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Author:  Wilesthegreat [ Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Combo

In a double battle, does the effect of no guard affect all pokemon, or just the ones involved in combat with the no guard pokemon. If so, what is to stop someone from making a team with horn drill, shear cold, fissure and gullitine pokemon with two Machamps.

Author:  lordtomato [ Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combo

one hit KO restrictions for one.

Author:  /vXv\ [ Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combo

Well besides the ban
You would only need one machamp cause it affect all pokemon
My No guard machamp which was Uber Hard to get Has the moves dynamic punch normaly 50% acc mega kick 75% acc Stone edge 80% and Payback for psychics
Note No guard allows you to hit flying, digging etc pokemon too with Perfect acc
Lapras would be a good OHKO It can learn Fissure, Horn Drill and sheer Cold throw in a power move like blizzard,hydro pump or thunder and your good

Alternatly Aggron with Rollout, defence curl, fury cutter, and a power Move (Dragon rush, Iron tail, Dynamic punch, Mega Kick) Give it a metronome(item) to power repeating moves like rollout and fury cutter

Author:  Wilesthegreat [ Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combo

so you could do a sheer cold mind reader combo with out the mind reader? Send out articuno with sheer cold and machamp with no guard?

Author:  Titan of Lightning [ Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combo

about Batty (yes that's you /xVx)'s Idea for the Rollout Metronome combo, that won't work, since the gain isn't influenced by how many times the Attack goes, but by how many times the move is selected consecutivly.
If Lock-On or Mind Reader has been used the previous turn, or if the user or the target has the ability No Guard, [OHKO Move] will hit.

but even then, OHKO moves are banned.

Author:  Wilesthegreat [ Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combo

Titan of Lightning wrote:
about Batty (yes that's you /xVx)'s Idea for the Rollout Metronome combo, that won't work, since the gain isn't influenced by how many times the Attack goes, but by how many times the move is selected consecutivly.
If Lock-On or Mind Reader has been used the previous turn, or if the user or the target has the ability No Guard, [OHKO Move] will hit.

but even then, OHKO moves are banned.

What if Machamps partner has a one hit ko move! Will it be 100% accurate?

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