
Various Pokemon Oekaki Pics (Many Large Images)
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Author:  Gryphflame [ Sat May 20, 2006 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Various Pokemon Oekaki Pics (Many Large Images)

I've been doing a lot of doodling on Oekaki, an online image making program, and I thought I should post some of the finished pictures that I saved. All characters are mine except the last, who belongs to Sneaky_Sneasel.

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As a side note, if anyone has pokemon-related image requests, I might take one or two, but I don't gurentee I'll take them all, or that I'll take them in order, just those that randomly inspire me. PM me if there's a character or pokemon you'd like drawn (please don't post here, since this isn't a shop.)

Author:  rubypoke [ Sun May 21, 2006 5:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Lovely. ^_^ I know Oekakajkegne whatever its called :P. I downloaded a program of something about it.

Yellow Misdreavus thing:
That shade of yellow puts me off, but thats nothing to worry about. The features are very well done and the shading is awsome. 8/10

Ickle Haunter sad:
The eyes are a bit weird, I like the classic black and white. ^_^ There needs to be two more spikes or the spikes should be higher up, looks a bit balding. :P The hands are awsome and the post is awsome. Love it. 9/10

Cool Banette:
Awsome background. the shading is even better. I love it. The pose is excellent like the others. The only thing I can criticise on at all is that Banette is normally a bit cuter and rounder in a way. But this is still brill. 9.2/10

Framed picture of many:
I love that picture. Its so classy. The Gengar is quite freaky, but its different, so I like it, same goes for all the others. Except Misdreavus to the right, looks quite deformed. :P Mushroom? I dunno. 9.5/10 Great.

Im not going to give big comments on the next 2.

Girl: Its a very nice picture, the smoke/steam/aura coming off the ball in her hands is excellent. 9/10

Boy: Simple but great. Very nice. 7.9/10

Author:  Gryphflame [ Mon May 22, 2006 7:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, Rubypoke, although the character in the second-to-last picture is a guy, with long-ish hair :P

Author:  Flarey [ Mon May 22, 2006 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

His name's Cassius. and you can see him in Gryph's sig :wink: He's actually a Haunter, am I correct?

Awesome work as usual Gryph ^_^ And the misdreavus that Maxie commented on, in the frame, looks kinda like a Celebi I reckon :P I love the pic of Cassius in that framed one, and the Banette in that is sweet too.

The last two are very classical GRyphflame style, and of a very high quality with it. My only critisism for those two is that Cassius' face is a fraction .. weird. The bottom line of his face is kinda off, so if you look at it for a long time his face looks warped. Still brilliant, however.

Six thumbs up in total ^_^

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