
Just a small tip..
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Author:  lawa001 [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Just a small tip..

Overuse of {aggron}

- Do you know Aggron's weaknesses?
- 4x Fighting - 4x Ground - 2x Water

Yes, it has lot's of resistances, but hink about it. Most people nowadays carry at least one strong water Pokemon/pokemon with earthquake. (eg {swampert} OR {kingdra})

Is it worth sacrificing? EVen with moves such as protect, you cannot last forever. I have to sleep, so I'll add more later. :wink:
I'm back!

Tip #2

When building a team, use moves that cover a good range.

Bad - Swampert with HydroPump, Water Gun, Surf, Dive

Good - Protect, Surf, Earthquake, Ice Beam
Tip #3

It's not all about the offense/defense.

Bad - Blissey with Return, Egg Bomb, Ice Beam, Facade

Good - Toxic, Reflect, Ice Beam, Sofftboiled

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Just a small tip..

There's already a thread of "tips"


Also please post something a bit more in-depth, like the mechanics of leech seed and counter sets for common/uncommon users. We all kinda already know that same-type movesets are bad, aggron has horrid weakness to commonly used types and stuff :/

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