
Mudkip's Super Story!!!
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Author:  Meeps [ Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Mudkip's Super Story!!!

Sometimes YOU (yes,you) choose what's next!!! so...
Here it is!!

________________________CHAPTER 1_________________

So you are a Mudkip. You want to be immortal. This is your story...

You are on the pokemon computer thingy and you see this thing and it reads: "Be immortal!!!!!!" You think "Yeah right..." But, you want to see more and you HAPPEN to have a polygraph so, you say the exact same thing the ad said... What the...

IT"S TRUE!!! And that's the start of your adventure...

What Happens Next!!!
1) You pack up and get ready for a looooong journey...
2)You leave instantly like it's a trip to the store...
3)You decide get a map of the place and THEN pack up for a looooong journey...

That was short.. I'll try to make them longer.

Author:  Crunchy [ Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

No thanks.

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