
Pokemon Chronicles
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Author:  Registeel_Rocks [ Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Pokemon Chronicles

i've decided to take a shot in the dark and make up my own pro-longing pokemon adventure story! i hope this suceeds, so if alot of people don't like it, tell the mods to lock it up so it dosn't take up space. also, i've added some new stuff to the continents of the pokemon world. anyways, here goes: Pokemon Chronicles
Episode 1: A New Adventure
The world of pokemon is a vast and mysterious place. It is filled with many friends and foes, but if one is determined, they shall suceed. Many trainers have set out on quests to become pokemon masters, but only few have suceeded. This story revolves around 2 new and uprising young pokemon trainers, setting out to see the world. The adventure begins in a house in Littleroot Town of Hoenn...
Mom: Joey! Professor Birch called me and told me to tell you that he wants you for an errand.
Joey: Arrgh... I was just about to beat the second level in Mario Bros...
Mom: Get going young man! It's kind to help others in need!
Joey: Alright already, I'm going!
(Joey exits his house and walks to Prof. Birch's lab)
Birch: Ah! Joey! Glad you could make it!
Joey: Yup! So, whaddaya want me for?
Birch: My daughter May is training her new pokemon at route 103, so i need you to give her these potions in case her pokemon gets overwhelmed by wild pokemon.
[Joey received 5 potions!]
Joey: Okay! I can do that!
(Joey starts to walk away)
Birch: Wait! I almost forgot! Wild pokemon could attack you! Here, I'll lend you a pokemon.
Joey:Really? My own pokemon?
Birch: Yes! Here, I have two you can choose from: a mudkip or a treecko.
Joey: Hmmm... I think I'll borrow... the mudkip!
[Joey received a mudkip!]
Birch: That mudkip should get you to route 103 with no problem.
Joey: Well, I'm off!
(Joey exits lab and heads for route 103)
Joey: Not a wild pokemon in site... I guess I didn't need this pokemon after all... but i do like it alot.
(Joey reaches Odale Town)
Joey: Just a little bit farther!
(Joey enters route 103)
Joey: Hmmm... I don't see her...
Voice: Aiiieee! Help me, somebody!
Joey: !
(Joey looks to the right and sees May trapped in a corner by a wild poochyena)
May: Help! My pokemon fainted and this pokemon is trying to attack me!
Joey: Gotta do something!...Oh yeah! I have mudkip! Get 'em, mudkip!
(Joey sends out mudkip)
Mudkip: kip!
Joey: Mudkip, use tackle!
{mudkip used tackle and hit the wild poochyena!}
poochyena: naa!
{wild poochyena fainted!}
Joey: Wow! It only took one tackle! Way to go, mudkip!
Mudkip: kip! kip!
May: Gosh, thank you for saving me! I thought I was going to get hurt!
Joey: Are you okay?
May: I'm fine. But my torchic...
Joey: I see. Mudkip, return!
(Joey retrieves mudkip)
Joey: Let's get to the pokecenter in odale town.
(Later, at pokecenter)
Nurse Joy: Thank you for waiting! Your pokemon is fully healed! Please come again!
May: My torchic! It's healthy again! Thank you very much, Joey was it?
Joey: Yup! And it was no problem, just glad you're safe.
May: We should head back to the lab!
Joey: Alrighty then! Let's go!

To be continued...(if this is liked at all)

Author:  Registeel_Rocks [ Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

i'm sorry that this is double posting, but i have 2 things to say. 1: i didn't realize that the title "Pokemon Chronicles" was already scheduled to be used in the new pokemon anime. this is my own idea, not some opinion or anything. 2: i've gotten no replies, so i'm taking it that nobody liked it/thought it was pointless? cuz if no one thinks this is at all good, i won't take the time to continue it. once again i apologize for this double posting.

Author:  Holifax [ Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

This is the bad part about making threads sticky (sticky-ing is also a good thing).

Alot of threads are over looked.

As for your story, its pretty neat, wait and see if anyone else psot and then continue.

The double posting can get you in trouble but I know how you feel. Just try to be pateint and see if othr members reply.

Maybe Pm a friend and have him post.

Author:  Galar [ Sat Apr 02, 2005 5:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Your idea's cool. I think you could put a bit of more adventure, though. Hope for the second episode! :D

Oh, and by the way....

There's a topic reserved for ideas for new games version, if you feel the urge to turn your Pok

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Sat Apr 02, 2005 5:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, you can go on. I'm okay with the story :D

Author:  dragonfan149 [ Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I like it, I like it. So Joey has a {mudkip} ehhh? Looks like he should have no trouble beating Roxanne.

Author:  darkmagician2523 [ Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:21 am ]
Post subject: 

ya its pretty,registeel,u should keep doin it!!but i wish he had started with {torchic} instead:p!anyway pleaz continue:)


Author:  tiger10x [ Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:21 am ]
Post subject: 

It's really good. Please go on. Is it alright if we give a few ideas for you to continue on? :)

Author:  flaming_fox [ Sat Apr 02, 2005 10:14 am ]
Post subject: 

I guess it was ok, but i don't like the name joey(also, im kind of getting sick of all of teh nurses being named Joy)

Author:  Registeel_Rocks [ Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

wow! didn't expect for it to actually be good! anyways, yeah, i'd like it if you gave me a few suggestions, because then everyone can enjoy it.
i now pronounce this topic to become ongoing forever (or at least until everyone gets bored of it) so, here goes! :)
Episode 2:A New Enemy
Recap: After saving May from a wild poochyena, Joey has started to feel like a real pokemon trainer. As the two head back home, he dreams about becoming a pokemon master.
(Route 101)
Joey: That sure was exciting!
May: Well, it's not exciting if you're being chased by a wild beast.
Joey: Beast? Yeah right! My mudkip took that pipsqueak out with one tackle!
May: Yeah, well, thanks all the same. So, did my dad give you that mudkip?
Joey: Well... actually he said I could borrow it, so I might not get to keep mudkip...
May: Aw, don't worry. I bet he realized you will make a great trainer right away. Plus, I'm living proof that you are a good trainer.
Joey: Thanks, I guess.
(Joey & May arrive to Littleroot Town)
May: Finally, we're back home.
Joey: Let's go to your dad, so he can be sure you're okay.
(The two enter Prof. Birch's lab)
Birch: May! Joey! It's terrible!
May: What is it dad?
Birch: Someone has stolen my treecko!
Joey: What!? That's horrible!
May: When was this?
Birch: Just 2 minutes ago, before you two arrived!
Joey: What did he look like!
Birch: Well, he looked to be around both of your ages, and he had spiky red hair.
Joey: Hmm... I guess we'll just have to find him.
Birch: You will?
May: We will?
Joey: Uh-huh! After all, we need to start our pokemon training quest someday, so why not now?
May: I guess that's a good point... okay. Let's do it!
Birch: Great! Here, if you're going on your quest, take these pokedexes!
[Joey and May each received a pokedex!]
Birch: And take these also!
[Joey and May each received five pokeballs!]
Birch: Please, save that poor treecko. I have a bad feeling about that thief.
May: Don't worry dad! We'll rescue treecko!
Joey: We will! And we won't come back until we rescue treecko and succeed in our pokemon quest!
Birch: Good luck! I'll tell your mother that you're leaving, Joey.
(The two exit Birch's lab and go through route 101 and get to Odale Town)
Joey: ~Sniff!~ Ahh! Smell that fresh air! It's great weather to start our quest!
May: And alot of wild pokemon appear during this season!
Joey: Ain't life gran-oof! (Joey gets crashed into by a stranger)
Stranger: Hey! Watch we're you're going wimp!
Joey: You should ask yourself that question, jerk!
May: Joey! That guy looks just like what my dad described the thief to be!
Joey: You're right!
Stranger: So, you think you know who I am?
Joey: Yeah! So hand over that treecko you rotten thief!
Thief: Hmph. Wimp. Tell you what: if you ace me in a pokemon battle I'll give it to you.
Joey: Okay! That should be easy enough!
May: Joey, I hope you know what you're doing!
{Thief would like to battle!}
{Thief sent out treecko!}
Treecko: Ko!
Joey: Get 'em, Mudkip!
Mudkip: Kip!
Thief: Ha! You're such a moron.
Joey: Eh?
Thief: Don't you know you're pokemon's type?
Joey: Yeah, it's water. So what?
Thief: So, my treeckp is grass type, which trumps your mudkip you moron!
Joey: Crud! Oh well! That won't make a difference! Mudkip, use tackle!
Mudkip: Kiiip!
{Mudkip used tackle, but missed!}
Mudkip: Kip?
Joey: Drat! His treecko is too fast!
Thief: Treecko! Use absorb!
Treecko: Ecko!!
{Treecko used absorb!}
Mudkip: Kippp!
{A critical hit! It's super effective!}
{Mudkip's HP was drained!}
Mudkip: Kiiip...
{Mudkip fainted!}
Joey: Mudkip! ...Mudkip, return...
(Joey put mudkip back in its pokeball)
{Joey is out of usable pokemon!}
{Thief won the battle!}
Thief: Hmph. You really are a wimp.
{Joey paid $200 as the prize money}
Thief: Since I enjoyed that, I'll tell you my name. I'm Zach. I hope I get the chance to thrash you again sometime.
(Zach leaves Odale town in the direction of route 102)
May: Joey? Are you alright?
Joey: Urrgh... I feel horrible for losing.
May: It's okay. You can't win everytime.
Joey: It's not that. I let him get away with treecko. I failed Professor Birch...
May: Calm down! We'll get treecko back, count on it!
Joey: If you say so... I guess we better get to the pokecenter.
(Joey and May go to the pokecenter and get mudkip healed)
Nurse Joy: Thank you for waiting! Your pokemon is fully healed! Please come again!
(Joey lets mudkip out of its pokeball)
Mudkip: Kip!
Joey: Mudkip! You're healed! ~Hug~
Mudkip: Kiiip!
May: Aw, that's so cute.
Joey: I'm just glad that my Mudkip is better. I'll never let you faint again buddy!
Mudkip: Kip!
May: If you don't want mudkip to faint again, you have to study up on pokemon types. and also, we should catch some pokemon of different types, just in case we must battle someone with an advantage.
Joey: Right! Let's get going then! You can refresh my battling knowledge along the way!
May: Good! C'mon then!
(Joey and May exit the pokecenter and head for route 102)

To Be Continued...

Author:  tiger10x [ Sun Apr 03, 2005 6:41 am ]
Post subject: 

All I can say is... nice. :D The only thing missing from it is a longer battle... no offense. :D

Author:  Holifax [ Sun Apr 03, 2005 8:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Sounds good, keep going.

Author:  Registeel_Rocks [ Sun Apr 03, 2005 9:40 am ]
Post subject: 

well, i can guarantee longer battles, just as soon as Joey and May catch some new pokemon. as for episode three, i have it thought out. i might not be able to post it today, because i have confirmation tonight 8)

Author:  flaming_fox [ Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:48 am ]
Post subject: 

that was pretty cool :!:
but since both of the battles o far took only one hit, it kind of getting tiresome

Author:  dragonfan149 [ Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds good. Zach seems like a good character. How 'bout throwing in some double batles, because May and Joey both have pokemon.

Author:  tiger10x [ Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

dragonfan#149 wrote:
Sounds good. Zach seems like a good character. How 'bout throwing in some double batles, because May and Joey both have pokemon.

I vote a lot. Just like I wish there were more in the games but let's try and not get too far off topic.

Author:  Registeel_Rocks [ Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

all right! i made it to episode 3! rock on! as for the suggestions, i will use them in this episode! so, read on for an awesome time!
Episode 3: Battle!
(route 102)
May: We've spent 10 minutes looking and still no wild pokemon...
Joey: Arrgh! I'm never going to get 6 pokemon!
(May sees something moving through the grass)
May: Wait! Look over there Joey!
(Joey looks to his right and sees a wild lotad sifting through the grass)
Joey: Finally! A pokemon! Go! Mudkip!
{Joey sent out mudkip!}
Mudkip: Kipp!
Lotad: Tad?
Joey: Alrighty then! Mudkip, use mud slap!
{Mudkip used mud slap and it hit wild Lotad!}
Lotad: Ad!
Joey: Mudkip, use tackle!
Mudkip: Kiipp!
{Mudkip used tackle and hit wild Lotad!}
Lotad: Tad!
Joey: Alright. That should be good enough. Go! Pokeball!
{Joey threw a pokeball!}
Lotad: Taddd!!!
(The pokeball moves back and forth a bit, but then stops)
Joey: I... I did it! I caught a pokemon!
{Gotcha! Wild Lotad was caught!}
{Lotad's data was added to the pokedex!}
May: Congratulations!
Joey: Alright! 1 pokemon down 4 to go!
May: Let's just hope we find at least one more pokemon for me.
Joey: Hmm... I guess we should go back to the pokecenter to heal my new lotad.
May: Fine by me. There aren't many wild pokemon here anyways.
Youngster: Wait!
Joey: ?
(Youngster approaches Joey and May)
Youngster: You're pokemon trainers, right?
May: Yup. Didja want to battle us or something?
Youngster: Of course! Every trainer has to battle every now and then!
Joey: Care for the battle to be a 2-on-2 battle?
Youngster: Sure! I have 2 pokemon, so I guess that would be fair.
May: Alright then! Let's battle!
{Youngster Calvin would like to battle!}
{Calvin sent out Zigzagoon and Wurmple!}
Joey: Go! Mudkip!
May: Get 'em, Torchic!
{Joey sent out Mudkip and May sent out Torchic!}
May: Torchic, use scratch on his wurmple!
Joey: Mudkip, use mud slap on the zigzagoon!
Mudkip: Kip!
Torchic: Chic!
{Torchic used scratch on wurmple!}
Wurmple: Wurrrm!
{Mudkip used mud slap on zigzagoon!}
Zigzagoon: Zigzzz!
Calvin: Zigzagoon use tackle on that torchic! Wurmple! Use poison sting on his mudkip!
Zigzagoon: Zigza!
Wurmple: Urm!
{Zigzagoon used tackle, but missed!}
{Wurmple used poison sting!}
Mudkip: Kiip!
Joey: Mudkip, use tackle on the wurmple to finish it off!
May: Torchic! Use scratch on the zigzagoon!
{Mudkip used tackle!}
Wurmple: Wurmple...
{Wurmple fainted!}
{Torchic used scratch on zigzagoon!}
Zigzagoon: Ziga!!
Calvin: Use tackle on the torchic!
Zigzagoon: Zigz!
{Zigzagoon used tackle!}
Torchic: Tor!
May: Torchic! Use scractch to beat the zigzagoon!
Torchic: Chic!
{Torchic use scratch!}
Zigzagoon: Ziga...
{Zigzagoon fainted!}
{Joey and May beat Youngster Calvin!}
Calvin: What a battle!
{Joey and May got $200 for winning!}
Joey: Alright! We won!
Calvin: Wow, you guys are strong! Thanks for the battle!
(Joey and May head back to the pokecenter in Odale Town)
Joey: You know, we make a pretty good couple-er, I mean, team!
May: Yeah...
(Joey and May go to the pokecenter, heal their pokemon, and head for Petalburg City!)

To Be Continued...

Author:  Truestar [ Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow Registeel. I didn't feel like saying anything at first, but this is getting good! I think I see a hidden romance. :wink: Keep going! :)

Author:  tiger10x [ Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah... keep going :D

Author:  Blaziken386 [ Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

this is a good story, and, finally there is a pokemon story without Ash in it, just make sure that Joey doesn't become another Ash and realese a lot of his good pokemon, and prevent them from evolving, try making them like Gary, but what you've got is good

Author:  Registeel_Rocks [ Mon Apr 04, 2005 6:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

hello! glad you all like the story so far. unfortunately, i haven't thought up all of the fourth episode yet. but, i will give you a little up-to-date info on
the characters! :P
Name: Joey
Badges: 0
Pokedex: 2
Money: $2900
Pokemon in party:
{mudkip} Lv.7
{lotad} Lv. 5 Recentely Caught!
Battle Record: Win: 1; Lose: 1

Name: May
Badges: 0
Pokedex: 1
Pokemon in party:
{torchic} Lv. 6
Battle Record: Win: 1; Lose: 0

Name: Zach
Badges: ?
Pokedex: ?, at least 1, if he even has a pokedex
Money: ?, at least $200
Pokemon in party: (As of last appearance)
{treecko} Lv. 6
Battle Record: Win: ?, at least one; Lose: ?

well i hope i can get the 4th episode done soon!

Author:  Kolas [ Mon Apr 04, 2005 6:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

My only real complaint is the script-type writing style. I don't like it too much. It basically makes the story entirely dialogue.

Pretty good, otherwise.

Author:  Registeel_Rocks [ Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

hey, i probably won't post episode 4 tonite, but i wanna give you a sneak prievew! here it is:
The young duo enters Petalburg Woods, underestimating its trickiness. Soon, the two become lost and end up in a small, secluded section of the forest where the two overhear two thugs talking about world domination plans. When the two thugs dressed in red hoods notice Joey and May eavesdropping, they decide to eliminate the two young unfortunate trainers. Who are these mysterious hooded men, and why are they talking about world domination? Will Joey and May escape the woods alive? Stay tuned to find out!

As for the story being in script-like form, there is like no other way for me to make the story. If i eliminate alot of the script-like style aspects, then there be not enough info. Until episode 4 (or if something else arises), ciao! :wink:

Author:  dragonfan149 [ Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alright *clapping* good job, keep it coming.

Author:  flaming_fox [ Tue Apr 05, 2005 2:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

keep this up, and maybe i wont use zangoose next time we battle :!:

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