
Wait, What, I JUST WON??
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Author:  GofD [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Wait, What, I JUST WON??

Well, we've all been in that spot. The final pokes are in battle and the odds are stacked against you. But then, by a stroke of dumb luck, YOU WIN! Your in shock and have to make sure that it WAS you who won.

Mine was just recent. I was on my 7th random single matchup. I was down to my skarmory, My opponet, an arcanine. Now that acrcanine had already taken damage from SR twice and had recoil damage from an life orb. I was outta luck, I pretty well knew that it would take me out in two hits, even if I used roost. So I figured, I cut my loses and try to take out my opponet wit hme using Brave Bird. But when the Foe used Flare blitz It fainted from the recoil damage! Thanks to sturdy I servived the hit with 1HP. I had to watch the battle video a few times to make sure I did actually win..

So what your most memerable "sheer dumb luck win"?

Author:  sumo12345 [ Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

Im down to abomasnow.
Sheer cold hits every time.

That IS luck :D

Author:  Biosci [ Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

I was in the Multi Train in the Battle Subway and I was going against the Subway Boss. I was playing with the computer and both of my Pokemon were knocked out and one of my partners Pokemon were out too. Only one of the bosses Pokemon were out. All my partner had left was a Calm Mind Reuniclus. I looked away thinking it was all over, and when I looked back I saw Reuniclus fighting against his last Pokemon, which was Garbodor. I was surprised and then Reuniclus used Psychic finishing off the Subway Boss.
All I had to say was wow and I immediately breed me one of those Reuniclus so I could use one of those on my own. I just thought that this was lucky.

Author:  dry [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

I was outnumbered 4-2. I had a scarfed Genesect with Ice Beam and a scarfed Accelgor with Final Gambit (<< yeah, that set actually works like a charm). They had a Lucario on very low health, a Salamence and a Gliscor. They also had a Heatran, but I didn't know he had it yet. So I gave up and decided to bomb his Salamence with Final Gambit. He switched in the Heatran, and my Accelgor took down Heatran with it. I then proceeded to sweep the rest of his team with Ice Beam :D .

Author:  fifaking [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

in shinishu tajis mono tourny in the first round against wailord_2 we were both down to one pokemon with 1 hp. mine was sceptile and his was mamoswine that was faster than me but by sheer luck his ice fang missed and my leaf blade killed him. WTF!!!!!

Author:  dry [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

fifaking wrote:
in shinishu tajis mono tourny in the first round against wailord_2 we were both down to one pokemon with 1 hp. mine was sceptile and his was mamoswine that was faster than me but by sheer luck his ice fang missed and my leaf blade killed him. WTF!!!!!

Wow... his mamoswine outsped your sceptile? How did that happen?

Author:  fifaking [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

i dont know the sceptile wasnt ev trained so thats probably why

Author:  doglover235890 [ Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

I was on a random triple battle matchup against an opponent who had those three funny cloud legendaries (Thundurus, Tornadus, and Landorus) * first three pokemon, Reniclus, Golurk, and Darmanitan Using Empoleon *Puppy*, Serperior, *Dragonara*, Charizard *first three*, Espeon, Umbreon, and Luxray *Shinyshock (he's shiny ^.^)*. At first the legendaries beat Serperior and charizard, then my umbreon was beat by hammer arm. then espeon was beat, then i was down to Luxray and Empoleon. then fortunately thunder missed then Golurk used earthquake and beat Luxray (Empoleon survived due to protect). Then the opponent sent out Darmanitan fortunately overheat didn't beat Empoleon then Empoleon beat them both with surf (in one hit).

This video can be seen on battle videos just search up random matchup free triple, and luxray for pokemon (use the one with a trainer named VAZARO)

Author:  Wailord_2 [ Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

dry wrote:
fifaking wrote:
in shinishu tajis mono tourny in the first round against wailord_2 we were both down to one pokemon with 1 hp. mine was sceptile and his was mamoswine that was faster than me but by sheer luck his ice fang missed and my leaf blade killed him. WTF!!!!!

Wow... his mamoswine outsped your sceptile? How did that happen?

mamoswine had used ancient power earlier so that also may have contributed to it.

Author:  twistedturtwig [ Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

I was on a WiFi random matchup battle. It was a 6v6 launcher triple battle, and all that I had left was my trusty Ferrothorn. It had both Iron Barbs ability and Rocky Helmet on, but the opponent still had three pokemon. :shock: Ferrothorn was all the way to the right, so their Skarmory couldn't hit it. Stupidly, their Haxorus used Outrage on Ferrothorn, not doing a lot of damage, and killing itself from my ability and item. :lol: I had just enough launcher points for a revive, and brought back my Hydreigon! It killed Skarmory with a Flamethrower, then the two of them finished of their Espeon who had used Calm Mind. It would have made the coolest Battle Video of all time, but just my luck, they rage quit and disconnected. JERK! :frustrated: I will never forgive him.

Author:  torchie13125 [ Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

Just recently, I was going up against Ghetsis in Pokemon Black (my friend's- he wasn't sure if he'd beat him, so he gave the game to me for a week to train them up and stuff) and I was against his last Pokemon, Hydreigon. Too late, I realized, that my friend's Hydreigon (he had a lv. 65 Hydreigon) was in the PC while I was training his Gigalith. So I was about to reset because he had beat up every single one of my friend's team (Serperior, Gigalith, Archeops, Leavanny, Reshiram, and Thundurus) except for Gigalith. Good thing Reshiram and Thundurus had managed to whittle away at Hydreigon's HP, I guess, because Sturdy saved me. So... I beat Hydreigon with a critical hit Rock Slide from Gigalith with 1 HP <3

Author:  Braviarys_wings [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

Multi Train battle. Me+Hilbert vs. the Bosses.
My Pokemon were fainted, and one of his was,too. I'd gotten us down to Ingo's Klingklang vs. his Mienshao. Klingklang used a move that should have fainted it, and Meinshao used HJK. It hit, fainting the Klingklang. I replayed my battle video twice, just to see if I'd won. I did. :D

Author:  Joe the Conqueror [ Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

The first time I played Platinum and I was facing Cynthia, we were both down to one pokemon. I had my empoleon with about 40 HP left and her Milotic with probably about 1 HP left. But I didn't have any PP left for any of my moves. But, For some reason she used Mirror Coat, so I was able to beat her with Struggle.

Author:  GhostPony750 [ Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

Necromancy, 2 years old, but let's post! :P
So... when I was younger, and I was horrible at pokemon, I was facing the elite4...
{charizard} lvl 100 HM slave (lol)
{mr. mime} lvl 64
{farfetch'd} lvl 54
{hitmonlee} lvl 21
{arbok} lvl ?
{marowak} lvl ?

So... I headed to the ligue, forgot Mr.Mime in the box, in really bad state.
So I started, my Charizard doing all the job, killing my other Pokemon to give potions to my charizard, not enough money to buy revives...
AND... I defeated Lance! :mrgreen:
So I headed to the champion, starting with my charizard, killing everyone, huge hope... then... charizard is killed by Rhydon, it lost half his hp.
My two last Pokemon were Farfetch'd and hitmonlee.
Sent out Ch'ding, did 2 critical hits, only 1 hp left to rhydon...
But my only pokemon left was hitmonlee... no revives!!!
Took a chance anyway, couldn't do anything else... rhydon missed and I defeated the champion!!! :shock:

Author:  arceus7142 [ Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wait, What, I JUST WON??

i was in a gym i was in middle of a battle all my pokemon was gone except a lvl 5 togepi (dont ask why i lvl 5 was on my team) i was battling against a lvl 30 i used metronome and somehow i beat it {togepi}

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