
Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon
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Author:  Living Arrow [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

Where to Chain for Best Results

Following up from the broad discussions on Shiny Chaining, Bushin and myself have compiled this small guide into where to go to chain any pokemon that *can* be chained for the best results. We have divided these pokemon into the following sections:

(i) Swarms
(ii) Dongle Insertion
(iii) Diamond Exclusives
(iv) Pearl Exclusives
(v) Trophy Garden Events
(vi) Remainder pokemon

Within the guide, details include: Location / Levels Available / Encounter Rate / Additional Information

(i) Swarms: The following are 'chainable' Pokemon that appear only when swarming. Their encounter rate is fixed at 40%.

#016. Pidgey / Route 229 / Lvl 51.
#081. Magnemite / Fuego Ironworks / Lvl 28-29 / Use Magnet Pull for best effects
#083. Farfetch'd / Route 221 / Lvl 28
#084. Doduo / Route 201 / Lvl 2-4
#096. Drowzee / Route 215 / Lvl 20-22
#098. Krabby / Route 226 / Lvl 52
#100. Voltorb / Route 218 / Lvl 28 / Use Static for best effects
#104. Cubone / Route 203 / Lvl 4
#108. Lickitung / Lake Valor / Lvl 34, 36
#177. Natu / Route 224 / Lvl 53
#206. Dunsparce / Route 208 / Lvl 16
#209. Snubbull / Route 209 / Lvl 16
#220. Swinub / Route 217 / Lvl 34
#222. Corsola / Route 230 / Lvl 50
#225. Delibird / Route 216 / Lvl 32
#231. Phanpy / Route 207 / Lvl 5
#238. Smoochum / Lake Acuity / Lvl 35
#263. Zigzagoon / Route 202 / Lvl 3
#283. Surskit / Lake Verity / Lvl 2-5
#287. Slakoth / Eterna Forest / Lvl 10-12
#296. Makuhita / Route 225 / Lvl 50-51
#299. Nosepass / Route 206 / Lvl 14
#300. Skitty / Route 222 / Lvl 40 / This pokemon knows Double-Edge
#309. Electrike / Valley Windworks / Lvl 2-5 / Use Static for best effects
#325. Spoink / Route 214 / Lvl 22-23
#327. Spinda / Route 227 / Lvl 55 / This pokemon knows Double-Edge
#359. Absol / Route 213 / Lvl 20
#374. Beldum / Route 228 / Lvl 53 / This pokemon knows Take Down

(ii) Dongle Insertion: The following are 'chainable' Pokemon that require GBA game insertion. All occur at 8%, unless stated, and may be found at any time of day at these frequencies.

Fire Red Insertion
#010. Caterpie / Route 204 South / Lvl 6
#011. Metapod / Eterna Forest / Lvl 12
#023. Ekans / Route 212 South / Lvl 18,20
#058. Growlithe / Route 201 / Lvl 2 / This pokemon knows Roar
#239. Elekid / Route 205 South / Lvl 10

Leaf Green Insertion
#013. Weedle / Route 204 South / Lvl 6
#014. Kakuna / Eterna Forest / Lvl 12
#028. Sandslash / Route 228 / Lvl 23
#037. Vulpix / Route 209 / Lvl 16 / This pokemon knows Roar
#240. Magby / Outside Stark Mountain / Lvl 22

Sapphire Insertion
#270. Lotad / Route 203 / Lvl 5
#271. Lombre / Route 229 / Lvl 20
#336. Seviper / Route 208 / Lvl 18
#337. Lunatone / Lake Acuity / Lvl 34, 36

Ruby Insertion
#273. Seedot / Route 203 / Lvl 5
#274. Nuzleaf / Route 229 / Lvl 20
#335. Zangoose / Route 208 / Lvl 18
#338. Solrock / Lake Acuity / Lvl 34, 36

Emerald Insertion
#204. Pineco / Route 203 / Lvl 5
#207. Gligar / Route 207 / Lvl 7
#213. Shuckle / Route 224 / Lvl 23
#216. Teddiursa / Route 211 East / Lvl 27
#217. Ursaring / Lake Acuity / Lvl 34, 36 / 5%

(iii) The following are 'chainable' Pokemon that appear only in Diamond. Pokemon that *only* appear with use of the Pokeradar are highlighted with "Gold patches" at the end of their entry.

#122. Mr. Mime / Route 222 / Lvl 41-42 / 15%
#123. Scyther / Route 229 / Lvl 52 / 5%
#198. Murkrow / Eterna Forest (Night) / Lvl 10-11 / 20%
#246. Larvitar / Route 207 / Lvl 6-7 / 22% / Gold patches
#262. Mightyena / Route 214 / Lvl 23-24 / 22% / This pokemon knows Roar
#266. Silcoon / Eterna Forest / Lvl 10 / 20%
#304. Aron / Fuego Ironworks / Lvl 29-30 / 22% / Gold patches / This pokemon knows Roar and Take Down
#352. Kecleon / Route 210 North / Lvl 25-26 / 22% / Gold patches
#434. Stunky / Route 206 / Lvl 14-16 / 25%
#435. Skuntank / Route 221 / Lvl 29-30 / 15%

(iv) The following are 'chainable' Pokemon that appear only in Pearl. Pokemon that *only* appear with use of the Pokeradar are highlighted with "Gold patches" at the end of their entry.

#079. Slowpoke / Route 205 North / Lvl 11-12 / 22% / Gold patches
#127. Pinsir / Route 229 / Lvl 52 / 5% / This pokemon knows Submission
#185. Sudowoodo / Route 221 / Lvl 29-30 / 15%
#200. Misdreavus / Eterna Forest (Night) / Lvl 10-11 / 20%
#229. Houndoom / Route 214 / Lvl 23-24 / 22% / Gold patches / This pokemon knows Roar
#234. Stantler / Route 207 / Lvl 6-7 / 22% / Gold patches
#268. Cascoon / Eterna Forest / Lvl 10/ 20%
#269. Dustox / Route 230 / Lvl 51 / 10%
#371. Bagon / Route 210 North / Lvl 25-26 / 22% / Gold patches
#431. Glameow / Route 222 / Lvl 40 / 20%
#432. Purugly / Route 222 / Lvl 41-42 / 15%

(v) Trophy Garden Events: The following pokemon occur at 5% and are triggered by a daily event. Their levels are either 16 or 18 and are available in both Diamond and Pearl versions.

#035. Clefairy
#039. Jigglypuff
#052. Meowth
#113. Chansey
#133. Eevee
#137. Porygon
#173. Cleffa
#174. Igglybuff
#183. Marill
#298. Azurill
#311. Plusle
#312. Minun
#351. Castform
#438. Bonsly
#439. Mime Jr.
#440. Happiny

(vi) Remainder pokemon: These pokemon occur naturally without triggering an event, insertion of GBA game into the dongle or belong to a specific game. Pokemon that appear *only* with the Pokeradar are highlighted with "Gold patches" at the end of their entry.

#019. Rattata / Route 225 / Lvl 20 / 5%
#020. Raticate / Route 225 / Lvl 50 / 30% / This pokemon knows Double-Edge
#021. Spearow / Route 225 / Lvl 20 / 5%
#022. Fearow / Route 225 (Morning, Day) / Lvl 50 / 40%
#025. Pikachu / Trophy Garden / Lvl 18 / 10% / Use Static for best effects
#029. NidoranF / Route 201 / Lvl 2 / 20% Diamond, 2% Pearl / Gold patches
#030. Nidorina / Route 221 / Lvl 30 / 20% Diamond, 2% Pearl / Gold patches
#032. NidoranM / Route 201 / Lvl 2 / 2% Diamond, 20% Pearl / Gold patches
#033. Nidorino / Route 221 / Lvl 30 / 2% Diamond, 20% Pearl / Gold patches
#041. Zubat / Route 208 (Night) / Lvl 18 / 20%
#042. Golbat / Route 227 (Night) / Lvl 54 / 10%
#043. Oddish / Route 230 / Lvl 18 / 11%
#044. Gloom / Route 229 (Day) / Lvl 50 / 30%
#048. Venonat / Route 229 / Lvl 22 / 2% / Gold patches
#049. Venomoth / Route 229 / Lvl 50 / 20% / Gold patches
#050. Diglett / Route 228 / Lvl 23 / 5%
#051. Dugtrio / Route 228 / Lvl 54 / 30%
#054. Psyduck / Lake Acuity (Morning, Day) / Lvl 34,36 / 30%
#055. Golduck / Sendoff Spring / Lvl 53-54 / 20%
#056. Mankey / Route 226 / Lvl 22 / 2%
#057. Primeape / Route 226 / Lvl 51, 53 / 20% / This pokemon knows Thrash
#063. Abra / Route 203 / Lvl 4 / 15% / This pokemon knows Teleport
#064. Kadabra / Route 215 / Lvl 20,22 / 15% / This pokemon knows Teleport
#066. Machop / Route 207 (Night) / Lvl 6 / 45%
#067. Machoke / Route 216 / Lvl 33,34 / 20%
#069. Bellsprout / Route 230 / Lvl 18,23 / 11%
#070. Weepinbell / Route 229 (Day) / Lvl 51-52 / 30%
#074. Geodude / Route 207 / Lvl 5,7 / 55%
#075. Graveler / Route 211 East / Lvl 27 / 20%
#077. Ponyta / Route 210 South (Day) / Lvl 16-18 / 50%
#088. Grimer / Route 212 South / Lvl 18,20 / 22% / Gold patches
#092. Gastly / Route 209 (Night) / Lvl 16 / 10%
#110. Weezing / Route 227 / Lvl 55 / 10%
#111. Rhyhorn / Route 227 / Lvl 23 / 5%
#112. Rhydon / Route 227 / Lvl 55 / 20%
#128. Tauros / Route 210 South / Lvl 18, 20 / 20% Diamond, 2% Pearl
#132. Ditto / Route 218 / Lvl 29, 30 / 22% / Gold patches
#161. Sentret / Route 202 / Lvl 2, 4 / 22% / Gold patches
#163. Hoothoot / Route 210 North (Night) / Lvl 24 / 10%
#164. Noctowl / Route 210 North (Night) / Lvl 25 / 10%
#166. Ledian / Route 229 (Morning) / Lvl 52 / 20% / This pokemon knows Double-Edge
#168. Ariados / Route 229 (Night) / Lvl 52 / 20%
#172. Pichu / Trophy Garden (Morning) / Lvl 18 / 30%
#175. Togepi / Route 230 / Lvl 18 / 22% / Gold patches
#179. Mareep / Valley Windworks / Lvl 8-9 / 22% / Gold patches
#180. Flaaffy / Route 222 / Lvl 41-42 / 22% / Gold patches
#187. Hoppip / Route 205 South / Lvl 9-10 / 22% / Gold patches
#188. Skiploom / Route 205 North / Lvl 9-10 / 2% / Gold patches
#191. Sunkern / Route 204 North / Lvl 6,8 / 22% / Gold patches
#194. Wooper / Route 212 South / Lvl 18 / 30%
#202. Wobbuffet / Lake Verity / Lvl 3-4 / 22% / Gold patches
#202. Wobbuffet / Lake Valor-Acuity / Lvl 35-36 / 22% / Gold patches
#203. Girafarig / Valor Lakefront / Lvl 21-22 / 30%
#215. Sneasel / Lake Acuity / Lvl 35-36 / 25%
#227. Skarmory / Stark Mountain / Lvl 56 / 5%
#235. Smeargle / Route 212 North / Lvl 16 / 22% / Gold patches
#236. Tyrogue / Route 208 / Lvl 18 / 22% / Gold patches
#241. Miltank / Route 209 / Lvl 16 / 2% / Diamond / Gold patches
#241. Miltank / Route 209 / Lvl 17 / 20% / Pearl / Gold patches
#265. Wurmple / Eterna Forest (Morning, Day) / Lvl 10-11 / 30%
#267. Beautifly / Route 230 / Lvl 51 / 10% / Diamond
#267. Beautifly / Route 224 / Lvl 23 / 5% / Pearl
#277. Swellow / Route 213 / Lvl 20-22 / 22% / Gold patches
#278. Wingull / Route 213 (Morning, Day) / Lvl 20 / 20%
#280. Ralts / Route 203 / Lvl 4-6 / 21% / Gold patches
#281. Kirlia / Route 203 / Lvl 6 / 1% / This pokemon knows Teleport
#290. Nincada / Eterna Forest / Lvl 10-12 / 22% / Gold patches
#294. Loudred / Mt. Coronet’s Peak / Lvl 39-40 / 22% / Gold patches
#307. Meditite / Route 211 East / Lvl 27-28 / 35%
#308. Medicham / Mt. Coronet’s Peak (Morning, Day) / Lvl 39-40 / 20% / This pokemon has Hi Jump Kick
#313. Volbeat / Route 229 / Lvl 50 / 5% Diamond, 10% Pearl / This pokemon has Double-Edge
#314. Illumise / Route 229 / Lvl 50 / 10% Diamond, 5% Pearl
#315. Roselia / Trophy Garden / Lvl 16-17 / 30%
#322. Numel / Stark Mountain / Lvl 22, 24 / 5% / This pokemon knows Take Down
#323. Camerupt / Stark Mountain / Lvl 55 / 20%
#324. Torkoal / Stark Mountain / Lvl 24, 55 / 22% / Gold patches
#328. Trapinch / Route 228 / Lvl 25 / 2% / Gold patches
#329. Vibrava / Route 228 / Lvl 53-54 / 20% / Gold patches
#331. Cacnea / Route 228 / Lvl 23-25 / 5%
#332. Cacturne / Route 228 (Night) / Lvl 52-53 / 40%
#333. Swablu / Route 211 East / Lvl 27-28 / 22% / Gold patches
#343. Baltoy / Route 206 / Lvl 14-16 / 22% / Gold patches
#354. Banette / Route 226 (Night) / Lvl 51, 53
#355. Duskull / Route 224 / Lvl 23 / 2% / Gold patches
#356. Dusclops / Route 224 / Lvl 52, 54 / 20% / Gold patches
#358. Chimecho / Sendoff Spring / Lvl 52, 54 / 10%
#361. Snorunt / Route 216 / Lvl 35-36 / 22% / Gold patches
#396. Starly / Route 201 (Morning, Day) / Lvl 2-4 / 50%
#397. Staravia / Trophy Garden (Day) / Lvl 16-17 / 40%
#399. Bidoof / Route 201 (Night) / Lvl 2-4 / 60%
#400. Bibarel / Sendoff Spring / Lvl 52-54 / 45% / This pokemon knows Take Down
#401. Kricketot / Route 202 (Night) / Lvl 3-4 / 20%
#402. Kricketune / Route 212 North (Night) / Lvl 19 / 30%
#403. Shinx / Route 202 / Lvl 3-4 / 30% / Use Static for best effects
#404. Luxio / Fuego Ironworks / Lvl 29 / 10% / This pokemon knows Roar
#406. Budew / Route 212 North / Lvl 16 / 30%
#417. Pachirisu / Valley Windworks / Lvl 7-8 / 25% / Use Static for best effects
#418. Buizel / Route 205 South / Lvl 8-13 / 35%
#419. Floatzel / Route 222 (Night) / Lvl 40-42 / 35%
#422. Shellos East / Route 213 (Night) / 20-22 / 50%
#422. Shellos West / Route 205 South / Lvl 8-10 / 45%.
#423. Gastrodon East / Route 222 (Night) / Lvl 40-42 / 40% Diamond
#423. Gastrodon East / Route 224 (Night) / Lvl 52-53 / 30% Pearl
#423. Gastrodon West / Route 218 / Lvl 28-30 / 20%
#427. Buneary / Eterna Forest / 10-12 / 19%
#433. Chingling / Lake Acuity / Lvl 34, 36 / 10%
#436. Bronzor / Route 206 / Lvl 15 / 10%.
#437. Bronzong / Mt. Coronet’s Peak / Lvl 39-40 / 5% / Watch out for Hail damage
#438. Bonsly / Route 209 (Morning) / Lvl 16 / 25% / Pearl
#439. Mime Jr. / Route 209 (Morning) / Lvl 16 / 25% / Diamond
#441. Chatot / Route 222 (Morning, Day) / Lvl 40-41 / 20%
#450. Hippowdon / Route 228 (Morning, Day) / Lvl 52-54 / 20% / This pokemon knows Double-Edge
#459. Snover / Route 216 / Lvl 33 / 25%
#460. Abomasnow / Mt. Coronet’s Peak / Lvl 40-41 / 20% / This pokemon has Wood Hammer

I've been told about % encounter rate issues, more specifically those Pokemon chained with use of the Poke radar. It seems that Bulbapedia quotes these as 22% yet other sites, including psypokes and serebii say that 12% is the actual rate. If anyone can give me a good reason to use one set of values over another, let me know so I can change them all in one go accordingly. :)
If anyone has any corrections or tips, for example, a pokemon that has the same encounter rate on another rate but has a better area in which to chain (e.g. due to space), please make a note of it in a comment and we'll edit accordingly.

We hope this helps all you chainers, whether you do it for shinies, experience or for items. :)

Living Arrow and Bushin

Author:  Sparrow [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

how i make sticky. ;.;

Great job, guys.

Author:  Swift [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

stickied. thanks for your help.

Author:  Bushin [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

You actually made a Sticky!
I'm glad i could help ya! :wink:
See ya around!

BTW...About the Wobbufett i recommend the Verity Lake...
Because on the other side of the river there's a average space and the Wobbies are at level 3 and 4...

Author:  lordtomato [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

Wow this is amazing.

Just wondering, if you are using repels, does the lvl of your first pokemon affect the chances of the chain breaking?

For example if you have a lvl 57 scyther in the first spot, and repel, and chain something like Ralts (lvl 4-6), will the chain be more likely to break?

Author:  Living Arrow [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

Thanks to you, Bushin :) Ok - I'll add in that Wobbuffet entry.

No - the chain isn't any more likely to break. As long as your lead Pokemon is higher than any natives, the only reason the chain breaks will be due to the coding etc.

Author:  Bushin [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

lordtomato wrote:
Wow this is amazing.

Just wondering, if you are using repels, does the lvl of your first pokemon affect the chances of the chain breaking?

For example if you have a lvl 57 scyther in the first spot, and repel, and chain something like Ralts (lvl 4-6), will the chain be more likely to break?

No,the only thing that repels do is keep all pokémon which level is lower than your leader pokémon away.
It doesn't affects your chains whatsover...actually it's the repel that keep your chains from breaking with random wild pokémons. :wink:

Author:  Patchy [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

I wanted a guide like this for a LONG time.

Thank you so much, Living Arrow and Bushin. :D

Author:  rumetz [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

cools! Now if only this made training eisier

Author:  lordtomato [ Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

Seeing as this is about chainables, could there be a little guide on chaining included?

LIke all the "rules" and stuff about comtinuing the chain?

Author:  Living Arrow [ Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

Ugh. I really don't want to write a guide on how to chain... Maybe one of the other shiny hunters will at some point?

Author:  Bushin [ Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

Living Arrow wrote:
Ugh. I really don't want to write a guide on how to chain... Maybe one of the other shiny hunters will at some point?

Actually i was thinking about it...Maybe when i have some free time...

Author:  hubba [ Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

lordtomato wrote:
Seeing as this is about chainables, could there be a little guide on chaining included?

LIke all the "rules" and stuff about comtinuing the chain?

erm, there already is. i learned how to chain from all the information gathered there, and im sure others have as well.

Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

Might want to mention about the insertions.

I know that with Elekid, if you look outside the Valley Windworks, you will chain Mareeps. So, the pokemon you can change is really based on its specific chaining location.

Author:  Living Arrow [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

I have no idea what that meant... the locations etc are specified above and are regarded as the "Optimal" locations... Both Mareep and Elekid are chainable at the Valley Windworks, so I don't see your point...

Author:  Patchy [ Sat Oct 04, 2008 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

P-L, this?

Living Arrow wrote:
(ii) Dongle Insertion: The following are 'chainable' Pokemon that require GBA game insertion. All occur at 8%, unless stated, and may be found at any time of day at these frequencies.

Fire Red Insertion
#010. Caterpie / Route 204 South / Lvl 6
#011. Metapod / Eterna Forest / Lvl 12
#023. Ekans / Route 212 South / Lvl 18,20
#058. Growlithe / Route 201 / Lvl 2 / This pokemon knows Roar
#239. Elekid / Route 205 South / Lvl 10

Author:  Cuddles [ Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

well obviously cuddles never notices the stickies!!

far out guys, youve really out-done yourselves here! how did i miss this! i'm gonna have to use it to my advantage somehow :twisted:

Author:  Living Arrow [ Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

*Feels proud* - Now it has the Cuddles stamp of approval! :D

Author:  Cuddles [ Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

Living Arrow wrote:
*Feels proud* - Now it has the Cuddles stamp of approval! :D

haha yeah it does :D

actually i just remembered that i had a proper reason for posting, not just to say i love the topic. so yeah, i also noticed that bulbapedia says 22% for some pokeradar pokes. i think they are wrong, based on (lots and lots of) experience ;)

Author:  Patchy [ Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

Just wondering, are you guys going to update this for Platinum? Marill and Pinsir, for example, get different locations with a higher encounter rate.

Author:  Living Arrow [ Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

Ugh... I guess I will at a later date - when Pt is released in an English version and I get back into the game :)

Author:  Birdknight [ Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

Wow Living Arrow, this is a really great guide. I hope you do update it for Platinum ;)

P.S., Take a guess who this is. ;)

Author:  pokemonrox96 [ Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

first: y so u call the gba slot dongle :?: :lol:
second: you should include tips about identifying shinys during radaring so ppl know what to look 4.
third: gr8 tips!

Author:  Living Arrow [ Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

Hey, TRC! ^^

And here is a decent image of a so called "shiny" patch when the Pokeradar is activated: ... ypatch.jpg

Author:  Patchy [ Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Optimal Locations for All Chainable Pokemon

It says Psyduck is available at Lake Acuity at 30%. Either my RNG is confused, or it's only while surfing that you can get it.

I haven't found any there, anyway.

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