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The Eye of the Toed(K) - You know you want to read it |
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Author: | Inta Xonem [ Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:53 am ] |
Post subject: | The Eye of the Toed(K) - You know you want to read it |
This Fan-Fiction rated K because there is minor Romance and Violence. It also contains A bit of horror. UPDATE: 16 March 2007 PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS,DO NOT JUST VOTE ON THE POLL. ___________________PART 1-the rising storm____________________ Luke shivered. A voice came from behind him. He turned then lept back horrorstruck. The man standing infront of him was half-human, half... what was the other half? "How dare you enter Whirl Cavern! Come on out, Golduck!" he said. "I don't have any Pokemon yet... I'm getting one tommorrow..." "You mean you were! Golduck, hit him with Cross Chop!" Luke leapted out the way, the Cross Chop narrowly missing. "Golduck! Hydro Pump! You can't dodge me forever." "Gol-duckk!" the golduck belowed and sent out a giant spiral of water at Luke. Luke knew it'd hit this time, he stepped back, then realised he was at the edge of a huge cliff. If it hit him it would be over for him. He'd be dead. The huge spiral of water thrust into him, he screamed but wasn't heard by anyone, then plunged into darkeness, awaiting death. A distant noise, familliar noise came to him, a beeping he'd never been so glad to hear before, his alarm clock. It had all been a dream, well, a nightmare. He got up and ready immediately then ran out the door, rushing towards Professor Rowan's Lab. He already knew he would choose Chimchar, the fire starter. As he entered the lab, Professor Rowan said "So you're Luke if i'm not mistaken. Luke Murr?" "Yep, thats me." " And you've come for a stater pokemon, I assume?" "Yep!" "Well the you can have um... well... I only have one of the starters... the others have already been choosen by other trainers." "Which one?Chimchar?" "Nope." "Piplup?" "I'm afraid not." "Turtwig then." "No, actually I only have the unofficial starter, Kriketot." "WHAT! You only have Kricketot! But bug types are rubbish! Everyone knows that! Don't you have a Dratini or a Charmander or a Bagon or a Psyduck or a Machop or a Caterpie or a ... take back the caterpie.But..." " Just have a look at the Fella." "OK... Come on out Kriketot!" "Krick-Krick!" Use your best attack!"Luke commanded. "Krickkk-et!" The ground began to shake. " this earthquake?" "Yep!" "But Kricketot doesn't learn earthquake, Stop Kricketot!" "Not officially..." "Huh?" "Well sometimes we get pokemon with attacks they don't learn, for odd reasons... I don't know why... Me and Professor Oak are investigating it." Suddenly the door burst open and a familliar face entered... To be continued... |
Author: | Latiosdude [ Fri Mar 16, 2007 5:30 pm ] |
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Its cool. And I think I might know who the familiar face is, I think it is the guy frome the nightmare. ![]() |
Author: | Inta Xonem [ Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:47 am ] |
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__________________Part 2-familiar faces_______________________ "Hey, you got a pokemon wimp face?" A smile shot out on the Local schools bullies face. "Well, wimpo, lets have a one on one battle now. Come on out Shinx(if you don't know the d/p pokemon's names http://www.lolstop/diamondpearl/newpokes.shtml should be a useful link.)" "Kricketot, come out!" "Ha, you think you could win a battle with that wimp. Shinx Tackle!" "shi-inx!" " er..." "Ha you cant battle!" "Er..Earthquake!" "Ha Kricketot can't learn earthqu...wha!" "Shin-nx!" "Shinx Bite!" "D-Dodge That and Growl!" "Try again, Shinx!" "conter it with earthquake" "Krick-et-et!" "Shinx!" A force hit shinx into the ground, the battle was over. "Yes!" Suddenly the room went dark. "Wha?" "Hahaha! your dreams can be real you know...Golduck and Abomnisnow! Attack them!" To be continued... |
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