I've been recovering from the flu the last 2 days, so most of my time has been spent playing the newly released Pokemon White. Bored with playing the game, I remembered a forum thread talking about a custom Water/Fire type pokemon concept, and I decided to conceptualise my own...
So here's my original Pokemon concept based on the zodiac symbol capricorn: Gofish!
Gofish - (Goat-Fish Pokemon)
Type: Water / Fire
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 235lbs
Description: Thought to have been a mirage by ancient mariners, this Pokemon lives close to the earth's molten core and only surfaces on extremely rare occasions.
Hope you guys have your Dive HM primed.
Original sketch in pencil, colouring on Wacom Bamboo Fun w/CS2.
Check out my DeviantArt page!