
New Comedianmasta Project (Steampunk Novel)
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Author:  comedianmasta [ Sat Nov 27, 2010 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  New Comedianmasta Project (Steampunk Novel)

Hey guys. I know Hitch-Hikers' got little to know attention on this forum, and ALOT of attention everywhere else. So, I thought, what was getting overlooked elsewhere you might like here?

This is an idea of mine for a steampunk novel. You know, there aren't alot of "Steampunk" novels out there, just collections of short stories and things that are steampunk-esque. So, I'm making one that I hope is the deffinition of "Steampunk".

Steampunk is the pressence of modern or futuristic ideas in a Victorian-Era setting via the idea of Steam Power. Cellphones, Flying, Cars, Submarines, Machine guns and other larger weapons, "laser" weapons. Time Travel, and electricity all in the timespan of the 1800s would be considered "Steam Punk".

So, here's where the full story is: ... punk_Novel

And I'm going to post a little bit of it here so you can get an idea.
Changing Times
In an Alternate Reality, history is remade.
A reality, lost by time, is in turmoil by war.
Far away from Earth, in a completely new planet;
A completely new land is struggling through their history.
The Year is 1897.
The Empire fights to quell a rebellion that threatens
The entire hierarch. Tensions rise between humans and
A race known only as

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