__________________Part 2-familiar faces_______________________
"Hey, you got a pokemon wimp face?" A smile shot out on the Local schools bullies face.
"Well, wimpo, lets have a one on one battle now. Come on out Shinx(if you don't know the d/p pokemon's names
http://www.lolstop/diamondpearl/newpokes.shtml should be a useful link.)"
"Kricketot, come out!"
"Ha, you think you could win a battle with that wimp. Shinx Tackle!"
"Kricketot...um er..."
"Ha you cant battle!"
"Ha Kricketot can't learn earthqu...wha!"
"Shinx Bite!"
"D-Dodge That and use...er Growl!"
"Try again, Shinx!"
"conter it with earthquake"
A force hit shinx into the ground, the battle was over.
Suddenly the room went dark.
"Hahaha! your dreams can be real you know...Golduck and Abomnisnow! Attack them!"
To be continued...