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 Strange and Unusual Sets 
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Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher
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Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:48 am
Posts: 13
Location: Owosso, MI, USA
Hey all. First topic I've made, I hope it helps me and some other players out.

I'm trying to make unusual teams for both Single and Double sets. I allow any Pokemon except hacked and legendaries. For the rest, I completely throw out all that tier stuff and go with it, way too complex. There are very few other rules with my battles (Unique Pokemon, Unique Items, and the Sleep Clause).

Now to the meat of the topic. Here are a few sets that I have created. The key note is that these sets only reveal the Pokemon, Ability Choice (if presented with one), Moves, Items, and general training they've received. The stranger the setup, the better. Always keep 'em guessing. I'd like to see the same in your sets.

Don't say Physical Sweeper or Special Sponge, just say something like "trained for endurance" (high Defense or Sp.Def. EVs), "trained for stamina" (high HP EVs), "trained to run" (high Speed EVs), and "trained for power" (high Attack or Sp.Atk. EVs) for the one key stat it needs to work. Keeping EVs secret helps people experiment with these sets.

Also, if some notes like "trained to run" on a Spiritomb with Shadow Sneak, Dark Pulse, Spite, and Pain Split sounds unusual, it might be because it specializes in taking down certain others. Just say what it was trained to fight or counter. In this case, it is a Wobbuffet counter. I'll also want to hear about odd single Pokemon or combinations, like a Heatproof Bronzong with Imprison, Hidden Power, and Earthquake or a Normalize Delcatty with Foresight (Skitty learns it in Platinum), Thunder Wave, Zen Headbutt, and Last Resort.

Finally, give a cryptic idea (and a team nickname if you want) to the strategy for the team. Tell what you lead with by labelling it 1st (and 2nd in the case of a Doubles team) and put the others under reserves. I'll give an example with the two from my signature and more.

Vanilla Sun - Double
Worry, Sun, Drum, and cripple foes with Serene Grace.

1st Cherrim
Heat Rock, trained for endurance
Sunny Day, Worry Seed, Solarbeam, Helping Hand

2nd Slaking
Muscle Band, trained for power, designed to fight in the hot sun
Fire Punch, Earthquake, Body Slam, Brick Break

Blissey - Serene Grace
Leftovers, trained for power, designed to fight physical walls and sweepers
Iron Tail, Water Pulse, Flamethrower, Return

Linoone - Gluttony
Salac Berry, trained to run
Belly Drum, Return, Iron Tail, Shadow Claw

Kangaskhan - Scrappy
Persim Berry, trained for power, designed to fight big threats
Double Hit, Outrage, Brick Break, Aerial Ace

Togekiss - Serene Grace
Wise Glasses, trained for stamina
Secret Power, Ancientpower, Aura Sphere, Air Slash

That seems like standard fare with a few tweaks, doesn't it folks. It kind of is, but the fact that most members will pull attention away from Linoone, lulling the opponent into a false sense of security. That and the fact the Blissey here is trained to cripple a foe's fighting ability with added effects of confusion, lowered defense, and burns is the most unusual part.

Here's another:
Hit & Run - Double
Critical hacked information was destroyed by a bone thrown in Close Combat. Attacker Overheated the Motor Drive and ran off.

1st Honchkrow - Super Luck
Salac Berry, trained to run, designed for wider Type coverage
Steel Wing, Drill Peck, Psychic, Night Slash

2nd Drapion - Sniper
Scope Lens, trained for power
Cross Poison, Slash, Night Slash, Ice Fang

Absol - Super Luck
Razor Claw, trained to run
Stone Edge, Slash, Psycho Cut, Night Slash

Expert Belt, trained to run, designed to get in hard hits and get out quick
Overheat, Close Combat, U-Turn, Thunderpunch

Liechi Berry, trained for endurance
Thunderpunch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Brick Break

Smeargle - Technician
King's Rock, trained for power, designed to fight Substitutes
Bonemerang, Smellingsalt, Force Palm, Bite

The unusual Infernape set is for type coverage, hit and run tactics (Close Combat or Overheat then U-Turn out), and boosting Electivire with Thunderpunch when not facing a Water Type or out of options. Smeargle is designed to smash a Substitute, Paralyze the foe, Flinch them as much as possible, then a paralysis doubled STAB Smellingsalt to finish them.

Lesson three:
Odd Weather - Single
Hail in the desert? Sand in the tundra? Odd foes running amok? Was that a mammoth back there?

1st Tyranitar
Focus Sash, trained for endurance
Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Crunch, Stone Edge

Leftovers, trained for stamina
Recover, Mirror Coat, Ice Beam, Surf

Occa Berry, trained for endurance
Seed Bomb, Earthquake, Blizzard, Focus Blast

Golduck - Cloud Nine
Petaya Berry, trained for power
Surf, Psychic, Mud Bomb, Ice Beam

Salac Berry, trained for power
Earthquake, Crunch, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang

Mamoswine - Snow Cloak
Liechi Berry, trained to run, designed to pick off weakened foes and cripple others
Earthquake, Rock Slide, Ice Shard, Body Slam

Tricky set here designed for switching up the weather at a moment's notice once Tyranitar drops. Mixed sets of Physical and Special moves allow for strong offensives to occur.

Final set for today:
Tank Room - Double
How did we get overrun by those slow things? They got by our fastest fighters and are sucking our reserves dry.

1st Bastiodon
Liechi Berry, trained for endurance
Iron Head, Earthquake, Avalanche, Rock Slide

2nd Probopass - Magnet Pull
Petaya Berry, trained for endurance, designed to fight problematic Steels.
Earth Power, Flash Cannon, Thunderbolt, Stone Edge (soon to be replaced by Power Gem when Platinum comes out)

Focus Band, trained for power
Attack Order, Aerial Ace, Power Gem, Roost

Bronzong (named Ringer) - Levitate
Quick Claw, trained for stamina
Trick Room, Payback, Gyro Ball, Psychic

Shell Bell, trained for endurance, designed to fight high HP foes and Skarmory
Shadow Sneak, Pain Split, Brick Break, Thunderpunch

Expert Belt, trained for endurance, designed to fight high HP foes and Grounds
Shadow Sneak, Pain Split, Water Pulse, Dark Pulse

Swap out Bastiodon and Probopass for Vespiquen and Bronzong to learn who the Surf and Earthquake users are (Pressuring extra PP in the process), Trick Room, and clean house. Beware of Mold Breaker adjusted Earthquakes. Use Dusknoir and Spiritomb's Pain Splits to take huge chunks out of Blissey, Snorlax, Drifblim, and other high HP foes


Treat added effect moves like pasta. Throw enough around and something is bound to stick. -Kraleck-

When you say bad things on Pokemon forums about people with Asperger's Syndrome, you say bad things about Pokemon creator Satoshi Tajiri, too. Put this in your signature if you support people with Asperger's Syndrome & Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:11 am
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