
Official RBY Team Rating Thread
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Author:  TheCyberMew [ Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Official RBY Team Rating Thread

It's official because I'm the mod. 8)

Unless this thread starts to turn into a disaster, anyone can rate teams in here, but please only intelligent helpful team rates.

For example, "gr8 team!!!!!11 10 out of 10!!!" is not good.

Time to get on your time scooter and post some RBY teams. :lol:

Author:  Heracross [ Sat Oct 02, 2004 5:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi, TCM,

It's Heracross! Here's my team...

1. Blastoise
Level 87
Hydro Pump
Skull Bash

2. Machamp
Level 85
Fire Punch
Seismic Toss
Double Team

3. Mewtwo
Level 85
Tri Attack

4. Mew
Level 86
Swords Dance
Sky Attack

5. Raichu
Level 81
Thunder Wave
Mega Kick

6. Dragonite
Level 80
Dragon Rage
Ice Beam
Fire Blast

Hope its good!

Author:  RaichuLatias [ Sat Oct 02, 2004 9:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm guessing some moves are from GSC (Fire Punch on Machamp), but anyway

{blastoise} try standardish,

Ice Beam

Surf is for STAB, Ice Beam for Grasses, and Earthquake for Electrics, you could even try Counter instead of Rest.

{machamp} try Submission instead of Fire Punch and Rock Slide over Double Team.

{mewtwo} Try the Special Sweeper,

Ice Beam

You could even try Flamethrower on their in stead of Ice Beam or Thunderbolt, that is if you have Crystal.

{mew} Special Sweeper

Ice Beam

Pretty much the same as Mewtwo.

{raichu} Try Body Slam and Submission over Mega Kick and Toxic.

{dragonite} Dragonite's kind of hard,

Wing Attack (STAB)
Ice Beam

Best I could come up with, Wing Attack is for STAB and to go with it's good Attack, and Thunderbolt and Ice Beam for other advantages.

Author:  ho-oh champion [ Sun Oct 03, 2004 9:10 am ]
Post subject: 

you will agree not a good move set but here goes
body slam

mega drain

dragon rage
thunder wave


mega drain
solor beam
razour leaf

skull bash
ice beam
bubble beam

feel free to replace any member save the starters

Author:  RaichuLatias [ Sun Oct 03, 2004 9:43 am ]
Post subject: 

{pikachu} Try the Raichu moveset up there, just replace Double Edge and Thunder with T-Wave and Submission, I perfer Submission because it's super effective against rocks.

{kabutops} Try Swords Dance over Scratch, Surf over Hydro Pump, and You could even try Body Slam over Mega Drain. (I know Body Slam and Slash on the same moveset, but Kabutops is kind of hard in RBY)

{dragonair} Evolve and try the Dragonite moveset listed up there, but you can keep Thunder Wave for annoying.

{charizard} Flamethrower over Fire Blast (if you can get it, you will need Crystal or Pokemon Stadium 2), Wing Attack over Fly (Pokemon Stadium 2) If you don't have Crystal and/or Stadium 2, Try Body Slam, Swords Dance, Earthquake and Submission.

{venusaur} Try Body Slam, Razor Leaf, Earthquake and Rest

{blastoise} Earthquake and Rest/Couter over Bubblebeam and Skull Bash.

Author:  ho-oh champion [ Sun Oct 03, 2004 9:45 am ]
Post subject: 

grasies senior

Author:  Achilles [ Mon Oct 25, 2004 12:30 am ]
Post subject: 

I would like to add that any mewtwo that does not have Amnesia is not as good as it could be. In RBY there was no Split secial att. and special def. so Amnesia Mexed your special in three turns making you unstoppaple.

- Amnesia
- Recover
- Ice Beam
- Psychic

You even got away with Ice Beam sine Houndoom didnt exist yet.

Author:  RaichuLatias [ Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh yeah, I forgot about that, Good Idea :D Achilles!

And also,

In the RBY days, Psychics really had no weakness.

Think about it, what were the weaknesses back then?

Bug and Ghost, the only moves I can think of that did damage back then were Leech Life and Lick.

Author:  leet for [ Tue Nov 16, 2004 12:37 am ]
Post subject: 

[url=]alt"my site"Red all level 100

Ice Beam

Wing Attack
Swords Dance

Body Slam
Razor Leaf

Mega Drain
Solar Beam

any TM's/HM's

any TM's/HM's

this team is revised[/url]

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Ice Beam

Ice Beam? Fine I guess but I'll rather have a bug-crushing move like Mega Kick.

Wing Attack
Swords Dance

I don't really like Submission because it deals damage back to yourself. Try another attack such as Slash.

Body Slam
Razor Leaf

Quite ok, but I used to prefer this moveset: Growth, Razor Leaf, Toxic, Rest.

Mega Drain
Solar Beam

Why counter and Solar Beam? This moveset seems more like one for a Venusaur... Try Surf, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Rest.

{mew} : Psychic/Thunderbolt/Rest/Substitute or Ice Beam. Basically anything will do since Mew is so versatile.

I won't suggest having two Mews and a Mewtwo. That's three Pokemon that are weak to Bug type Pokemon, even though Bugs do not pose much of a threat. You're lucky this is RBY and there are no Dark types to contend with. Anyway, you've re-posted ur team by accident ^_^

Author:  psycho_freak [ Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:40 am ]
Post subject: 

RaichuLatias wrote:
In the RBY days, Psychics really had no weakness.

Think about it, what were the weaknesses back then?

Bug and Ghost, the only moves I can think of that did damage back then were Leech Life and Lick.

Don't forget PinMissle, though you are right, there ways very little the one could do to prevent the attack of an oncoming Mewtwo. Psychic was also good because it was only bad against other Psychic type Pokemon, so you only need one or two moves on a Psychic pokemon.

Also I don't know why you would have Megakick on a Mewtwo, it has a very bad accuracy and only 5PP and Mewtwo has a much larger Special than Attack, so stay with IceBeam.

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Wed Nov 17, 2004 9:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oops I meant Mega Punch. But no matter Ice Beam's fine too. It's just my personal preference, that's all.

Author:  leet for [ Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ice Beam

Wing Attack
Swords Dance

Body Slam
Razor Leaf

Ice Beam

Ice Beam

Body Slam

Author:  RaichuLatias [ Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll try this one,

{mewtwo} I don't really like Mega Kick or Mega Punch, since they have pretty bad accuracy and just okay power, I perfer Strength instead of them, but Strength isn't too good, Try Ice Beam or Thunderbolt over Mega Kick, Since it has great Special.

{charizard} Nice, but how about EQ over Slash.

{venusaur} Looks good, though you could Try Body Slam over Growth.

{blastoise} Nice Standard, good job.

{mew} Beautiful Standardish set.

{raichu} Let's see, Thunder doesn't have very good accuracy, so try T-Bolt, and Raichu's defense isn't too good, so I don't think Rest and Substitute will work well, try Body Slam (Good base damage and chance of paralyzing) and Submission (Good against Snorlax and Rocks).

Overall, a good team,

Have fun with the Raichu, though be careful with Toxic and Body Slam, since you can only have one Status condition on the opponent at a time.

Author:  DarkPokémonTrainer [ Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't know if this is a thread just to rate teams or if it's also to ask for one.
If so, I was wondeing if anyone could help me with a team for Red which includes the following Pok

Author:  Totodile_rulz [ Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think you might be asking a bit from {butterfree} in the way of power... however it will help alot with catching probably...

i think {dugtrio} is a bit over rated as well although i think all ground types are :( ...

however my favorite water pokemon is most definitely {vaporeon}... (so if you can go with that) my second choice is {lapras}

{raichu} is awesome... no question... favorite electric type

{charizard} / {mew} i dont have to talk about though

i would give you movesets but i dont remember any that far back so sorry :(

Author:  DarkPokémonTrainer [ Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, I know Dugtrio is overated, but I use it in almost all my teams. Why?

-Infinite scape rope (dig)
-Awesome, I mean awesome speed, it strikes first almost every time, even against a stronger Pok

Author:  RaichuLatias [ Fri Jan 07, 2005 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well since no one else is on i'll do a quick rate.

{charizard} Well I would suggest that you put Wing Attack over Fly if you can if not leave it and try EQ out of the 4 listed for the 3rd move.

{butterfree} Sorry Giga Drain was created in the GSC days, I think you meant Mega Drain. Sleep Powder over Razor Wind/Hyper Beam

{raichu} Body Slam and Submission for the remaining spots. They work surprisely well for me.

{dugtrio} Rock Slide, Body Slam and Double Team over Dig, Slash and Hyper Beam.

{lapras} Well I don't really like OHKO Moves, but if you want to keep it than keep it, though I suggest Rest over it.

{mew} Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam and Softboiled is the RBY Standard, though you could put Metronome over Ice Beam.


Author:  DarkPokémonTrainer [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 9:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Grerat! Thanks!

For Dugtrio I'm picking Dig over Double Team 'cause Dig is the reason why I have it in the team, and for Mew, I'm picking Metronome over T-Bolt since there's only one TM for T-Bolt and that's going for Pikachu.

Author:  RaichuLatias [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 9:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

There's the Missingo Glitch which gives you 156 or whatever amount of an item, if you want to do that for the extra TMs.


Author:  Benjamin [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 9:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Missingo is always fun, especialy if you duplicate nuggets and the stat increasing items like protien and iron. I also duplicated max elixers and whatever the item was that cured all status ailments and all HP.

Author:  DarkPokémonTrainer [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 5:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've never ever been able to duplicate any item when I try that glitch. Once I got a lvl 132 Cloyster, but that was it.
I'll try again this time.

In case the glitch doesn't work or something, what do I do with Raichu, Dugtrio and Charizard? Which gets Body Slam and what attacks fill the other two?

The same for Butterfree's and Lapras' Psychic.

Author:  RaichuLatias [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:08 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  DarkPokémonTrainer [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:57 pm ]
Post subject: 


I still need a filler move for Charizard

The moveset is


And how does {charizard} learn Wing Attack?

Author:  RaichuLatias [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 7:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think it learns Wing Attack when it evolves or at Level 37.
Swords Dance will work well for the remaining spot.

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