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Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer

Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:20 am
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This is my first story so please enjoy.

Hi. Well I thought I’d start the New year by writing my first story and since I don’t know a lot about the Pearl and diamond generation so I’m gunna try to not include ‘em…enjoy. I’ll post the next chapter next week =)

• Be warned of the following:
• Humour may not be funny to all
• This may contain long words so buy a thesaurus
• If there is any grammatical or spelling mistakes….tuff!

Chapter 1: The Beginning Of The End.


Clouds gathered as Professor Abbot stumbled over what was then the biggest mountain in the verion region. As he and the rest of his archaeological team moved the last giant bolder the gold gleamed of the entrance to a cave that was guarded by 2 statues. As they entered professor Sean Oak yelled “Abbot comes quickly we found something” Abbot rushed only to see something horribly deformed ….

“It’s a boot” …. “What?” Oak said “no not that, the big giant scroll with writing on it!” feeling like an idiot he dusted off some dust from the dusty rock like a duster dusting of a dusty rock. For some reason his entire life’s work flashed before his, like the time he was in the hospital and over herd a doctor shouting “ stop bleeding stop bleeding oh for the love of please stop bleeding” and the day he got his diploma and then fell of the stage face first into the hefty woman screaming for her son. He regained control of his mind and read from the scroll written in Latin.

“As the stone circle with 22 platforms arises from the ground the guardians of the world will fight the evil and artificial but they will each fall. The lords of time travel will be absent unless a cry is herd by them. Then out of the fog trainers of Fire, Frost and forest will bare the brunt of the grate evil as it’s last words will shatter…” the last words of the scroll has been torn off
“What dose it mean? The guardians of the world will fall” asked an archaeologist.
“I have no idea” Abbot said in a concerned manor. He turned to see people fleeing from the cave guarded by what was now by glowing statues of pokemon.
“What the (due to the forum rules I can’t say this word)” he ran in to the cave to see the symbol of a dragon glowing with eyes red. For a moment he thought he could hear his mother shouting “Wellington” in her shrill voice as she shouting at the poke-countdown on television but then he looked at the symbol moments be for the earth beneath his feet began rumbaing splitting off into four continents one of which was joined to the other each taking over 200000 million pokemon each continent. As he fell to his watery death revealing a stone circle with 22 plinths with the dragon symbol in the centre and below the body of Professor Abbot and the rest of his team stranded on what is now called the Kanto region…


Chapter 2: Three Friends And a Professor.

“It’s too dark” moaned Andrew; it was midnight at this point only the crescent of the moon was visible... “And why do you wear that black cavalier?” said Andrew “because I found it with my charmander you knew that so quit asking!” yelled Mitchell” and I don’t wear it all the time it’s just today I lost my cap”. “Anyway when’s Joe getting here?” “I can see into the future now can I?” Joe arrived in a state that looked like he’d been drag through a hedge “well Mr Kenda we’ve been expecting you” said Andrew in a rather **** voice that made his smile look a bit like Noel Edmonds after his career was reborn like Jesus’ resurrection. “Don’t call me by my surname you know I hate that. Shall I call you Whitaker all the time?” Said Joseph who was now as red as a box that had been painted red. “Shut up both of you, were already late”.

Mitchell, Andrew and Joseph had left their journey at the same time; Mitchell who started with Charmander thought he was smart and brilliant because he was after all the Joto champion. For some reason he black hair has a bluish sheen to it and he looked similar to drew in the anime series. Andrew had gone into the family business and became a gym leader in kanto taking along side his Bulbasaur. He like his friend had blue hair but unlike him wore glasses so he could seen things been thrown at him by the people who he beet. Joseph was one of professor oak’s aids with his peculiar Squrtile. He like his brother Andrew wore glasses and had black hair but had a scar down his arm and after the split up nearly four years ago they looked a lot different from the twin counter part (yes their twin in case you didn’t’ know that.) Every year they meet up in pallet town and have a battle. So far the scores are 1 all and their all annoyed by them. “sorry professor oak sorry were late” Andrew said” “nonsense I had a lovely chat with ash while you were gone” “how come we never get to meet him” “well Mitch has met him” “when?” Andrew said in shock last “time you all came…gave ash quit a thrashing he did…anyway this is my friend Professor” Oak looked angry as he was interrupted by his know-it-all assistant “Teak it’s nice to meet you” reaching out his arm as a gesture to shake hands. The well dressed professor Teak looked at his pocket watch and said “that’s the reason we chose you three. You have all had contact with those rare pokemon and you might be able to help us”…..


Chapter 3: I Understand But Why Should I Care?

“So you think you discovered scrolls that tell how the regions were created?” Joe asked…Mitchell rolled his eyes thinking ‘why the hell do I care I only rule one region’ but he still listened “but its starts oddly” continues Teak “here I’ll read it to you” “why can’t I read it?” moaned Andrew “it written in Latin numb nuts” Mitch laughed “you read Latin?” “Yes” (I can actually read Latin but don’t ask me because it’s a hard to read when you can’t spell it probably) “be my guest” said Teak in a voice that sounded like Mitch couldn’t do it “The souls of man. Pokemon from all the lands will pay tribute and the evil shan’t turn to good but instead destroyed leaving the land hostile and horrid. This is the end of man and pokemon.”….. “Mr Pyro” (my real surname is Drako but well pyro fits in well) Teak was interrupted “call me Mitchell” “fine Mitchell” he said with a scowl “it fits together with what professor Abbot discovered over 200 years. It mentions Guardians falling and a stone circle” Andrews’s eyes sparked “like the one between Joto and Honen” “yes….good news every body” “what?” all three of them asked “hey we could make a band ,bursting forth with 3 part harmony!” said Andrew “Shut up please continue” said Joe “were of on a road trip” Teak said gleefully “yes! California!” ….. “Shut up!!!”

Chapter 4: Four Current Buns In a Baker’s Shop…

As the helicopter flew to the stone circle that the aforementioned idiot mentioned, the view looked suspiciously like the opening to Jurassic Park… (You know were the main characters first see the island…anyway) the helicopter landed on the sandy rock that was made of sandy sandstone in the centre of the circle. “So here it is” professor Teak said…even though the triumphant trio had seen the circle many times, even once having battled on it were Mitchell’s Charizard had owned the other two’s pokemon…mainly because Venusaur and Blastoise can’t fly and if Blastoise dived into the water below it couldn’t climb the rocks…anyway I divulge… Looking for a look of awe on the three people who clearly looked like they had been presented with a local bunger king… “Yey” Joseph said, Andrew and Mitchell immediately turned their heads giving him a scowl that made him inch back a few inches. All of a sudden Teak’s Mobile from what you can hear the conversation went like this
“Oak what’s the matter?”
“Oh no were out of cinnamon buns” genuinely concerned
“Oh thank god because I love them so much…I’d kill these three for one rite now!”
“Yes that was a joke” that was nervously said.
“The kanto current and joto have combined”
“Sights of zapdos!?”
“Heading our direction”… “Good good” that’s were he hung up the phone.
All of them now huddled together in fear that the person who brought them to an island would kill them all for a bakery treat looked in the sky to see it turn black faster that a ninja who had the runs 20 miles away from the nearest toilet “what’s happening” said Joseph… “The night of evil has begun”….. “What a corny line” shouted Andrew…

Chapter 5: Momma’s Gunna Buy You a Mocking Bird

After a rather terrifying ride back to Oak’s laboratory. Teak was regretting his choice to let Andrew drive the helicopter, so as only he couldn’t move from dizziness the other personnel ran into the living room of Oak’s. The TV was on and the News reader looked far too cheery for the topic “And now all three of the legendary birds have been sighted flying to the stone circle except articuno which is heading to viridian city and the sea levers are falling as their temperature falls” she turned to a woman with green hair and a concerned look upon her face “please tell us what you thinks going on professor Ivy” “well my partners professor Teak, Oak And birch (have you noticed that in the games all the towns are colours and all the Professors are all tree’s) have all found evidence of a sort of apocalypse” still with a creepy smile….(if you could Google ‘M.r Blobby’ and look at his smile its kind of like that ) she said “oh that’s bad… how can we stop it” “ no idea” ivy said. Joseph turned off the TV. “It’s happening isn’t it”…Dramatic music starts playing “yes”…all of a sudden a Pidgey flew in dropped a piece of mail with ‘Mitch’ written on it, the Pidgey then zoomed off. “Well, read it”… “Zapdos just blew up the power plant near rock tunnel, and then destroyed the indigo plateau; it uncovered a rock with more scrolls in it… in doing so it killed 5 people …” all of a sudden out of no were a beam like the aurora borealis rained down on the lab “what’s going on” Shouted oak, Professor Teak tuned back on the to find that Articuno was perched on Oaks lab… “That’s a problem…We’ve become a nest”


Chapter 6: I’m On The Hunt I’m After You! I Smell Like a Sound I’m Lost and I’m Found I Am Hungry Like The WOLF

“A mysterious figure has been reported running over the ocean!”
Still watching the news Joseph started to formulate a plan… “Hey Mitchell...” “What?” he said like some had just said something realy realy fast which he didn’t hear “Have you by any chance got your Flygon” “yea but how will he help?” Articuno’s roar now echoing threw the laboratory “Do u have any other fire pokemon on you or that at least know ember” Andrew who as a gym leader trained mainly grass type and felt useless “well I have my Salamance” ….all of a sudden a bulb struck Andrews head (not realy that would hurt) “Mitchell remember last time we were all hear and your arcanine wasn’t feeling well and you left It here” “wouldn’t that be in the laboratory though? I mean I left it here 5 week’s ago” Mitchell asked both Oak and Andrew “actually” said oak “the only thing wrong with your arcince is that it had the flu….its still getting over it so id rather not take it out” Joseph looked ant Mitchell with a concerned look “we have no other choice” he said looking at the poke ball in the incubator next to the magikarp fish tank “well arcanine…lets get ready to rumble”
Silence lurked in an eerie way, both Oak and Teak were sat down watching the coverage over a shattering sound was herd as the champions Flygon burst threw the ice sheet followed by the ill stricken arcanine ridden by Andrew armed with several potions that he happened to have and then Salamance driven by Joseph, articuno immediately spotted the powerful flygon and blasted it with a ice beam, Arcanine
Let out a pathetic flame thrower that almost hit the camera men reporting for the news, by this time the entrance that flygon had made was now refrozen, Flygon and Salamance now preparing for the aerial assault eyes darted to the icicle beak of Articuno with was now firing a icy aurora at the Arcanine and Andrew as hit a strange mist catapulted into the air.
Oak and Teak who were still fixed to the screen were so shocked their mouths were gaping. “What’s happen to him?” Said teak still paralyzed. The mist on the TV was starting to clear revealing a half frozen wolf.

Chapter 7: Who Has Two Thumbs And Doesn’t Give a Cr*p about the news reporter’s camera…hi I’m Mitchell…

Scientists Gathered in Professor Birch Laboratory. “What do we have gentle men?” Birch said with out noticing Prof Ivy was stood in front of him, Mitchell The champion is still engaged in a battle with articuno along side Andrew the celadon gym leader and one of Professor Oaks aids Joseph” Said a disgruntled Ivy, all of a sudden the big screen TV was turned on by what looked like a very cheery venonat. On the TV their was a Reporter that had short hair and he was wearing a big black coat. “It looks like a big battle that had unravelled here is now ending…just moments ago Articuno just blasted an Ice beam at the Arcaning ridden by Celadon’s own gym leader and the mist has yet to clear to let us see the damage. All 8 of the scientists now enthralled in the news cast. The mist was clearing and the reporter began speaking again. “it looks like the arcanine is now completely frozen” he was gob smacked when the arcanine ( now fully healed) blasted a fire blast at such tremendous force that it forced articuno to fly just to avoid it. “Viewers this doesn’t make sense there is a dog like ice sculpture and the arcinine just fired the most powerful blast I’ve ever seen” the ice sculpture began to thaw as articuno fire more ice beams at is 2 flying foes hitting Salamances left wing causing the Joseph ridden dragon to plummet to the earth. “oh my god the legendary bird of ice just shot down the salamance hat was trying to attack it” since the camera was focused on the articuno circling the wounded dragon nobody saw the Hydro pump aiming to wards articuno. As the camera zoomed to see the scores of the blast the signal was cut. One scientist stood up and said “dang, we need to reconnect the signal!” “Quiet down” ivy responded “let’s get back to work”

WRITERS NOTE: since this is a story and we are not in the Lab…we can resume the action!

Mitch looked at the spot were the ice carving one stood and gasped as he saw the legendry dog of water Suicune. “Two legendry pokemon rite here! It really its happening” oak said in dismay Teak yelled to oak who was stood in the door way “Entie and Riakou are at the stone circle” he said “and their have been no sightings of suicune that’s weird” “teak” oak said “what” teak approached the door way to see suicune stood in full glory “Oh my god!” the reporter ran up to the two professors “hey you guys molters and Zapdos are at the stone circle…” he said in his news reporter voice that he says the news with on the news. Oak ran back inside

Chapter 8: Wow!...What a Hole!

Another news report came on the TV. “The shinou region has vanished.” He said in an amazingly horse voice he cleared his throat “Just moments a go a green glow engulfed the continent and transported it to an unknown destination.” He said he turned to a person dressed like a Pilot “Here is an eye witness” he held the microphone up to hem “I saw little pokemon that I’ve never seen before” he took a piece of paper “it looked like this” he held the picture to the camera {celebi} Oak saw the picture of Celebi on the TV and recognised it “Teak what’s the full prophecy? You only told us half” teak still stood in the door way “well if I remember it correctly it’s. As the stone circle with 21 platforms arises from the ground the guardians of the world will fight the evil and artificial but they will each fall. The lords of time travel will be absent unless a cry is herd by them. Then out of the fog trainers of Fire, Frost and forest will bare the brunt of the grate evil as its last words will shatter the souls of man. Pokemon from all the lands will pay tribute and the evil shan’t turn to good but instead destroyed leaving the land hostile and horrid. This is the end of man and pokemon” oak’s eyes lit up when he herd ‘the lord of time travel’ “that’s what their doing” he said. Out side the mansion suicune was signalling articuno to leave while it was blasting the odd ice beam articuno let of a cry and flew off into the distance while Andrew and Mitchell saw to Joseph. Suicune looked at Mitchell in a strange way and ran off. Steven the champion of kanto arrived on an arodactyl.Mitch noticed him immediately and shook his hand “looks like you’ve missed the action Steve” Steven looked at him “yea I suppose” Mitch looked at the tired areodactyl “isn’t that Lances?” “Well it was but he’s was on shinou but it’s diapered” as he explained what happened teak ran to the prehistoric pokemon Steven returned it to reveal that the pokemon was carrying chest “those chests were from this regions pokemon league. It was destroyed by Zapdos and these were left, they must have been buried.” Teak carefully lifted the lid and picked up a scroll…he began reading as all of them gathered. Joe wasn’t badly injured but salamance was healing. “This looks like it was written after the other scrolls” he continued “one by one they’ll disappear by the green imps of time. The idols of elements will help the trainers that will destroy the evil” a spearow flew past tearing off the bottom half of the scroll. “What the ****” teak blasted out profoundly “well that didn’t go well” said Steven… an earthquake began to start threw pallet town and most of kanto the sky turned black instantaneously, a bolder arose tremendous force and crushed several trees were he bug pokemon habitat was. As the earthquake was still going no one could flee with out fear of getting hurt. A giant gorge opened up and a metallic being rose up from it and stood next to the rocky bolder. And from the water pond were the Gyarados swim rose a icy orb that because of the earthquake nobody could recognice.the spearow that had stole the parchment was in such a panic it flew down and him Steven in the face causing to drop all of his possessions and making him to fall into the split…with a “Nooooooooooooo” he was gone for ever. The Earth quake stopped and everybody focused on the giants in front of them with a black of light from the dots on their faces. With a blast of the word REGI it was all clear to Teak. The guardians, the elements that will help the trainers but why they were here was a mystery.


Chapter 9: 6 Dots On Every Regi And 1 End To Every Life

Noticing that Steven had fallen to his death oak looked concerned but still mesmerised by the three legendary pokemon of kanto standing in front of him towering as high as Josephs ego. The idols of ice rock and stone stared down at to 5 people and the pile of pokeballs that Steven had left behind before he fell. Oak started scooping up the forgotten pokeballs as the metallic monster lowered its claw to Andrews’s feet bellowing is roar. In the background the other Regis could see fearow’s and pidgeot’s looking out as their pre-evolutions fled for the site. Registeal nodded his head in a knowing like Faison; Andrew returned Mitch’s arcanine and threw it to oak to let him put it back in the incubator. Before climbing on registeal’s hand he checked to see if his party was in order. Then he boarded the might obelisk.jospeh looked at the salamance Mitchell had let him ride in the battle with articuno and returned it and like Andrew threw it the professor to help it heal. Then he approached the two unridden giants. The stony golem walked towards him and smashed its left arm against the ground. As many ground inhabiting pokemon scurried a sandshrew was cheeky enough to climb up the arm of professor Teak. Like his friend he checked his part and mounted the animated boulders. Mitch now down to of his faithful pokemon popped of his strange hat and uncovered two embedded pokeballs. Andrew new one of the pokeballs was the Charizard that he started of with because he’s seen them in their battles but the second ball in his hat was a mystery. He returned the flygon that didn’t even look the slightest bit tired because of all the training it’s done. Mitch asked in a loud manner to regice “Is this the end?” a question that teak wanted answered. The dot on it’s face glowed black and a vision entered Mitch’s head. Mitch now back into reality with a determined look said “let’s go”. He mounted the ice being. The sky looked black so Mitch discarded is hat thinking god it is a strange hat’. The Regis walked east bound to the circle.


Last edited by Mitch The Dragon Tamer on Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:45 am, edited 8 times in total.

Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:23 am
Pokemon Master
Pokemon Master
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Hm...a little similar to my story, or at least, what it will eventually will be...I like the creation of the four continents.

I'd like to see more, I like the idea. May I suggest that you shove more paragraphs in though? I know I'm not one to speak, but I see what everyone means, it is harder to read...

Cool! I like it.


"Play with fire and expect to be burned."

Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:22 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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<font color="999999">Hey Mitch, its kind of weird to me of finding you writting a fanfic, since your work at the Slateport Market doesn´t end.

Anyways, I guess your story is gonna turn out really nice (Idaresay) but ofcourse, that depends of you.

Excluding the fact that you know it is not nessesary to enlight any typo, I think you would do the best for the story ELABORATING it, such as... how does Professor Abbott look like? or how does the countries, cities, people and places look like?

I don´t mean any trouble, but I guess those are the principles of elaborating, iit means more work, but no pain, no grain.



"Team Seekers"

"I'm perhaps the least typical Ledian user you'll ever get to see in the whole OU" - AABM.

· Say, Orange looks better than gray, doesn't it?

Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:44 pm
Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer

Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:20 am
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thanks for the tips i shall improve my story and im sorry if it seams similar to your story.since abbots dead no point descrbing him =)..well to day a school a big fat guy crushed this little guy (not gunna use their names) and the little guy broke his collar bone and dislocated his sholder bad for him but good for everybody else cos we only had 1 hour of school and for the fat guy hes expeled now..which is good cos hes a bully to every1 that he thinks he can beet up (he seems afraid of he has tall-person-phobia....anyway i divulge i wrote the next chapter cos i got write the forth some time tomorrow since i wroe to today.

p.s the countries and cities are supose top be kanto ect so ...well you know what they look like =)


Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:55 am
Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer

Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:20 am
Posts: 274
sorry for double posting but i spent about 1 hour on chapter 4 and 5 and it deserves to be aknowlaged


Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:50 am
Psychic Trainer
Psychic Trainer
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One hour isn't enough. Spend at least two days. Oh, and mind your punctuation.

This is a waste of space

Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:06 am
Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer

Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:20 am
Posts: 274
chapters 6 and 7 out now!


Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:02 am
Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer

Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:20 am
Posts: 274
8 and 9 out now my fellow writers and fan fiction fanatics


Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:47 am
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer
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pretty good but make the chapter name seem more interesting and make the chapters have more meaning (like dont get to the suspence bit then finish the chapter then take a week to finish it ) verry annoying


Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:57 pm
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