
DP Rater Application [Currently Down]
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Author:  FireStarter [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  DP Rater Application [Currently Down]

To become an official DP rater, all you have to do is replace the "???" with a good move/item/trait for that set. If you get a 70% or higher on your first try, you pass. If you get an 80% or higher on your second try, you pass. If on your third try you can get at least a 90%, you pass. On every attempt after your third, you must get a grade of 100% to pass, HOWEVER, you may only try five times.

Anyone who has not tried the new system gets a fresh start, so if you've already submitted a rate and failed, your next submission will be counted as your first try. Also, all raters who passed the last test need not worry.

I am not currently accepting applications.

Toxicroak @ ???
Adamant 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Focus Punch
Taunt/Poison Jab

Rhyperior @ Choice Band
Adamant 200 HP, 204 Atk, 104 Def
Stone Edge/Rock Slide

Ninetales @ ???
Timid 40 HP, 200 SpA, 76 SpD, 192 Speed
Nasty Plot

Azelf @ Life Orb
??? 80 Atk, 176 SA, 252 Speed

Skarmory @ ???
Impish 156 HP, 80 Atk, 160 Def, 112 SD
Spikes/Stealth Rock
Drill Peck/Brave Bird

Note from tiger10x: PM the test to FireStarter, not me. Just because you don't get a response in three seconds doesn't mean that you'll be a rater any quicker if you PM me, too. I forward all the tests I receive to FireStarter, so it won't usually turn out very well if FireStarter sees one from you and later sees one from me.

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