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 The Chronicles of Midnight 
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Fanfic, about midnight yay!

Into Midnight
This fanfic is about the journeys of the first leader of Team Midnight, Magus and how Team Midnight started. Not everything is clear about the story, like the names of Team Midnight's 9 admins... But the members of Midnight are helping me out with that ;)


Alias: Magus
Age: 10 (will change during the course of the fanfic)
Appearance: Dark Blue hair, amber eyes, wears a red hoodie, with pokeball designs on each sleeve and light blue jeans. (will change during course of fanfic)
Background: Damean's mother died when he was only three, he cares for his sister Anna deeply. (will be updated during course of fanfic)
Personality: Kind, stubborn and adventurious. (may change during course of fanfic)
Pokemon: none yet...

Alias: none
Age: 7 (will change during course of fanfic)
Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes, wears a pink shirt with pikachu design on the front and ligth blue jeans.
Background: Her mother died giving birth to her. (will be updated)
Personality: Kind, curious and caring. (may change during course of fanfic)
Pokemon: none yet

Alias: none... yet
Age: 34 (will change during course of fanfic)
Appearance: Has long black hair, wears a plain white T-shirt and jeans.
Personality: Cold but cares for his children deeply, he gets into fights alot.
Backgound: His wife died giving birth to his daughter Anna, he doesn't want to loose family again so he keeps his family close.
Pokemon: Aggron, Salamence, Steelix, Skarmory, Charizard and Blastoise

Chapter I: Night

The warm sun shined down through Damean's window, he woke up from the brightness, he sat up in his white fluffy bed and looked over to his Poliwhirl, shaped clock, it was eleven o'clock. Damean jumped out of bed and swiftyl changed out his pajamas inot his clothes, I'm late for my last day of school!! he thought as he ran out of his bed room, into the messy living room, he shot out the door and headed towards the Blackthorn City Gym.

He ran as fast as he could, he had finally made it inside when he saw Clair the gym leader giving of his class mates a pokeball, "there you go Joe." Clair said as she handed the pokeball to the ten year old boy, she noticed Damean had entered. "Damean your late," she said, "I'm sorry." Damean panted, "It's alright." Clair said as she approached him, "Anyway, are you ready to pick your first pokemon?" she asked, Damean nodded.

Clair lead Damean over to where she kept Pokemon for her students, "She opened a door and inside there were several pokemon, including Treecko, Charmander, Totodile, Poochyena and Sentret. Damean watched as the pokemon played with each other and ran around the room, "Go ahead and pick one, Damean." Clair said, Damean enterd into the room looking at all the pokmon happily playing, he scanned the room for one he would choose, his eyes came across a dark pokemon, in the corner alone, it had glowing gold colored rings on it's body, he apraoched it, it turned it's head towards Damean, it's green eyes staring at him, "What pokemon is this?" Damean asked, and Clair walked over to him, "That's and Umbreon Damean, he's been here for a long time too. Nobody's ever chosen him..." Clair said, Damean stepped a little closer to the Umbreon and bent down to it's level, "I think I'll chose him." Damean said, "Alright," she said, "I'm glad that he'll have someone to care for him... He doesn't have a name yet, we've just called him Umbreon all the time." Clair said, "Why don't you name him?" Damean looked at the Umbreon closely, "Night." he said, "His name will be Night."

Update!:Added backgrounds to the characters.

Last edited by Magus on Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:10 am
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Cool, the story of the character that's in almost everything Magus does! I like, I like!

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Sat Nov 19, 2005 7:53 pm
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Nice..... really nice, I agree with CF it really does, if I were a rater I would give this a 10/10, A+, Distinction.

Mon Nov 21, 2005 2:05 pm
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Chapter 2! w00t.

Character updates:

Alias: Magus
Age: 10 (will change during the course of the fanfic)
Appearance: Dark Blue hair, amber eyes, wears a red hoodie, with pokeball designs on each sleeve and light blue jeans. (will change during course of fanfic)
Background: Damean's mother died when he was only three, he cares for his sister Anna deeply. (will be updated during course of fanfic)
Personality: Kind, stubborn and adventurious. (may change during course of fanfic)
Pokemon: Night (umbreon)

Alias: none
Age: 7 (will change during course of fanfic)
Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes, wears a pink shirt with pikachu design on the front and ligth blue jeans.
Background: Her mother died giving birth to her. (will be updated)
Personality: Kind, curious and caring. (may change during course of fanfic)
Pokemon: none yet

Alias: none... yet
Age: 34 (will change during course of fanfic)
Appearance: Has long black hair, wears a plain white T-shirt and jeans.
Personality: Cold but cares for his children deeply, he gets into fights alot.
Backgound: His wife died giving birth to his daughter Anna, he doesn't want to loose family again so he keeps his family close.
Pokemon: Aggron, Salamence, Steelix, Skarmory, Charizard and Blastoise

Chapter II: Rayquaza's Light

Damean gathered up with the students in his graduating class, they were headed over to the Dragon's Shrine to get the elder's blessing. They marched out of the gym over to the lake that the entrance to the dragon shrine is on, Clair whisted and then a very large red gyarados appeared, she told everyone to climb onto it, everyone did so, they hung onto the pokemon tightly not wanting to fall into the deep blue lake. It roared and swam swiftly to a cave enterance, it let the children and the Gym Leader off at the entrance, which wasn't covered by water, clair patted the gyarados on it's head and it dove into the water of the lake. Clair lead the kids into the cave, the well known cave called the Dragon's Den.

Clair lead them through the cave which was rather short, on he other side there was a beautiful oasis of green grass, fresh water, flowers, it was essentially paradise. There were many pokemon playing in the beautiful place, a charmander and treecko played tag with each other while a dragonite sun bathed. Clair, lead the students into the beauty, there was a very large shrine with carvings of two dragons on the heavy wooden doors, the eyes of the dragons were imbedded with rubies and sapphires. On top of the shrine stood a statue of a large serpent like dragon, it's eyes were embedded with emeralds.

Clair pushed open the wooden doors and inside there were monks who were praying a wonderful chant, the students followed clair into the shrine in a single file line, at an alter there stood a very old man, with kind eyes. "I have brought the students for you blessing." Clair said and the elder nodded, "So let us begin." he said, the students were lined up from wall to wall, the elder raised both of his hands into the air, "Let the sacred light of the holy sky dragon be upon you at all times." he said, he eyed Damean oddly, then continued, "The sacred fire and sacred water of the holy red and blue dragons guide you to you goals, and that the sky dragon shine his blessings upon you as well." Clair said, "that's it we are done." and the sudents began to file out of the shrine.

The paradise of the outside seemed quieter, the charmander and treecko stopped playing, the dragonite was attentive and seemed ready, and a big burly tyranitar crawled out of it's cave home, it seemed like it would attack anything unnatural. The students left and entered the cave, the gyarados awaited them at the end of the tunnel, it seemed as cautious as the other pokemon.

Clair told the students that they could go home, Damean walked towards his house, and his father James came runnign towards him, "Damean! GO home now!" he yelled as he ran towards the Dragon's Den, "Wait what--" "Go home!" James yelled as he passed Damean. Damean turned and saw James release his Blastoise in the water and climbed onto it's back. He also saw, Clair relase her Dragonair, it swam to the entrace of the Dragon's Den along with James' Blastoise. Damean ran towards the enterance of the Dragon's Den, he whisted as Clari had when she called the Gyarados, it slowly rose out of the water it seemed shocked to see Clair not there, it bent down to Damean, it snorted in his face and let him on it's back. It swam towards the Dragon's Den.

Damean saw Clair and his father get off at the cave enterance, they returned their pokemon to their pokeballs and ran throught the tunnel, Damean followed and inside the Dragon's den was darkness. Several men in white suits were fighting with the elder of the Dragon Shrine, "Tell us the locationof Rayquaza!" one big man yeleld at the elder, "I do not know where the sacred dragon sleeps!" the elder replied, "You liar!" the big man yelled and he sent out a Metagross, a black shadowy aura emerged from it, the pokemon in the den commenced to go completely beserk, the Dragonite and Tyranitar charged at the Metagross, the shadowy pokemon knocked them both back with ease, "Hey you!!" James yelled, the big man turned around "Reinforcements huh?" he snapped and the Metagross charged at James, "Go Aggron!" James ylled and the big metal east emerged from his pokeball, it roared and bloakced the Metagrosses attack, "Use Earthquake!" James said and the big burly steel-type stomped the ground, hard.

A seimic charge blasted the earth and hit metagross, it collapsed, "Good job dad!" Damean yelled, James turned his head, "Damean!?!" he yelled, "How did you...? Err, never mind I'll deal with you later." he said, the big man returned the meagross to it's ball, "Fine, take this!" he said and he sent out a big shadowy beast, it was brown, and had a golden symbol on it's head, "Entei, use Shadow Fire!!" the man yelled and suddenly the sky fell into darkness lightning shot from the dark clouds over head, and slowly a large green serpent emerged from the clouds, "Rayquaza!" the big man yelled, and the serpent glowed yellow, and roared, a light blinded Damean, "Dad!" he yelled.

Slowly, the light faded, the men in white were gone, the shadowy beast was gone, and Damean's father was gone, "Dad?" Damean said quietly, "No! DAD!!" he yelled.

Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:17 pm
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Ahh, the suspense! You are too too cruel with that! nice sotry, very nice

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Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:51 am
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Ph34r the really short chapter 3!

Chapter 3: Three Years
The bright light that took Damean's father haunted him, he saw it in his dreams, it kept taking his father away, taking everything away... For three years this happened.

Damean was now 13, he now had two pokemon, Night and Draco a dratini, he often trained in hopes of going out to find his father, but he couldn't leave his now 10 year old sister Annah behind. So he stayed, becoming stronger and stronger with each passing day...

Annah woke up, shaken awake by her guardian Clair, "Annah, get ready for you last day of school." she said, "I don't want you being late like your brother was..." Clair said as she threw some clothes from the floor onto Annah's bed. "Clair, what time is it?" Annah asked, "It's almost 5." Clair replied as she sorted through the clothes, she plucked a sweater with two dragonairs going down both arms, she threw it into a new pile that had a pair of jeans and socks, "alomost five?" Annah said, "Class doesn't start for three hours!" Clair, put the rest of the clothes into a basket in the corner of the room, "I want to be as ready as you can." Clair replied as she walked out of the room. Annah looked at the pil of clothes the was left on her bed, "I can pick out what I'm wearing to the Dragon Shrine ya know!" she shouted.

Damean was in the Dragon's Den, light was peeking over the mountain tops, he drew a pokeball from his belt, it popped open and a dratini burst out in a flash of light, Damean winced, he didn't like the light as much as he used to. The dratini, turned to Damean, "rraw?" it squeaked, "Training again today, Draco." Damean replied. The dratini nodded as slithered over to a small stream, it dived in and poked it's head out "mrraw." it said and Damean walked over to the stream, "Let's go." Dameans said and the Dratini shot down stream, Damean ran after it.

Fri Nov 25, 2005 2:34 pm
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oo very cool Magus very cool

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Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:48 pm
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cool, pure genious


Fri Nov 25, 2005 9:17 pm
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Character Updates:

Alias: none yet
Age: 13 (will change during the course of the fanfic)
Appearance: Medium length dark blue hair, wears a black hoodie with a brown belt with pokeballs attached to it, he aslo wears a dark blue pair of jeans. (will change during course of fanfic)
Background: Damean's mother died when he was only three, his father disappeared when he was ten, he cares for his sister deeply so he is remaining in Blackthorn.
Personality: Kind, quiet, advetureous. (may change during course of fanfic)
Pokemon: Night (umbreon), Draco (dratini)

Alias: none yet (may change)
Age: 10 (will change during course of fanfic)
Appearance: Usually wears a grey blouse with dragonair down both arms and blue jeans, he has long brown hair and green eyes.
Background: Her mother died giving birth to her, her father disappeared when she was seven, Clair the gym leader of Blackthorn took her and her brother in and cared for them. (will be updated)
Personality: Kind and caring. (may change during course of fanfic)
Pokemon: none yet

Chapter IV: Finished Training

Damean and Draco continued down stream until they came upon the Dragon Shrine, Damean pushed the large wooden doors opened and enetered the dark temple, inside there was a Pupitar and Dragonair locked in battle, monks stood around the battel observing closely, "Dragonair use Dragonbreath." the elder of the monks said and the Dagonair shot green flames from it's mouth, the pupitar was blasted back and fainted. Another monk pulled a pokeball, and returned the pupitar.

Damean approached the monks, "Damean, it is good that you are here." the elder said, "You can see you sister's blessing, and you can finish your training with me." The elder turned to Damean, "You are ready for a battle with me?" the elder said, "What? I thought you said my training would take years." Damean said, "It has been three years Damean, you're ready." the elder said, "... aright." Damean said, the elder drew a pokeball from under his grey cloak, and a Shelgon emerged from it. Damean dre a pokeball from his belt, it was marked with a black cresent moon, "Go, Night." Damean said and a Umbreon emerged from the PokeBall.

"Shelgon, headbutt." The elder said, the Bulky pokemon charged at Night, the Umbreon jumped out of the way, "Night use Shadow Ball." the Umbreon charged up a dark ball of energy and fired it at the Shelgon, it fell to the ground, and slowly got up, "Shelgon use Flamethrower." the Elder said and the Shelgon fired off a stream of flames at Night, Night closed his eyes and the fire skipped around him, he opened his eyes and a burst of flame shot from his body the shelgon took the hit and collapsed, "Shelgon return" the elder said and the pokemon was returned to it's pokeball.

Damean walked over to Night he patted him on the head, "See Damean I've told you Night was a special pokemon." the elder said, "I 've known that as long as I've known Night." Damean replied, the elder smiled, "It's not over yet." he sent out a Dragonite, "Use Hyper Beam." the elder said, the Dragonite charged up a blast in it mouth and fired at Night, Night vanished suddenly, and reappeared by the Dragonite's side, "Night use psychic." the umbreon's rings began to glow and his eye glowed a ficious blue he fired a blast of psychic power at the dragonite knocking down to the ground. The elder smiled as he returned the Dragonite to it's pokeball, "hmm, Damean your training is finished."

Sun Nov 27, 2005 7:29 pm
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very good i can't wait for more

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Sun Nov 27, 2005 8:23 pm
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sweet, eventhough it would haveto be a pretty special umbreon to not get hit once through all of that :lol:


Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:07 pm
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flaming_fox wrote:
sweet, eventhough it would haveto be a pretty special umbreon to not get hit once through all of that :lol:
He's a very special Umbreon, it'll be revieled later in the story...

Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:50 pm
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Capter V: Return

Damean sat on a rock perched near the Dragon Shrine, thinking about what he was going to do now, when Clair and her line of students came into view, Annah was in the line, she waved at Damean, he waved back. Clair pushed open the wooden doors and the stundents filed into the shrine, Damean got up brushed he pants off of dirt from the rock, and followed.

The wooden doors shut behind him, and the shrine grew dark except for the torches lit on both sides of the alter. The Elder had started the blessing, and looked at Damean, his eyes twinkled and he continued the blessing, he finished, and the students began filling out, passing Damean, Annah walked over to Damean, "Hey." Damean said smiling. When a yell sounded, Damean emedietly turned and ran out Annah right behind him. Men in white suits were standing out side, and one had a Swablu who was emitting a Shadowy Aura, "What is that?" Annah asked, "That, aura..." "I don't know..." Damean said as he remembered his expereince with the Metagross and Entei before.

Dameas stepped up, "Hey you!" he said, the men turned to him, "Hmph, your older than the other munchkins..." on said, a taller man said, "Do you want to fight? Heh, don't you know who your messing with? We're Cipher, feared criminal organization." he said, Damean drew a pokeball from his belt, "Yeah, so what? You're probably nothing but a weakling." Damean said, "What? Why you little..." the tall man said, "I'll crush you myself! Bring it on punk!"

The tall man sent out a Seviper, it emitted the same shadowy aura as the Swablu, "You can't beat my Shadow Pokemon!" he said, "hmph, A shadow Pokemon? nice name but it still looks weak." Damean said as he sent out Night, "Shadow Ball." Damean said and Night blasted the Seviper with the ball of darkness, the seviper cried in pain, "Shadow Rush!" the man said, the seviper launched itself at Night, A shadowy aura hit Night, night absorbed it and then it's rings glowed black, his eyes turned red, and he launched a fierce attack of Shadowy Power at the Seviper, it was blown back and hit another one of the men n the head.

"What?!?" the man yelled, he returned the Seviper and snapped a plume of smoke rose from the ground, when it cleared they were gone. "Shadow Pokemon?" Annah said, "What a waste of a cool name..." she said folding her arms and shaking here head.

Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:10 pm
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Even sunlight shined through a dusty window, there was various items scattered across a untighty bed, at the foot of the bed stood a beautiful woman, packing the items into a black bag, she had brown hair and amber eyes, "Mother..." Damean muttered, and the vision suddenly vanished a bright light taking it away, then a green serpent with glowing yellow eyes appeared, over a dead man, "Father!" Damean yelled loudly, when it all was swallowed by blackness...

Damean sat up, he was in his bed, Night next to bed staring at him with concerned eyes. "It was just a nightmare" Damean said, as he pet the Umbreon behind the ears, Night climbed onto the bed with Damean and licked him on the cheek, "It's okay Night." Damean said smiling as he pet Night.

Damean go up, "Guess it's time for some food." he said as he climbed out of the bed, Night gracefully jumped off the bed and stretched in a fashion similar to how a cat stretches. They walked out into the kitchen, where Annah and her first pokemon, an Espeon were playing. "Hey." Damean said as he approached, Night ran over to the Espeon and began wresting with it. "You never told me you Espeon's name." Damean said, "Day's her name." Annah replied, as she watched her Espeon pounced Night, "Day huh? That's a nice name, kind of reminds me of Night." Damean said squatting down to sit with his sister. "Damean, I've decided, I'm going to look for dad..." Annah said, now looking at the ground.

"I know you've wanted to for years, but haven't, so I was wondring if you'd like to go with me?" Ananh asked, "Well I'm not letting you go alone." Damean said, "Your my sister, I've gotta take care of you." Damean said, Night walked back over to Damean and sat next to him. "Night's obviously comming no matter whet, he follows me everywhere." Damean said, "So he'll be able to take care of both of us." Damean said grinning and stroking his Umbreon's smooth coat. "Let's wait 'til morning to tell clari and leave." Annah said, Damean nodded.

Sat Dec 03, 2005 8:42 pm
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ooooooo cool i can't wait till they search for him Night,Day is that pun intended

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Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:52 am
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Night/Day, who'da thunk that (no really, it is so obvious that it takes genious to use it)

Anyways, 9.5/10 keep up the great work :P


Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:05 pm
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Wow, it's really good, I like it Magus!

BTW: Is you name based off of Magus from Chrono Trigger??

Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:05 pm
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Cloud_Strife wrote:
BTW: Is you name based off of Magus from Chrono Trigger??
Yes it is, he's my favorite video game character.

flaming_fox wrote:
no really, it is so obvious that it takes genious to use it
ph34r my genious :twisted:

VII: Good Byes

The sun shined brightly down upon Blackthorn City, Damean and Annah sat in fron of the Gym, waiting for their guardian to return from a Gym Battle. The man that Clair was battling exited the building, He wore a brwn trench coat and hood, his face was hidden under the sading of the hood, the man walked towards the pokemon center. Clair ran out of the Gym, "He you forgot the Badge!" she yelled at the man, "Keep it." he said.

Clair shook her head, "Okay..." she muttered and turned to Damean and Annah, "Strong?" Damean asked, "Very." Clair replied. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" Clair asked, "We're leaving Clair." said Annah, "Both of you?" Clair asked, she knew Daman would leave to find his father someday but she never expected Annah to go with him, "Her idea." Damean said pointing at his sister, "But I'm all for it, and I'm letting her go out there alone." Damean said. Clair nodded, "Okey then is that it?" she asked, "Is that it??" Damean said, "You're taking the a little too well..." Damean muttered, folding his arms and looking towards the Pokemon Center, the man in the hood stood there as if he was waiting for something. "Well..." said Clair, "There isn't anything to do to stop you two." she said looking at the ground, "You can go, you need to do this."

Damean got up, "Alright, are you okay though?" he asked, the Gym Leader muffled a quiet sob, "Yeah, you need to adventure and find your father..." Clair said. Annah got up and hugged Clair in a warm embrace, the hugged for a moment, Damean hugged er after Annah, he patted her back, "We'll be back someday." Damean said. Clair nodded smiling and cring at the same time, she was said to see them leave but she was poud of them.

Last edited by Magus on Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:54 pm
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o :cry: so :cry: sAD! :cry:

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Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:11 pm
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Well written and interesting to read, I would give it a 8/10.


Sat Dec 10, 2005 8:02 pm
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Wow, good job on these Magus, Hmmm I think I shall say... 8/10.

Cant wait for more :D

Coca Cola, 2 Litres a day, keep ma batteries onnnn.

Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:21 am
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Really really good 9.5/10


Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:03 pm
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this is of the best fanfics ive ever read! make more!


Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:27 pm
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nice but you were missing some letters hear and there so ill give it a 8/10 but very good plot . :?: when is the next not to make you rush though.

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Fri Mar 03, 2006 9:08 am
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erg. i should say its really good, but personaly, with all the errors? nd the plot isn't that good either... 6.5/10 :)

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