
November NaNoWriMo!
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Author:  Crimson [ Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  November NaNoWriMo!

No this isn't a story but it is writing related, and is more of a discussion. NaNoWriMo [NAN-no WRY-Mo] is just the shortened version of National Novel Writing Month, even though, to my knowledge, it occurs more than once a year because I remember hearing something about a summer one over the summer. *shrugs*

Anyway, I've noticed a fair amount of members may want to write books and I'm assuming to publish them. This is quite the challenge, and this November will be my first time participating.

The way NaNoWriMo works is, you write 50,000 words from 12:01 November 1st to November 30th, since I couldn't seem to find the time when to stop writing and all I can find is the date let's assume noon. I'll edit this if anyone can figure that out, as in people who are better at researching than me.

You may not begin writing until November 1st, but you are allowed to create outlines to help before hand.

They can 'officially' check to see if you have the right amount, or if you're like me and you don't want to register you can just use the wonderful 'word count' feature on your word processing program.

This is more focused with deadlines rather than quality of work. But there have been people who's work has been published from this event, as in the novel they wrote for NaNoWriMo was pubished. Try to write it best as able, but it is more for fun and silliness.

So, is anyone interested, and what are their opinions on it? I was even thinking we could post excerpts of our work on here just for kicks and giggles.

Link to the official site: NaNoWriMo

<p align="center">Contestants</p>
Psypoke Username, NaNoWriMo Username, Title of Piece, Word Count

<p align="center">~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p>
~Crimson~, Prince of Peace


Author:  Orange_Flaaffy [ Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nano nearly killed me last year, my first time doing it, and I only got half way :?

Author:  Sneaky Sneasel [ Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:50 am ]
Post subject: 

50,000 words in a month? That's like... over 1,500 a day. That's insane. I suppose I'll try it once it comes around, but I doubt I'll even get to 20,000 by that time :/

Author:  Crimson [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 8:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

With NaNoWriMo practically around the corner I think we should get some discussion going on in here.

Has anyone thought of what they'd like their book to be about? If so, what is it. Of course you don't have to spoil the surprise but I, personally, am interested in what everyone has thought up.

Does anyone have a plan for how they're going to do it this year? As in make an outline, not do any preparation, make huge story webs, etc...

Oh and I'm going to edit the first post as we go along. I'm planning on putting the username of the contestants on PsyPoke, the username for NaNoWriMo if they're registered, the title of their piece if they've thought it up, and their current word count. Of course all information has to be given to me via the person. So any of the information may be with held, though I would at least like to know the PsyPoke username. All information is also subject to change, especially the word count and title. The title may be fine at the beginning but the author may decide they don't like it anymore and change it. As long as I'm given the new title I can change it.

Author:  queenofinsanity [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

holas, crimson my love
Mine's Fantasy
With a bit of mythology thrown in for flavor
Celtic mythology
although my MC refuses to reveal his/herself
I have all the supporting chars!

Author:  Crimson [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

ALRIGHT! NaNoWriMo isn't even 2 days away! Who's ready? NOT ME! November snuck up on me! I'll be one busy bee, that's for sure. So, come on people bring this topic to life!

Here's the deal. Come the midnight of whenever your November 1st occurs, as in the minute after 11:59 October 31st, be sure to start writing! That book of yours doesn't have hands or a brain so you'll have to do the work! You have till November 30th noon to write. Then the competition's over and we share our final qualifying count. Of course you're free to continue writing, and if you reach the 50 k word mark and you're not done with your book by the time the month is up you still completed the challenge. Let's be sure to do our very best!

Just to start things off I think I'll share a little about the story I'm planning on making. Forgive me for the horrible summary, it will probably be much better once it's written.

A girl adapting to life in the year 3011 while coping with a huge gap in her memory. [trust me when I say huge I mean huge] The only connection to everything she knew before the memory gap is the current leader of the nation where most of the carnivores of North America reside. They used to despise each other but they sort of get along since they both are familiar to each other before large memory gaps. Anyway, he's been mutated and now has attributes of herbivorous and carnivorous dinosaurs. [See my post in the Fav Character thread for more details] The story is just sort of how their relationship changes, how the world had changed from what they knew, having to keep what they knew a secret just for peace, and a whole bunch of political stuff. Basically Devin has been trying to make peace between his nation and another, but since the people in his nation tend to eat the ones in the other it doesn't tend to go too smoothly. [as I'm sure you can imagine]

Wow that was crap, I may renovate it later.

Author:  queenofinsanity [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Naw, it's fine
no worries, Crimson!
At least you won't be battling cliches at every turn, like I will be.

Author:  comedianmasta [ Fri Nov 03, 2006 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

My school told me about this. I wanted to but I got issues with my own book any way.

Author:  AABM [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 2:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

comedianmasta wrote:
I wanted to but I got issues with my own book any way.

<font color="999999">Same thoughts here, I think I

Author:  Crimson [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 2:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lol, I still have so many stories that I should work on but I haven't. Oh, well. And AMBy, it can be in your native language, there are no rules saying it has to be English.

Author:  Flarey [ Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:05 am ]
Post subject: 

50,000 words? Good grief. My latest completed full story is only like 6,500 words, I think :S My longest ever completed work is ... uhh ... 11,467. For darkmind's sake, that's a ridiculous amount. D: Good luck to all of you entering, I'm gonna sit this one out. Maybe next year, maybe next year...

Author:  blu-suicune [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:32 am ]
Post subject: 

I started and wrote about 8000 words but got distracted with a Pokemon related project and so I kinda stopped. Ah well!

Author:  AABM [ Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

<font color="999999">Well guys and girls, november 20th is now ending and there are just 10 days more to go; so let

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