
Tyranitar help?
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Author:  SinnohChampion [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Tyranitar help?

I have a Tyranitar moveset I want to use but I am a little unsure about some things

The moveset is:

1. Dragon Dance
2. Crunch
3. Earthquake
4. Ice Beam

I was going to use a +speed nature but I am not sure which one. I was thinking jolly but then that would lower the power of ice beam.

Also, I wasn't sure what EV's to use I was thinking either
252 Attack/252 Speed/4/HP
252 HP/252 Attack/4 Sp.def

Any ideas?

Author:  pokemon ranger [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tyranitar help?

About the EVs, given the fact that tyranitar is a dark/rock type, people will tend to use fight type moves and since most fight type moves are physical, it would be best to give it more HP than sp def.

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tyranitar help?

pokemon ranger wrote:
About the EVs, given the fact that tyranitar is a dark/rock type, people will tend to use fight type moves and since most fight type moves are physical, it would be best to give it more HP than sp def.

Although I agree, TTar cannot take a fighting-type hit from anything and live unless it's sashed. But he gets a 1.5 Sdef boost from Sandstorm so that stat is good as it is. and HP covers both defences.

Go with a jolly nature. And if Ice beam isn't working well use Ice fang

Author:  ShadowTyranitar [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tyranitar help?

Im guessing Ice Beam is for Hippo, Gliscor, and others. In that case then Ice Beam>Ice Fang.

Author:  SinnohChampion [ Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tyranitar help?

pokemon ranger wrote:
About the EVs, given the fact that tyranitar is a dark/rock type, people will tend to use fight type moves and since most fight type moves are physical, it would be best to give it more HP than sp def.

So are you suggesting I use the 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Sp.def set?

Author:  pokemon ranger [ Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tyranitar help?

Yes, that is what I would do.

Author:  SinnohChampion [ Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tyranitar help?

pokemon ranger wrote:
Yes, that is what I would do.

Ok Thanks

MasterChef wrote:
Although I agree, TTar cannot take a fighting-type hit from anything and live unless it's sashed. But he gets a 1.5 Sdef boost from Sandstorm so that stat is good as it is. and HP covers both defences.

Go with a jolly nature. And if Ice beam isn't working well use Ice fang

Yes that is a good ides

Thanks guys :D

Author:  Cuddles [ Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tyranitar help?

if youre not pumping it with speed EVs, then i think a speed boosting nature is not a good idea. you may as well use adamant/lonely/naughty so you can max out your attack.

without max speed, youre almost always going to need (at least) two or three dragon dances before you can start to outspeed things and sweep. his otherwise bulkiness will allow it to get a few DD's. in fact, with max hp and sandstream, im fairly sure he can usually survive focus blast from modest gengar even!

as for ice beam, there is really no need to use a def or sp def hindering nature, since it still OHKO's or 2HKO's what it needs to (dragons, gliscor, hippowdon, etc).

finally, it ought to be said that max speed jolly can outrun timid starmie after a single dragon dance, meaning that it can OHKO it with crunch before taking any damage from surf. the same goes for gengar, since it is slower than starmie.

not exactly giving you my opinion on which is best, but just a few thoughts that hadnt been mentioned yet.......

Author:  SinnohChampion [ Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tyranitar help?

Cuddles wrote:
if youre not pumping it with speed EVs, then i think a speed boosting nature is not a good idea. you may as well use adamant/lonely/naughty so you can max out your attack.

without max speed, youre almost always going to need (at least) two or three dragon dances before you can start to outspeed things and sweep. his otherwise bulkiness will allow it to get a few DD's. in fact, with max hp and sandstream, im fairly sure he can usually survive focus blast from modest gengar even!

as for ice beam, there is really no need to use a def or sp def hindering nature, since it still OHKO's or 2HKO's what it needs to (dragons, gliscor, hippowdon, etc).

finally, it ought to be said that max speed jolly can outrun timid starmie after a single dragon dance, meaning that it can OHKO it with crunch before taking any damage from surf. the same goes for gengar, since it is slower than starmie.

not exactly giving you my opinion on which is best, but just a few thoughts that hadnt been mentioned yet.......

Those are some excellent points there cuddles thanks :D
I may have to rethink my EV set Hmmmm... :?

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