
Adventure story of POKEMON !
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Author:  xsynergyx [ Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Adventure story of POKEMON !

Hello everyone ,
I want you to remember i made an story thats based on pokemon mystery dungeon ( and of course pokemon and all stuff ) .
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Chapter 1 : cold ! :

The wind blew to his face . It was so cold . It felt like is face burned . But he kept going . He had no choise . He was alone and if nobody finds him soon , then nobody will find him forever . He was so unlucky . He was just at the wrong time on the wrong place ! And its also winter he tought while he is walking through the forest . Those tree's give me a bid cover he was thinking . Maby i can sleep under one of them ? Its so cold and nearly dark . He took some broken wigs and started to make an nice and warm place to sleep for himselfes . As he was finished the sun was nearly down . He looked up and and saw the starts in the sky . I was wish i wasnt here ! he tought . I hate it ! its so cold . But then he tought that he maby never see the sun tommorow . He really needs help ! And once again he looked up in the sky . While he was looking he felt asleep . Help was really needed now . But would it come .

chapter 2 : pikachu ! :

A noise ! Whats that noise . It didnt cam from his left or the righ or in front of him or in behind him . But where did it ? Then he thought more deeply . The Tree ! Its from the Tree he shouted ! He looked up noo ! wait its even higher ! and then a big black thing came infront of him . It took him in the sky but he couldnt see who or what it was . Was he helping him or was it an enemy of him . Then a low sound said . Hey pikachu you're alright ! Pikachu ? Me Pikachu ! Oh ofcourse i am Pikachu ! I nearly forgot said Pikachu ! But uhm who are you and what do you want from me ? There didnt came a voice back .
Why dont you tell me something , I am asking you ! So what . And then Pikachu looked down a bit . Wooow ! what a hight . I never been so high before ! Pikachu was getting scared . And even more because of the wind blowing in is face who made him felt he could fall soon out of the hands of ..... of who ? Pikachu asked himself . He tried to look up again and this time he was strong enough . A Charizard ! Cool ! I am flying with A Charizard !

Chapter 3 : The team :

Pikachu , This is the place i will leave you . I think you can make good friends here . GoodBye Charizard ! Pikachu looked in front of him and there was a little house . It had an shape of a charmander head but Pikachu just ignored it and whent to the door aand knocked . But before he could do it the door smashed open and 2 Pokemon ran over him . An Charmander and a Squirtle . Look ! Look ! Charizard Come Here ! Oh My God ! I cant believe this ! Charmander and Squirtle shouted . Whats the matter with Charizard . But they didnt answered . Instead they went to Pikachu and where shouting again . Cool ! you took a ride with the master charizard . The coolest guy in the World of Pokemon . What did he do ! And they where all shouting more and more . Stop ! Pikachu shouted . Whats the matter with you guys ? Whats so cool about charizard ? Dont you know ? aahhahah . Charmander and Squirtle started to laugh . Charizard is the head of the best Pokemon Team, hes team is full of legendary and strong pokemon ! Uhm Pokemon Team ?? YEAH POKEMON TEAM ! Whats an pokemon team then ? Charmander started to talk an said . With Pokemon team we acctually mean pokemon rescue team . Pokemon teams rescue other pokemon . But sometimes you have bad teams like the ugly team , they irritate other teams . They irritate us all the time . You mean you're in a team team to then ? said Pikachu . Yes i am . And me to Squirtle said . Charmander is the Leader of it . But we are just started and all our attempteds to rescue someone failed ! We are searchin for someone who can help us . Wait ! said Charmander . Maby you can help us Pikachu ! Maby , but Charmander , I never have been in a Rescue team ! That doesnt matter ! Ok pikachu said . And where is our camp . Right in front of you . The Charmander head shaped house was the camp of the team . cool house pikachu said . To make our team ready for rescue's we need berry's and team clothing ! But one problem . Whats our name charmander said . Squirtle and i can't think of one . mmmmmmmmm Pikachu tought . I know ! Team PokemonFighters ! Yeah ! Now Squirtle give you a training about what you all need to be an rescue team . then we can discuss our Team clothing and start to fix the camp house . Soon we will be the best Pokemon Team Ever ! Charmander Shouted .

To be continued !

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