
Should I replace Empoleon and Glaceon with Lapras?
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Author:  haga11111 [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Should I replace Empoleon and Glaceon with Lapras?

Hello. I've been think about my team, and I think I should replace my Empoleon and Glaceon with one Lapras, then use the extra slot for a Ninetales. I have a few reasons:

A. I have two steel types when I use Empoleon, and I don't like doing that.
B. Lapras is Ice and Water, so it covers both of their attack types.
C. My Glaceon isn't coming along very well.
D. I lack a fire type, so this would free up a slot.
E. This would also allow me to switch Staraptor with Lucario or another fighting type, as Ninetales and Gardevoir would cover everything that Staraptor does now, and Lucario would cover even more.

Is this a good idea? If it helps, this is my current team:


And this would be my new team:

Lucario (or another fighting type)

Also, please, stick to things about the Ninetales, Lucario (like if I should replace them with something else), Glaceon, Staraptor, Empoleon and Lapras. Nothing like "You should replace Mismagius with Gengar!" Finally, I know my team lacks a grass type. My Gardevoir knows Magical Leaf, and for now that's working out fine.

P.S. For the record, my Lucario is only in my trainer card because I haven't updated it to include Gardevoir yet.

Author:  Mr.Chaos [ Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I replace Empoleon and Glaceon with Lapras?

Yes, yes you should

Author:  Cactuar [ Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I replace Empoleon and Glaceon with Lapras?

I like team B, except maybe switch Ninetales wih an Infernape, Infernape can really sweep.

Author:  Pokejack117 [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Should I replace Empoleon and Glaceon with Lapras?

yep team B

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