
Important Announcement!
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Author:  Krisp [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Important Announcement!

Alright, Lately, I've been seeing alot of this. First of all, there are WAY TOO MANY FF THREADS. I love FF as much as the next person, but come on. There are TOO MANY. Please limit Final Fantasy threads to three at a time. Once one has died (not been posted in for a month), you may make another. This goes for all other games, not just Final Fantasy. (There are currently four recent FF threads, but I locked one of them.)

Also, if someone needs help and or advice with a game, DO NOT GIVE THEM FALSE INFORMATION. This doesn't even need to be an advice/help situation. Claiming you have (and it is false) information about a game will not be tolerated any longer.

Failure to follow these rules shall result in a warning via PM and post(s) deleted.

Author:  Psycho4Ever [ Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Important Announcement!

I don`t really care because all the games i really like are not in the threads. maybe i should start one

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