You're pretty talented, this is amazing. But I want the pokeball bigger and the star more 2D and it being more around the pokeball like that little thingy on the internet explorer. I want it smaller than the pokeball. Sort of like the ring around jupitar, the star should move like a ring around jupitar, not circling it. Sorry for not being specific. You're very talented. Oh and can you have the name PokeCosmo under the logo?
Oh and can you make me those icon pictures like they have on pokerealm. I want those buttons like pokerealm has, and I want 6.
Button numbers
1. I want the first button to say pokedex I want a small picture[90X90] of a starmie. [The PokeCosmo should be infused with the starmie picture and at the bottom of it] I want the pokemon to be without sorroundings not
necessarily in square shape.
2. The second picture should say pokemon games at the bottom and should have a jirachi.
3. The third to say netbattle and have a picture of a porygon.
4. The fourht to say projects and have a picture of a scyther.
5. The fifth one to say forums and have a picture of a vaporeon.
6. The sixth to say front page and have a pikachu.
Please help me and make those pictures. You're very talented and if you do this I'll make you my lead graphic designer for projects in my pokemon community. It'll take me roughly 2 weeks to make this website and I'm going to affiliate with psypoke[I recieved some confirmation] and possibly with pokerealm and pokemonol. If you could give me your email, or add me on either gelvelene=aim or Deus space between Deus and Ex, I just had to do it or it would've been bleeped. DeusEx is a game.. LOL=msn
I want you to try hard, I will make money from advertisement programs, but I will have some projects where my staff will also be rewarded with money, and since you will be the leader of the graphic team[if you show me more of your work] you will be better rewarded than most of my staff. Depending on the successes of the projects you will be paid 60~250$, and if the site some how becomes freakishly huge[I'm confident it will over a year because I have various traffic booster programs and good affiliate programs] you might even be paid higher and we will have new projects every week. I know the basics of html, I speak 2 languages[English and Russian] I took bussiness courses and I'm confident I will have an excelent staff as the staff grows.
~Cosmic Clash
P.S- I'm sorry for the spelling errors, I'm very sleepy.