
Authors of Confusion.
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Author:  Darth DLA [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Authors of Confusion.

Hello! And welcome to the Authors of Confusion RP :D

Roleplay Name: Authors of Confusion (duh!)
Roleplay Genre: Pokemon

It was scary; one day you had your whole group of friends with you. You were happy then, all was well. Then, one day, a group of trainers came, and they caught all of them. You were probably the only one out of all of your family to escape capture, lost and alone you wandered from place to place. All over the different regions, there were, and are, many stories like yours. Then one day, word reached you of a group plotting to fight back against the trainers, offering you a chance to free your friends. Learning more, you found out that a meeting was to take place in the johto region, near cherrygrove. And that is where our story begins.

You join a Pokemon

Author:  heartofdarkness77 [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 2:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Nave

Species: Sandslash {sandslash}

Personality: Fearless, thinks he's all that, Thinks He is better than a legendary, and hates absols

Background information: Born in the desert near Mauville city. He got into a fight with a trapinch and won(thats why he is all cocky). He was beaten by a trainers absol and his friend cacnea got captured. He evolved and got back at the trainer with the absol but he couldnt get his friend cacnea out of the pokeball.

Author:  daveshan [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

:twisted: Shard rises again.

Name: Shard

Species {charmeleon}

Personality: Arrogantly sure of himself.

Background Info: His father was a blastoise and his mother was a charizard. As a result he was often picked on and had to learn to fight. He developed powerful special attacks, however, his physical attacks aren't very strong.

Author:  Flarey [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey hey, I remember you, Shard! :-o Remember me? :wink:

Name: Flare
Species: {flareon}
Personality: Proud and uppity, but in her heart, craving attention and affection
Background Information: Comes from a small village of Pokemon. After seeing her sister (Splash, a Vaporeon) captured, and later killed because of the humans, she resolved to get back at them.

Let's get it on! :D I haven't RPed like this for aaaaages...

Author:  Nidoman [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 6:42 am ]
Post subject: 

The idea sounds good. I'll join up.

Name: Snoggz
Species: {rhydon}
Personality: Caring,Kind,Brave,Loyal
Backround Info: Lived as a traveler of the regions all his life. Saw some of the evil trainers come and capture baby pokemon from their mothers. Now he wants the orginization destroyed.

Author:  Kirke [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh snap, Kirke joiners!

Name: Nachtbl

Author:  Poe [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey, I wanna join!

Name: Torcher(NOT TORTURE)

Species: Combuskin

Personality: A little cocky but none the less powerful

Background Info: Born in Hoenn but got captured along with his best friend, Swamp the Swampert, and trasported to Johto. He escaped, but Swamp was sadly tortured to death, and now he fights any evil pokemon traders, trainers, and evil pokemon themselves. Because of that he is reckless in his attack and keeps fighting even if he's hurt!

Author:  rubypoke [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

This is a very interesting one.

Name: Max

Species: {elekid}

Personality: Jolly and humourus most of the time, Max is always up on his toes ready for a fight. He adores his powerful fists of fury along with some tasty food.

Background info: After a warm up-bringing in a built up urban area, Max was ditched by his ignorant trainer in the middle of nowhere when he wasn't too old. He has a dislike for most trainers now.

Author:  Darth DLA [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Okay! Nice oppening turnout. I will still let more people in if they wish however.

Heartofdarkness77: Declined. Though your post in this thread is an improvement over your usual posts, your grammar is normally of poor quality. Come back in a few months after you learn to use the MS word spell checker.

Daveshan: accepted. Your grammar is good, and you have proven your creativity with plot twists.

Flarey: Decl... Only joking. :P Accepted of course.

Nidoman: my sources say that you come online only every few days. You may join if you promise to come online at lest 4 times a week. Sound fair?

Kirke: you may join as long as I never have to call your character by his full name. My QWERTY keyboard didn't come with that u thing. :)

SwampZard: hmm, after reviewing your roleplaying, I found good grammar, but as you are somewhat of a newcomer to Psypoke, I won't let you in for the moment. However, I will watch "Be Careful What You Wish..." to see how good you are. :wink:

Rubypoke: come on in!

Now, let's get underway.


[color=deepskyblue]Qirkep looked up into the starry sky. He wondered when the first pokemon would arrive. they wouldn

Author:  heartofdarkness77 [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

O man i'm all ways getting declined now. I try my hardest but i guess it's not good enough.

Author:  Darth DLA [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

[color=deepskyblue]Do you have MS word? you can greatly Improve your grammar by copy/pasting your post into it, using the spell checker and the reading it out loud. Remember to add a comma wherever you pause to tae a breath (EX: instead of trying:

Author:  Nidoman [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

The bulk of Snoggz crashed through the bushes. He came into the place where they were supposed to be meeting. A fire was lit but no one else had arrived. Odd, they should be here. Snoggz walked slowly towards the fire waiting.

((( Don't worry Darth. I get on twice or more a day, I just don't post every day)))

Author:  Poe [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

((Okay Darth DLA, I'll try my best in the other RP and then mabye you will accept me next time...))

Author:  Flarey [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Strutting into the clearing, Flare looked around. A Rhydon? Oh how pitiful.

"I suppose you're here for the meeting?" she asked disdainfully. "I hope a few more Pokemon come with more brains than brawn, I can't stand Rock and Ground types. So utterly thick." Moving to lie casually next to the fire, she glanced around, pretending to ignore the Rhydon.

I doubt a fire would be here with nobody else here. I wonder when it's lighter will show itself. Another Fire Pokemon will be good contest against my own strength. she thought, waving her tail and waiting patiently.

((Please don't anyone take anything she thinks or says personally - she's a stuck up seract, but that doesn't mean I have anything against any of you :P ))

Author:  Nidoman [ Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:54 am ]
Post subject: 

" Oh yes grand I get to work with some stuck up, sarcastic little firefox." Snoggz said as he shot an annoying glance at the flareon. Great now will i have to join with the likes of her.

(( LOL love how you're charecter thinks I'm automatically stupid. I'll have to show her))

Author:  daveshan [ Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

"You should watch what you say about fire types." Shard said as he came out of the clearing (like everyone else). "After all, the greatest pokemon ever to exist is a fire type. I.E. me!

"Now, who called this meeting?"

Author:  Darth DLA [ Tue Nov 07, 2006 6:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Possibly so, but let's not forget there's a place for every type" so saying, Qirkep appeared right out of thin air right in front of the Charmeleon. "BOO!" he smiled. "And as for who called this meeting, I did. Everyone here?" he said taking a look around.

Author:  Birdknight [ Tue Nov 07, 2006 6:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Alex
Species: {kirlia}
Personality: Smart, strategical, and logical. Calculates his movements during battles.
Background information: Alex had lived a happy life, until the day when the hunters came. All men, with blue shirts on them came and took his family away. His mother had defended him, and end up teleporting him very far away. She did this to take him out of the hunters way. From then on out, Alex has always been searching for his mother and sisters that were taken away from him, and hates humans with a passion.

(could I join?)

Author:  daveshan [ Tue Nov 07, 2006 7:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Shard jumped back a bit. But commented that it was a defensive stance.

"How should I know how many are supposed to be here?" Shard asked rudely. "All I know is, I came here to join in with some pokemon who can help me find my parents who were kidnapped by some human!"

Author:  Kirke [ Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nacht floated on the cold night breeze. He was dazed, he was being carried wherever the wind took him. At certain times during his flight, he saw a burning fire off in the distance, and a masquerade of shadows dancing around it. As the night drew on, Nacht came closer to the fire and could feel his strength regaining as he neared the warmth.

He opened his eyes, and saw a wide cast of Pokemon. He had landed in a clearing, but no one seemed to notice. Nacht didn't like not being noticed. He was sprawled on the rocky ground, and looked towards the stars as he crawled upright. Nacht wasn't good at being quiet, so while the other Pokemon were talking, he blurted out "HI. I'M NACHT. I'M READY TO BEGIN."

Author:  Flarey [ Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sighing, Flare rolled onto her side lazily. Fools, all of them. Is nobody here able to keep me entertained with a wit to match my own, or will I have to work with utter dingbats in order to pay revenge on those humans...

"Are any of you capable of forming a coherant sentence - or a plan?" Looking up at the Haunter, she frowned slightly. "Are you in charge? Tell those fools to be silent so the meeting can begin."

Author:  Birdknight [ Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Alex, knowing he was late, ran as fast as he could towards where the meeting would be held. He quickly navigated through the dense forest, until he saw a fire. That must be them... Alex slowed down and walked into the circle and sat down silently.

Author:  Nidoman [ Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Snoggz continued looking at the flareon. She may be rude and obnoxious, but she's smart and passionate, I like her already. Snoggz looked at all the gathered pokemon.
" Haunter, I'm guessing this is all we're going to get so we should probably start soon." Snoggz said.

Author:  Birdknight [ Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Yes, I agree" pronounced Alex. He was eager to start the meeting and explain some of the many ideas he had with the group.

Author:  Darth DLA [ Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Agreed. We shall start with introductions." Qirkep started. "I am the founder of this little organization, and thus your leader. My name is Qirkep, but you may call me quirk, or quirky. My plan is to fight the humans in raids, win a little here, win a little there, and hopefully gain more allies."

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