheetas living their lives, and it is so interesting.

{mightyena} Wolves and most canines also attract me. I don't know why they have such an appeal. I think they are beautiful, loyal and most wild dogs, such as the african dogs and wolves know how to keep their pack organized with a hierarchy system that is very interesting. They are both intimidating and appealing at the same time. Too bad they are usually always villains of stories, but nowadays this has changed somehow. Oh, and I specially love foxes, because they are so sneaky and cute. Miasma pointed out Mythology: well, my favorite of all Gods is Anubis, the one with the jackal head.

{rapidash} I've always admired horses as well, since I was very young, I've always wanted to have one. Those are beautiful creatures, inspirers of legends, magnificent. Their movements are somehow beautiful to witness: when I see a horse running free and wild I always think of freedom and dreams, and the animal always seems to me that it is about to take flight. Rapidash is one of my favorite Pok

Author:  PKMN_trainer [ Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:25 pm ]
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My favorite animal... crocodiles and alligators. I like how they show no emotion at all, no pity for their prey...

Author:  Harris [ Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:09 pm ]
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in order

3-Sled dogs
4- black cats
5- lizards
6- something evil

Author:  Tony Montana [ Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:30 pm ]
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Cats from the small ouse cats to the big ferocious lions I love 'em all they're so fst and smart. I'm off to bed CYA!

Author:  MoonGale [ Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:15 pm ]
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6. Killer Whales/Orcas. Who hates Shamu?! XD
5. Chickens. They rock. What? 0_o
4. HOrses. The fast and elegant beasts of burden.
3. American Kestrels. THose small birds of prey are gorgeus!
2. THe majestic wolf.

1. ...*drumroll* ... DUCKS! Adorable ducks! THey swim, fly, and walk on land...are faster than cheetahs in the air(80 mph for a Grreen/Blue Winged Teal..)..and downright sweet and adorable! I had two for pets! ^^

Author:  Deathseeker [ Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:24 pm ]
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My fav. is Cheetah and my the other ones I like are:
And many more...


Author:  HydroWater [ Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:31 pm ]
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Here are a few:

1. Sharks
2. Llamas
3. Pelicans
4. Snakes
5. Dolphins

Author:  Holifax [ Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:03 pm ]
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I have studied animals all my life and can probably name most genus species.

Most of the animals I like are uncommon and rarely heard of but I could share a few.

Fennec Fox


Snow Leopard




You may know some of those but the others very uncommon.

Here are some that I love that we all know.

Jamaican Fruit Bat


Great White Shark




One last picture and/.....

The Macaw/Parrot


Here is a list of other animals I like.

Giant Anteater
Asian Sloth Bear
Aruba Island rattlesnake
Wild Mustang/Horse
Vampire Bat

Most animals that I like are from The Caribbean/South Amarican seas and jungles.

Such as....

Green Anaconda
Macaw (Of course)
All Parrots
Nurse Sharks
Black tips
Reef Squid

If your interested you can PM me and I can explain some more and answer any animal related questions.

Author:  champion kie [ Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:24 pm ]
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i like gecko's...or wolfes too

Author:  Silverwing [ Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:07 pm ]
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Anything that cute, which is probably almost every single animal out there. But I like cats above anything. Polar bears and whales come after that.

Author:  Mega_Horn [ Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:21 pm ]
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<img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">

thats my fav. animal! :mrgreen:


Author:  Miasma [ Sun Jul 02, 2006 10:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't really know why, but Mega_Horn's pic only shows up on my PC when I go to post a reply, so for those of you who can't see it, it's a picture of the Gieco Gecko. :wink:

Author:  super isyou [ Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:57 pm ]
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my favorite animal is a cat because i love them theyre so cute!! (and if youre wondering why i dont like dogs ,look at my gender, i had a bad experince with one a long time ago.....) :cry:

Author:  Cal [ Sat Jul 08, 2006 3:57 pm ]
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Favourite animal??? EVERY animal. (Except for the human.)
I especially like alligators, elephants, whales and dolphins. Meh frogs are cool too. :P

Author:  Groudon King [ Sat Jul 08, 2006 4:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Favorite animal is the dog. Man's best friend and always will be. Lizards would be my second favorite. What, with the scales and all.

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