
RP banner comp
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Author:  dunsparce [ Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  RP banner comp

dunsparce wrote:

For some strange reason I like to include pictures with my writing, I'm not sure why. Anyway I'm too lazy to make anything for the RP I started, Homo Alien. From the given plot and setting do you think you could make a sig based off it? The only text I want is "Homo Alien" and your signature if you want. I have no other real preferences, go crazy.

P.S. For images you can go to and search.

There you go, I want a banner for the RP I started. This will be a test of your creativity because of how little direction I'm giving you. I will determine the prize based off how good the best banner is, it will be 40-140 pbs.

The ending date will be 1/20//08.

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