
The Tall Grass Text RPG, reconstructed and rebooted!
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Author:  Kipper [ Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  The Tall Grass Text RPG, reconstructed and rebooted!

I once was the Admin of the Tall Grass forums, but with work stuff I wasn't able to keep track of it all; now that I'm practically the manager, and the senior technician at my place of work, I have more of a hold on things.

So! I've spent the last 48 hours totally reconstructing the forums into a full-on Text RPG, rather than just another Pokémon forum.

So if you like RP, and you want to start a fresh journey with lots to do and help build up a new community; the Tall Grass Pokémon Text RPG is the place for you!


Click the image to go to the forums!

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