The entire thing could definitly be improved, as I'm sure you've figured out thanks to some of the considerate [and not so considerate] posts above my own. I'll do a first and give some, what I hope will be, helpful advice.
Regardless of doing this a year ago, with how short you could easily edit them. Try flavor texting [adding details] it'll help bring the story to life...right now it's very bland.
I'll make an example with your first few sentences...don't steal them for your own merely use it for reference.
Ash and his friends were on what seemed to be a futile quest for Professor Oak. The old professor had asked them to find the legendary pokemon Kyogre and Groudon, how were they going to do that? They were considered legendary pokemon for a reason. Regardless of their concern for Professor Oak's mind they had agreed and eventually made their way to Sootopolis City. It had been rumored that their was an ancient cave that had served as a shrine to Kyogre and that it remained their to this day. Just a silly rumor, but Max had wanted to visit his friend Wallace so they went to the city anyway.
You could probably pull of a better cliff hanger if you combined all three of these...chapters, virtually nothing happens in any of them. Granted big things
don't have to happen but these don't fit into that category.
I'm happy you started new paragraphs when different people spoke, you have no idea how happy it makes me. But to make your chapters easier to read double space at the end of each paragraph [not line, paragraph]. It'll just make breaking up everything and reading it a whole lot easier.
_________________Link changed to my library.