Rated PG-13 For Strong Violence and Mildly Suggestive Themes
The Ninjas descended upon the town in the dead of night.
The guards were dispatched quitely using Venomoths sleep powder, as their Scyther's ran into the houses, cutting wide holes in the thatch. Soon, walking from the shadows, the ninjas quitely took the sleeping Townsfolks pokemon and left, leaving confusion in there wake.
In the morning the townsfolk were in an uproar. All there pokemon were gone, even the Mayors prized Noctowl. A town meeting was held at once, and as it became ever clear from the signs of break in that it was the mysterious Ninjas who had taken all the pokemon, the mayor became quite irrate.
"I want, no, I demand that something be done about this!", the mayor ranted, "I demand that soemone of strong will go to the Order of the Shadow Leaves and bring forth this injustice to the highest council!"
But, no one came forth, for no one had seen a member of the order of the shadow leaves in some time, for to see one was to give oneself the highest order of sorrow.
An hour passed, in which much debate was givin' over who was to go to the stronghold of that most ancient order. upon the passing of the hour, Tyreal, the strongest and bravest of the three brothers Noir, decided to venture his hand forth and embark on this daring quest.
"Wait!", a gnarled hand pointed at Tyreal, and bade him to stop, "Before you embark on this most foolish of quests, a question I ask of you this?
Are you strong of heart and brave of will,
For to continue this path is most foolish indeed,
if you have no will, nor heart.
Brains you may need,
for this quest is most puzzing indeed,
Can you swing sword, and crush with hammer blows?
For to do so, you may need so, in this most foolish of quests,
Can arrow string, and bow shoot?
Can Pokemon you train?
For without allies in this quest, you are surely doomed."
A strong silence fell after the old mans verse, as he looked Tyreal up and down, "Well, can you?"
"Yes, I can do all those things,
old man."
The old man then dissappered in a cloud of smoke, laughing quite wickedly as he did so.