
Good moveset for Gyarados?
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Author:  Blastiose_ex [ Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Good moveset for Gyarados?

Ok, I don't usually use Gyarados but I thought I'd try him out, is this a decent moveset for Gyarados?

Adamant nature
Dragon Dance
Waterfall/Aqua Tail

I want to use him as a physical sweeper. I figure you can deal with the nasty electric weakness with Earthquake and Dragon Dance increases the two most important stats.
Any comments/suggestions?

Author:  Algradon [ Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good moveset for Gyarados?

Yeah but that's a great moveset for it, but that's just another clone-gyarados.

I don't know, I guess if you don't care that almost everyone else's gyarados will have the same moves go for it.

Mine? Only has 1 of those moves yours has, I like unique variety on my pokemon, efficient too :)

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good moveset for Gyarados?

Algradon wrote:
Yeah but that's a great moveset for it, but that's just another clone-gyarados.

I don't know, I guess if you don't care that almost everyone else's gyarados will have the same moves go for it.

Mine? Only has 1 of those moves yours has, I like unique variety on my pokemon, efficient too :)

Cool story Bro.

Author:  Blastiose_ex [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Good moveset for Gyarados?

I know it's not that original, but I still think Avalanche is the best physical Ice move. Know of anything I could use to replace Waterfall/Aqua tail?

Author:  /vXv\ [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Good moveset for Gyarados?

I know it's not that original, but I still think Avalanche is the best physical Ice move. Know of anything I could use to replace Waterfall/Aqua tail?

The drawback with avalanche is that it forces you to go last, even after focus punch (which when it does hit first causes flinch 100% of the time)

If you use Dragon dance then the speed boost would be moot

Dive works because your only vunerable to surf or whirlpool , which most wouldn't use on gyarados in the first place, I'd still suggest waterfall.

Earthquake is a must because of electric types

Waterfall/Dive/Aqua tail
Dragon Dance

Move (pokemon that are completely resistant to its move pool)
Ice Fang (shedinja) [get super effective on many other sweepers, works well with expert belt]
Stone edge (Breloom) [warning low acc]
Payback(Breloom, Cacturne, Nuzleaf) [doesn't force you to go last but if you do its powered up]
Outrage (shedinja) [powerful but locks in for a few turns]
Bounce[covers all pokes, STAB, but also has low acc]
Some normal type Move here (shedinja, O-Giratina)[pick what you want for effect]

Author:  shinashu taji [ Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Good moveset for Gyarados?

Go for Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Earthquake/Stone Edge, and Ice Fang for the best type coverage.

Another set for bulk is Substitute, Dragon Dance, Bounce, Waterfall.

Jolly nature for both sets, with Lefties on the bulk, and Life Orb on the other.

Author:  Blastiose_ex [ Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good moveset for Gyarados?

You know, I was hesitant to use Avalance in the first place because it defeats the whole purpose of having Dragon dance so I'll probably use ice fang

Author:  KOL40 [ Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good moveset for Gyarados?

Blastiose_ex wrote:


Dragonite not even >salamence

Author:  Makoes [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good moveset for Gyarados?

Gyarados has a weakness of electric attacks and amazingly it can learn Earthquake so that is a perfect move if you worry about your weaknesses.

As for the other moves Ice fang, waterfall, dragon dance, and dragon pulse are great.

Author:  Flailados [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Good moveset for Gyarados?

This a one I made for funa and the fact that no one sees it coming.
Gyarados Jolly
Item- Speed Berry(unless they have slow poke then the att berry)
252 Att
252 Spd
6- N/A
Dragon Dance

The set up come be hard to pull off sometimes but what you do is DD the first turn if you know they can't 1 shot you. If for some reason they still won't be able to kill you you waterfall until they die. If at any point (even the first turn) you think you will be KO you endure then go to town with flail. Yes if you have a Quick move you die but now and then they won't and you can kill off one of there best pokes this way. Keep in mind this is just something else you can do with him that I found to be fun. And as all my friends know I have the reg build I put him in as a joke from time to time.

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