/vXv\ wrote:
I'd Disagree with MC Leafeon has a lot of options
Leaf Blade
Aerial Ace - Bugs
Dig - Fire and Posion
Quick attack
Secret power
Iron tail - Great for Ice
AA has Bad coverage w/ grass and little more power than return when SE, Since leafeon has typically only two attack slots (two being taken for SD and BP/Wish) and if a 3rd slot is open, a utility move like quick attack or X-scissor which covers more grass-resisters than AA is the better choice, If using a CB set it may do.
Dig is one of the worst moves to use competitively. way too many teams have pokes that can get a free switch in with it's use and in many cases hit back with flying-STAB on leafeon. Not to mention how common EQ is to hit a predicted dig.
Bite can be useful, but leafeon's low speed won't allow many flinches, and leaf blade outdamages bite SE when netural and return comes close. Secret power can be combined with bite as well, but the overall low power will be risky to attempt paraflinch.
When factoring acc. Leaf blade does about equal damage as Iron tail to a pure Ice-type(not factoring in LB's crit boost), Leaf blade does better also as only articuno and abamasnow resist grass, X-scissor ko's abamasnow and any set would be foolish to stay in on articuno.