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 Pokemon Islands: Fire Island 
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Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Ranger

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Note: Note that when I pesonally talk, my words are in red.
Okay. I am going to make my own story, just typing anything I think. Now, I want all of you to Politely rate this- No Simon Cal......You know. As sNOwBAll said,
Snowy wrote:
~DO NOT blatantly criticize someone's fan fiction or flame the person if you find that you do not like it. If you have to criticize anything, do it constructively, meaning you have to justify your comments, and, if possible, provide suitable advise.

Thank You.

Ash and his friends continue their adventure on Fire Island with thier friends John and Michael. In thier last adventure, they made thier way to Fire Island on Ashs Lapras. John had found and captured a wild Numel that was hiding in the bushes. The Numel had been trailing them and givin Misty the creeps. Now, hey walk on the worn path down to Inferno Mountain.
There is said to be rare fire pokemon near there...Wild Charmander with grown up Charizard, rare Magby and Magmar, and tough fighting Blaziken. All fire Pokemon are said to be found here, and some talk of a legendary.
Meanwhile, Ash and Misty are arguing about why they are there.
"This is a rare chance of catching some cool Fire Pokemon, Misty! I just gotta get one of those Torchic! Right, Pikachu?"
The yellow Pokemon nods it head and adds "Pika!"
Misty rolls her eyes and snaps, "Ash! There's only fire Pokemon here! I can't catch anything!"
[red]Here we go again![/red]
Ash scrolls and mutters to Pikachu, "Man, she needs to get a life."
Misty fliches and roars, "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!!
This time Ash flinches, and says his words carefully, "I saaiid, we'll Visit Water Island next. It's not my fault that you chose to be a water trainer.
Brock shakes his head while he studies the Area around them. "Guys! Shhh! I hear something." He drops down to all fours and studies a dropping somthing left....
"AHHHHHH! Run! Stampede!"
A herd of Ponyta and Rapidash were grazing in the feild beside them, and then got spooked by Ash and Misty's arguing. They start charging toward them and everybody runs. They all scatter and climb tall trees, in hope that the herd would not break the trees down. They stay in the tree's for about five minutes beforethe herd disappears down the hill.
"Wow, that was a large herd. Did you see the size of the adult Rapidash?! They were the largest I've ever seen!" Brock kneals down to study the hoof prints.
"Yeah, that was close Brock," John replied. "We owe you now."
Brock smirks and looks at Ash and Misty. "You know Ash, you could have gotten a Rapidash if you stopped bickering. But, no. You have to go around arguing." He stops smiling and frowns. "Michael, what is that?"
Michael holds in his hand a Pokeball. He looks down at it like it was a heavy stone. "It's a Pokemon...the first one I've ever caught. The only other Pokemon I have is a Charizard that grew up with me after I went to the Charizard Breeding grounds when I was small. My father, Richard, caught the Charmander for me and told me to take care of it. I only use him in battle when I really need to. I don't like to hurt him."
Misty looks around to make sure there wern't any more herds. "What Pokemon is it, Michael?"
Michael frowns. It is a young Ponyta.
Got to go! This will continue! C ya! ~CD

Last edited by CHARZARDRAKE on Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:22 am, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:41 pm
Pokemon Master
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If you don't have time to finish, copy and paste it on to MS word or someother writing program and finish it later.

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^Image by dragoni_slayer2014^

Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:15 pm
Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
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so far so good, pretty clean I guess


Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:06 am
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