Post Fanart from anything in HERE, doesn't have to be pics from Pokemon It can be anything! It's up to your imagination and creative skills!
Sure you can praise other people's work, but don't just say that's nice or that's cool I'm not saying you can't say stuff like that, but don't just say stuff like that on it's own, use comments like good use of colour, good shading etc. alongside comments like that's cool. This way your helping the artist develop their skills.
Constructive criticism is welcome in this thread, however criticism on it's own is not, so be nice people, you've been warned!
Oh yeah I forgot, Artists please tell us the method you used for your picture e.g was it hand drawn, painted etc.
Here's one of my Pictures it's Alucard from Hellsing:
(This picture was hand drawn and was then scanned into my computer.) ... an-art.jpg
^Click on the link to view my pic.
Below is a picture of him that is official work from the Anime so that you can compare mine with the original Alucard:
( :x Please don't steal my work, if you wish to use my work then ask me first :x )