
Two moveslots, One Snorlax
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Author:  MasonTheChef [ Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Two moveslots, One Snorlax

So I've been running a stockpile snorlax set for a bit, and I'm rater happy with how well it sets up and it's ability to wall. However the problem comes up with opponents SD, Curse and DDancing against him and breaking through him if Snorlax isn't able to KO them quickly enough.

So I'm looking for some advice on what two attacks I should give him that will;
A. Optimize his walling
B. Strike enough damage against common attack boosters, cursers and taunters to keep them from setting up
C. Not be walled himself

{snorlax} Sassy @ Thick fat. Chesto Berry
252 HP, 44 DEF, 160 S.DEF, 52 ATK,
-(Body slam is the most solid option for move A. paralysis+STAB damage helps this stockpile set a lot. )

Some attacks sets I've tried:

Body Slam/T-punch: Ok, spreads paralysis but lacks some type coverage.

Body Slam/Ice Punch: Steels and gyarados block, but great status coverage

T-/Ice Punch: boltbeam, but weak hits to neturals.

Ice Punch/EQ: Great coverage, OK power. gyarados and skarm block easily though

Crunch/Body Slam: Ok, steels block but crunch can break thru.

Other moves I could try are
Fire punch
B break
Seed bomb
Outrage (confusion is too risky)
Last resort (scary, but there are some obvious drawbacks)
Rock slide
Iron head <^(para-flinch w/ Body slam)
Belly drum is a possible option after 3 stockpiles, but it would leave only one attacking move...
Whirlwind/Charm is possible to keep away the stat boosters but it'll only work for so long.
Fire Blast (skarm and scizor/fortress. kinda useless otherwise)


Author:  EvilPenguin [ Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Two moveslots, One Snorlax

Dump this and kingdra and pick up hippowdon/tyranitar and cradily. Bam, walling problem solved.

Alternatively, if you really want to keep it, you could try Focus Punch - when they try to DD/SD/etc up, punch them in the mouth. If you put that with Body Slam, you've got everything dealt with except for ghosts, but most of them time you only see one per team, so that should be simple to deal with. Once the ghosts are out, bring in Lax and set up. Or, team F-P with Crunch and hit everything in the game neutral except toxicroak and heracross.

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Two moveslots, One Snorlax

Why would I go with a Cradily? walling-wise it's only benefits over snorlax is sandstorms boost and suction cups, but gets steel/Ice weaknesses and a rather limited movepool. Besides I'd have to do a lot more then switch out kingdra to make Sandstorm benefit my team.

Focus punch would do great on the main cursers (Umberon/Snorlax) but most common dragon dancers are part flying which makes it little use, plus anything that lives it will take measures to get around it, kinda like sucker punch. Also Snorlax is my main ghost counter, Gengar cant get around him and the worse any other ghosts can pull is pain split or the rare curse.

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Two moveslots, One Snorlax

MasterChef wrote:
Why would I go with a Cradily?

Because its green and I like it more. Reason enough.

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Two moveslots, One Snorlax

Can't argue with that :P

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