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 Grass VS. Fire (former Treeckos VS. Blazikens) 

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 Grass VS. Fire (former Treeckos VS. Blazikens) 
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Bug Catcher
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aww. i <3 {treecko} i had one as a starter. its a lv 100 skeptile(most likley a spelling error in there) that is virtually unbeatable, unless u use a fire blast atack on it. :P

mew pwns. coppy and paste this if u aggree.

<img src="" border="0" title="Take the quiz at VN!"></a>

Thu May 03, 2007 5:45 pm
Fails at life
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well you forgot the rating...

Chapter 6:Wounded Trust (Part 2)
"Stop crying!"Charmander hissed at the Cyndquil above him. But the tears kept fallingdown and down.
"Where is Chimchar? Or Turtwig and Chikorita?" Cyndaquil would ask.
And at the same time Charmander would think "where is Torchic?"
Then they saw a shadoow.It had arms... and legs.And then a scream peirced
the jail cell as a............................Chimchar rounded the corner.
"That is the Charzard giving prisoners a scare." It told the bewildred starters.
Just then another scream peirced the air as a.................................Hopip turned the corner.No wait, a Torchic diguised as a Hopip turned the corner.
"How would that disguise help you get around here?" Charmander asked Torrchic."You are pretendikng to be a grass pokemon."
"I don't know."Torchic sayed."They just didn't hurt me."
Then Torchic tried to open the lock on Charmanders chains.
"They won't budge!"Torchic said
"Let me try."Chimchar said,going over.They heard a click and let Charmander do the rest.
"Cydaquil isn't trapped in chains,she is trapped in BLOCKS!"Chimchar exclaimed.
"Then I'll just Scratch them open!"Torchic said going over to help.
When Cyndaquil and Charmander were free,they all decided to look for their friends.
But they didn't notice that one of the block pieces had atrackted the chief of police to the sene.
"Hey! Your alive!GET THEM!The chief shouted sending the officers after them.

Sat May 05, 2007 12:36 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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I haven't forgotten anyone Treecko, the reason I didn't add DNA is because I haven't read enough of his story to make that kind of judgement. Oh, and did you notice your story's sudden drop in popularity...hmm I wonder why.

No, I didn't even bother reading your chapter, I happen to be in a good mood and I don't feel like ruining it right now. I'm posting because of your "author's note." The 'rating' system that is SO popular on this site irritates me to no end. Why? Well...

Disscussion Thread, Crimson wrote:
I really hate the 'grading' thing that is so popular on this forum. Writing and art work are so subjective I don't feel it's appropriate in the least to 'grade' any of it, especially on a site like this.

There is no doubt that as humans we pass judgement on things constantly, intentionally or not. But 'grading' things as subjective as writing isn't appropriate. Using words to express your opinion is so much more powerful. If you're writing use words to express how you felt about what you read. If you adored something express it as such. If you abhored another express it again. Widening one's vocabulary is so important, and being able to articulate your thoughts and emotions are just as important if not more so. By using words to communicate how you felt about a composition or part of it then you are improving as a writer yourself. This is partially why I stress not using chat speak so much. You would be amazed how much you improve if you force yourself to keep working and trying to improve. It takes constant effort and can be extremely irritating at times but the reward is priceless when you look back to where you were in comparison to where you are.

Try listening to us, and you may be surprised by the results. We're posting for your benefit, which will benefit us in the end. And you know all these long posts I end up typing and posting? I'm not making them for my own benefit, I do have other things to do. If someone puts the effort into a decent post, try listening they may actually know what they're talking about.

Link changed to my library.

Sat May 05, 2007 5:32 pm
Fails at life
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Well thanks ~Crimson~ for insulting me beond extent.And you can't even take the time to read the best storys(The Epic of Torchic is what i mean)
That just ruind my good mood so could you please just give me my cons(because there aren't any pros) and suck up the fact that some people like ratings

Tue May 08, 2007 12:45 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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My name is Crimson not ~Crimson~, I even had Krisp change it so people would stop calling me that. I don't doubt that The Epic of Torchic is good. I never said that it wasn't. But, I have many things happening in my life that do not include the internet. None of which I need to go into detail for you. Out of curiosity how many stories have you read and commented on? DNA has very few issues, his skills will develop over time as he improves. I prefer to comment on technical issues such as grammar, spelling, lack of detail, etc. DNA does not appear to have any of these issues, and the third issue can be developed more over time and he is certainly well on his way.

I try to comment on everything I read or scan, it's only fair to the author. My lack of comments within his thread means there is very little that I feel needs immediate work. Do not even think of telling me I come here and do not post my fair share. I choose to focus on writers who are newer and need more immediate guidance. It is no insult to anyone, it is simply the skill at which you are at. I check nearly every story every chance I can. It is by no means a lack of effort on my part.

Insult you? Hardly, I could always be much worse. But, then I would be going against my own scrupples and would never be able to forgive myself for it. Think of it this way, I'm not telling you to stop writing. I'm still giving you advice, different ways to look at things, and still want you to improve.

Let me ask you, from ratings do you understand why you got certain scores? No, it's an overal number that won't help you at all. The rating system wouldn't be so bad if more people would post suggestions and reasoning behind the score instead of going "OMG 10/10" when there are tons of things that can be improved.

Yes I'm rude, heck everyone here knows it. It's no surprise to anyone. May I remind you that at the beginning everyone was being kind to you with their comments, even me. It's not our fault you chose to not listen to them. And it's not our fault you can't accept your faults. You can complain about being in a bad mood all you want, it doesn't bother me in the least. You have a lot to grow, maturity wise and skill wise. The more you hold back, the less fun you'll have. None of the advice has changed throughout your story, doesn't that point something out to you?

And there is still one pro. I'm the only one, from all the others that had been involved in your story at the beginning, who is still posting in your story that has been trying to get you to improve. I could give up, would you like that? Would you like to be considered a hopeless noob with no hope of improving because that can be easily arranged.

Link changed to my library.

Tue May 08, 2007 1:37 pm
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Sheesh, Treeckomaster, keep a lid on that temper of yours, will ya? Just by me reading that last post, I've lost faith (but not completely) in your writing abilities. Look, we're just trying to give you advice to help you write better for the future, but instead you have to stoop to blowing up and "spazzing out" on everybody just for being a critic. Being a critic is not a bad thing, as the word 'criticism' implies; rather it is just a professional in the field offering advice to novice writers - no, any writer to get better, to make an overall better work. I mean, I must admit I do have temper issues, but I've never blown my top just because someone gives me advice about something I'm not doing. I tell you this, not as a critic, but as a friend.

And once again Crimson is right, in every sense of the word. Reading her post in conjunction with yours had made me absolutely speechless. (I read her post about 4 hours ago.) And reading what she said, it gives me confidence that I'm at least decent. She isn't "nice" per se, but she's also not insulting - a perfect medium in the critic field, or so I am concerned.



Tue May 08, 2007 6:31 pm
Fails at life
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From now on, I will do what I should have done ever since Chapter 1...Write to impress myself,not Psypokes.Oh, and Crimson,I am sorry.

Chapter 7:Sizing up...up....up...and up.(to a Wurmple)

Treecko knew that they couldn't keep running,so he jumped.
Bulbasaur knew he couldn't keep running so he vine whipped up.
Turtwig and Chikorita dug away.
The mob followed Turtwig.
Now this would usually be one of those stupid chases all around town but Celebi put a stop to it.Celebi went back in time and told Diagla to take us back to the start,so thats where we are...

The Fire territory was up ahead and Treecko grabbed the others and went into the labbrinth of volcanos.No one followed.
"They're dead meat." one mob member said.
That night the group rested,thinking they would be lucky to get some sleep.But one by one they drifted off.But Chikorita snapped wide awake,to be face to face with a Ninetales.But it didn't hurt her,it just offered her a berry bag,filled to the brim with juicy berries.
"Th-Thank you."Chikorita stammered,not knowing what to say.
"You and your friends take a bite out of them in the morning."Ninetales said softly.
So they did and then a white gloiw filled the maze,a power soared and they changed into stronger forms.
"What happened!"Grovyle cried,full of wonder.
"You evolved."Ninetales said calmly.
"I feel stronger."Grotle said, knocking his shell.
"So,Ninetales do you..."Ivysaur started.
But Ninetales wasn't their,he or she was gone.
"Well we better get going."Grovyle started again.
"But I wanted to know if you wanted to give this group a name." Grotle said excitedly.
So they decided to call themselves team... PokemonFLASH.
"We need a leader."Bayleef said suddenly.
"How about Grovyle?"Ivysaur suggested.
And they voted and the scores all pointed to Grovyle being their leader.
So they just exitted the maze to find the feild being ravaged by a gang of Toarkoals.
"Our first battle!" Grovyle exclaimed."Let's rock this place!"[/url]

Sat May 12, 2007 5:08 am
Fails at life
Fails at life

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OK,no one is reading this so I may stop writing.Unless someone still cares.My new story will probably start a new begining. :arrow:

Tue May 22, 2007 2:12 pm
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