
Psypoke Chats Code [Updated 07 Apr 2008]
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Author:  Swift [ Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Psypoke Chats Code [Updated 07 Apr 2008]

The psypoke chats ( are for Psypoke users to communicate in live chat. The channel, #psypoke, is designated for general discussion and general pokemon discussion. Other channels, such as #psypoketrivia and #psypokejeopardy, are currently "inactive," meaning that there are no Psypoke staff members in them, and may not be entered.

Accessing Chats
To access the chatrooms, users may either use the site's java application or an IRC program. To use the java chat, users must visit, and click the link that directs to the channel the user wishes to visit. If using an IRC program, users should connect to the KBFail Network (address:; port: 6667) and join the channel (#psypoke).

Channel Staff
Channel staff consists of channel operators, channel voices, and channel bots. Channel operators, those marked with "@" or "&," enforce the rules in their channels. Channel voices, those marked with "+," are staff members who are able to speak when the channel has been moderated (+m). Channel bots are not users, and should thusly be left alone. The channel staff is as follows, with possible aliases in parentheses:

Channel Operators: Frost, Krisp (Jolteon), nfield, TheCyberMew, Jigglypuff, Firestarter (Ledyba), skullkid, Flaming_Wuzzle.
Channel Voices: Harley, Rhapsody, JsXtm, Kurushel, Crunchy, DatVu, RaichuLatias (Glaceon), Pelligargetic (Pelli), Sneaky_Sneasel, tiger10x.
Channel Bots: stasbot.

All questions or concerns regarding channel activity, including bans or user conflicts, should either be messaged to a channel operator of the channel in question, or be sent a forum private message.

Receiving Voice ("+") Status
At this time, only staff members are permitted to receive voice status in #psypoke.

Receiving Operator ("@") Status
At this time, only staff members are permitted to receive operator ("@") status in #psypoke.

Channel Modes
In some instances, each of Psypoke's channel's modes may be changed to accustom to the chat. The most common modes seen are:

+s (Secret): The channel is listed as secret. Nobody can access the channel without prior knowledge.
+n (No Outside Messages): The channel can only receive messages from those inside the channel. This mode is standard for all Psypoke channels.
+t (No Topic Changes): The channel's topic can only be changed by Channel Operators. This mode is standard for all Psypoke channels.
+m (Moderated Channel): The channel is "moderated;" only channel voices and channel operators are able to speak.
+i (Invite Only): The channel is closed; Channel Operators must invite users to enter the channel.

Channel Ratings
Each channel has a specific rating, that relates to the content of its discussion. Currently, #psypoke is rated 16+, meaning the channel is for children ages sixteen (16) and up. All other Psypoke channels are rated 10+, meaning the channel is for children ages ten (10) and up. In an 10+ channel, all forms of unacceptable language, actions, or discussions are prohibited. In a 16+ channel, there is lenience to unacceptable language, actions, and discussions; however, abuse of these socially unacceptable behaviors will be considered against the rules.

Channel Code of Conduct
To provide the best chat experience, rules must be implemented so as to please everybody, and keep all users free from annoyance, stupidity, and harassment. This code of conduct is split into four categories of violations, ranging from minor to severe. This list of violations is not absolutely inclusive; Channel operators reserve the right to kick or ban a user for any reason. All Channel Operators reserve the right to modify disciplinary action based on individual circumstances and investigation.

Class "C" Violations

1. Abuse of Text - Abuse of text includes, but is not limited to excessive use of capital letters, bold, underline, reverse, color, punctuation marks, or repetitive lines. Though it is permissible to use text modifiers sparingly, abuse is not tolerated.

2. Off-Topic Discussion - Channels are to be used for their specific purpose only. Off-topic discusssion includes trading/battling discussion in #psypoke.

3. Monologues - Performing monologues, repeated lines, is prohibited in either channel. This includes repetitively saying "hello," when there is nobody in the channel. An inactive, "dead," channel is not an excuse -- Psypoke Chats is not personal entertainment center.

4. Unacceptable Behavior - Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to: unacceptable language, actions, or discussions; persistently annoying the channel members; persistently badgering individual channel members. In all Psypoke channels, excluding #psypoke, unacceptable language or discussions are strictly prohibited; in #psypoke, they are tolerated to an extent.

Class "C" Disciplinary Action
All Class "C" Violations may result in a forum warning at the acting Channel Operator's discretion.
First Offense: User is warned of his/her violation.
Second Offense: User is forcibly removed from the channel.
Third Offense: User is temporarily banned from the chats for no less than one (1) hour.
Fourth Offense: User is temporarily banned from the chats for no less than six (6) hours.
Subsequent Offenses: User is temporarily banned from the chats for no more than twenty-four (24) hours.

Class "B" Violations

1. Nickname Abuse - Nickname abuse includes, but is not limited to: excessive changing of nicknames; using someone else's nickname; abusing passwords, NickServ accounts, etc; falsifying identification.

2. Notice Abuse - Channel notices are prohibited unless authorized by a channel operator. Channel notices cause noise in many IRC clients, and thus are distracting. This rule also encompasses channel-wide CTCPs and channel-wide private messages. This does not include spam.

3. Unauthorized Access - Users found in unauthorized channels, such as #psypokejeopardy or #psypoketrivia when there is no game, or have somehow received channel voice/operator status without permission, will be removed from all channels. Access to a Psypoke channel is prohibited unless there is a channel operator present.

4. Minor Flooding - Flooding the channel with messages is strictly prohibited. "Minor" is classified as flooding that comes to a stop after a maximum of twelve (12) lines.

5. User Harassment - User harassment, also known as "trolling" or "flaming," includes but is not limited to: engaging in discussion that alarms or seriously annoys another person and that shows no legitimate purpose by its action; verbally assaulting another using racial epithets, and/or offensive name calling related to one's race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, physical appearance, or ability; continued, unwanted private messaging, noticing, or channel inviting. Randomly messaging a user without explicit permission is now treated as user harassment.

6. Operator Impersonation - Operator impersonation, also known as "backseat moderating" or "mini-modding," is defined as a normal member: taking control of a channel; threatening or instructing users as if the offender is a Channel Operator; citing rules for users; or excessive reporting of users. Operator Impersonation is a nuisance and will not be tolerated.

Class "B" Disciplinary Action
All Class "B" Violations will result in a forum warning.
First Offense: User is forcibly removed from the channel.
Second Offense: User is temporarily banned from the chats for no less than twenty-four (24) hours; referral to Administration for review.
Third Offense: User is temporarily banned from the chats for no less than seven (7) days.
Fourth Offense: User is temporarily banned from the chats for no less than two (2) weeks.
Subsequent Offenses: Disciplinary Action is taken at Class "A."

Class "A" Violations


1. Spam - Spam on the chats is defined as unwanted messages. This includes garbage lines, incomprehensible discussion, unauthorized solicitation, and use of advertising bots. Users are given a stern warning about breaching this rule on their first offense, unless the violation falls under unauthorized solicitation.

2. Staff Harassment/Insubordination - Staff harassment encompasses all conditions of user harassment, only done to a staff member. Insubordination includes, but is not limited to: open defiance of Psypoke Chat Rules; open defiance of Psypoke Forum Rules; open defiance to a Channel Operator; failure to follow instruction by a Channel Operator.

3. Major Flooding - Flooding the channel with messages is strictly prohibited. "Major" is defined as flooding the channel with messages, notices, CTCPs, or any other mass form of communication that does not stop after twelve (12) lines. Flooding with notices and/or CTCPs is an automatic thirty-day ban, regardless of the length of the flood.

Class "A" Disciplinary Action
All Class "A" Violations will result in a forum warning, and may result in a mirrored forum ban.
First Offense: User is temporarily banned from the chats for no less than thirty (30) days.
Second Offense: User is temporarily banned for no more than one hundred (100) days; referral to Administration for probation.
Third Offense: User is permanently banned from the chats.


Operator Logs
All channel operator actions -- kicks, bans, unbans, and warnings -- are logged by stasbot, and can be accessed at any time. Please message nfield for instructions.

To access ChanServ's ban list, users must type in their IRC client:
/msg ChanServ LISTBAN #psypoke -whoset -reason
This command will list all effective bans on the Psypoke Chats, along with who set the ban, and why. Should there be any questions or concerns about these bans, all users are welcome to message a channel operator, specifically the operator who set the ban in question.

Any and all questions, comments, or concerns should either be messaged to a channel operator on the chats or forums, or posted a thread in the Help Forum.

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