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Author:  Nabkov [ Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  SHUCKLE!!!!!

so I recently stumbled upon an idea of a powerful shuckle... *hold applause* I intend to do this through its powerful... infact any opponet with a speed of at least 28.9 would recieve the full 150, so if I used power trick, and then stone edge, or gyro ball I could deal either 150 BP (gyro) or 135 (stone edge w/ stab calculated) and so it might in theory actualy be able to do something... so I was thinking....

{shuckle} 252 attack, 252 hp, 4 defense
naughty (-sp. D, +attack)
-gyro ball
-stone edge
-power trick

so yeah power trick, and I am trying to make it so that after the power trick, shuckle still has some defense, and then I use his new 230+ attack stat to clear the field...

any suggestions?

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SHUCKLE!!!!!

I actually thought of trying to make a working power trick set a while back, here's what I came up with:

Careful @ leftovers/chesto
252 HP 252 S.DEF
-Mean look
-Baton pass

Bring umbry in on a poke he can wall and mean look + curse up. After 6 curses baton pass to shuckle.

Sassy @ Leftovers/Lum
252HP enough in ATK to make his stat 100, rest in S.def
-Power trick
-Gyro ball/rock slide (power vs. PP)

Withdraw if umby didn't pass all of the 6 curses, then power trick. which would then leave him with 400 def, just under 2000 attack and with close to nothing in speed. then sweep with gyro ball or rock slide

Author:  Cactuar [ Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHUCKLE!!!!!

A good idea, but toxic would really hurt shuckle. I would use a Regi instead.

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHUCKLE!!!!!

I really don't see toxic as a problem on any of the shuckle sets here, as they all carry rest. If your referring to umbreon it has syncro as well as rest and none of the regi's carry baton pass >.>

Author:  Luce [ Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHUCKLE!!!!!

You'd have to make sure that most of the physical threats are gone of course (Any ground, water, or steel type move carriers). Or he'd be squished quick. After that work on the fact that he's slow as a Tonberry. I would suggest a Trick Room team for this. Also Earthquake is worth mention for type coverage.

Author:  searchman52 [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SHUCKLE!!!!!

The Power Trick idea is a classic idea. I was thinking of a set like this:

{shuckle} @ Leftovers
EV: Defense and Spec. Defense
Nature: +Defense -Speed
Gyro Ball
Power Trick
Stone Edge

then again, I noticed that I'd DIE from a physical sweeper if they were fast enough. So, I dropped it.

If only he learned Power SWAP.


Author:  Theolithical [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHUCKLE!!!!!

A baton pass from Ninjask could also prove useful. Swords dance will allow his defence to stay up, and the speed means that he could beat out other pokemon. The only downside is that it'd require a lot waiting on Ninjask's part, as Shuckle's base speed is horrid.

If being run on a trick room team, you could use trick room, switch to shuckle and power trick with him sash'd. Allowing him to survive with 1 hp and sweeping. Obviously, your main problem there would be priority moves, especially from Scizor.

Author:  MissingNo_Is_My_Friend [ Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SHUCKLE!!!!!

I'd go with a different nature that doesn't lower his special defense. Shuckle really really really needs more defense to be useful.

If you're building a trick room team relaxed or sassy nature is the way to go.

Otherwise... You're better off with adamant or jolly.

Author:  Nabkov [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHUCKLE!!!!!

with shuckles ridiculously high special and regular defense, he is a wall, and is able to absorb most hits.

I'm thinking I'll use my original idea with earthquake instead of gyro ball, and possible withdraw instead of rest, as for toxic, rest cures him of poison, and heals the hp, so rest is nice, but I don't know he can survive many physical hits

Author:  Azurera†h [ Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SHUCKLE!!!!!

I think {shuckle} is too risky for competitive battling....sure it owns if circumstances are right, but it's extremely rare for these circumstances to occur. Don't forget an additional slot for your team has to be sacrificed for this {shuckle} if you're doing Baton Passing/Trick Rooming.

{shuckle} will only succeed if the following criteria are met:

Absence of Hail, Stealth rocks/Spikes etc. (For Focus Sash)

Absence of Priority Attackers. Bullet Punch will certainly 1hko it after Power Trick is used.

Absence of Physical Walls/Tanks like {skarmory} that can blow {shuckle} away.

Absence of other Focus Sashes/Survivors that can retaliate after {shuckle} strikes.

As you can see, it's quite unlikely for a proper competitive team to be devoid of everything listed above. :?

Author:  Sion9 [ Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SHUCKLE!!!!!

Shuckle is ranked NU by Smogon, and does not have to overcome OU walls if used in an UU or NU team.

A Bulk Up/Baton Pass "Kristy" Floatzel could boost Atk and Def, while a Scyther could potentially pass Speed and Attack in UU.

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