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Author:  pokemon master mike [ Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  ART COMPETION


you must make a {dewgong} so start now!

Author:  dragonite [ Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:34 pm ]
Post subject: 


There, I made a dewgong.
Please could you be more specific? And what is the poll for?

Author:  rubypoke [ Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Well thank you for making a poll about my shop. :P

But, if you want to run a comp, look at the one which has just finished that I made. Look at page 9 for a start, you'll see how much work goes into it when I judge.

Then, on some of the pages I will have a round beginning. Which isnt like 'Make a Dewgong'.
I do:

Fusion: Relicanth and Magikarp
Colour: Magikarps colours

Pokemon: Jynx and Togepi
Text: Oooooooh
Background: Pink and white
Text colour: Any

And the stuff goes on. That's how a comp should be.

But yeah, I was just giving advice. Explain it more.

Edit: Who voted for No I hate it on the poll? I hate whoever did.

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