
Sheldon's adventures.
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Author:  Houndour [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Sheldon's adventures.

(( This is my first fan fiction. Read it, Rate it, Rewiew it?))

Chapter One

Sheldon sighed. It was time for every shellder to go and find a slowpoke's tail to bite and become slowbro's. All of them but him. He was several times larger than anyother shellder in the pond. He wanted nothing more than to bite onto a slwopoke's tail but he couldn't. He obly could nibble because he hadn't grown in his teeth so he was sitting aroud, watching all the Shellders swim past to find Slowpoke's tails. He never had any friends and even if he had one they would just swim off to find a Slowpoke. He was tired of waiting year after year for his teeth to grow in but he just Couldn't find out how. Disapointed, He swam back to his patch of seaweed to knaw on for nutrition. It tasted horrible but It was the only thing he could find to eat. After knawing for a while he had a idea. I don't have to wait for some stupid teeth to grow in. He thought I'll just go out there and find my way through the world myself. And with that thought He slowly drifted off to sleep with dreams of giant beaches and bad tasting seaweed......

((Input please?))

Author:  Latiosdude [ Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's a great story. Keep writing. :mrgreen:

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