TESTING is when you change your signature or avatar, and want to make sure it works.
ADVERTISING is when you say "I have/found a really cool site. Check it out [,please]!"
It is NOT when you say "I want a different rank, so here's my first of the 10 posts needed to get that rank.." and then reply 9 more times.. Your post will be deleted, and it will be recommended that your postcount be reduced by TWICE what you padded, and possibly even a
temporary ban. THIS:
http://psypokes.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=355 will get me VERY mad, and will get you in a LOT of trouble.
I hope you don't make me have to elaborate on this... that would make me mad, and I don't like being mad...
_________________latina mortua lingua est // ud mortua ud ea possit
prima meas ancestras necavit // et nunc me necat