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 Pokemon who need better moves in Generation 5 
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Dragon Tamer
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{luxray} needs access to more physical moves. Its lack of speed is already a bit problematic as is.

{venusaur} {charizard} {blastoise} {meganium} {typhlosion} {feraligatr} {sceptile} {blaziken} {swampert} {torterra} {infernape} {empoleon} {machamp} {gallade} {toxicroak} {pidgeot} {staraptor} {luxray} {alakazam} {gengar} {nidoqueen} {nidoking} {aggron} {rhyperior} {gyarados} {milotic} {kingdra}

Sun May 23, 2010 1:31 am
Dragon Tamer
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KingErick wrote:
flareon should learn flare blitz

beedrill, ommastar, parasect, dunsparce, aridadous, and many others need another evolution.

Maybe they could have an Eevee tutor who teaches each evolution a different ultiamte move (no, not hyperbeam variant) that is good for it.

Beedril shouldn't have anopther evolution, although I do support giving it a new move-pool and some hold item that either doubles it's speed or gives it some defense.

Parasect could use another evolution, sure. However, I wonder if they could make him playable by giving him a new signature move, say "Spore-Burst", which would be a series of 3 seperate attacks in one turn - 40 poison damage, 40 grass damage, 40 fire damage, with the possibility of making the opponent poisoned, sleep, and burned respectively.

Omnastar and Kabutops, I think, are stuck as is. I could see a hold item that improves all fossil-pokemon (by name) by increasing their sp. def and def? That said, I wouldn't mind a new move pool.

Sun May 23, 2010 1:57 am
Dragon Tamer
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KingErick wrote:
flareon should learn flare blitz

beedrill, ommastar, parasect, dunsparce, aridadous, and many others need another evolution.

Maybe they could have an Eevee tutor who teaches each evolution a different ultiamte move (no, not hyperbeam variant) that is good for it.

Beedril shouldn't have anopther evolution, although I do support giving it a new move-pool and some hold item that either doubles it's speed or gives it some defense.

Parasect could use another evolution, sure. However, I wonder if they could make him playable by giving him a new signature move, say "Spore-Burst", which would be a series of 3 seperate attacks in one turn - 40 poison damage, 40 grass damage, 40 fire damage, with the possibility of making the opponent poisoned, sleep, and burned respectively.

Omnastar and Kabutops, I think, are stuck as is. I could see a hold item that improves all fossil-pokemon (by name) by increasing their sp. def and def? That said, I wouldn't mind a new move pool.

Sun May 23, 2010 1:58 am
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I could see kakuna evovling two ways- beedrill normally but into some awesome well moved bug pokemon with a held item.

paresect for me is the pokemon that needs an upgrade the most.

Its old school, looks beast, but needs the *it* factor.

Maybe another evo and leave blade added to its moveset?

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Sun May 23, 2010 10:43 am
Dragon Tamer
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Parasect getting an extra form and new moves seems fine.

However, I am against messing with beedrill's evolution. I mean, why would you make a deviant evolution that trounces the orginal? Improve Beedrill, don't make it worse by making it the retarded step-evolution no one talks about.

Sun May 23, 2010 4:23 pm
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AceTrainer wrote:
{luxray} needs access to more physical moves. Its lack of speed is already a bit problematic as is.

Yeah though in general they just need more physical Electric attacks or at least more powerful ones that aren't specially distributed like Volt Tackle & even when not talking about it's type, it needs more physical move access in general all around...

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Wed May 26, 2010 1:57 pm
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Lawence Codye wrote:
AceTrainer wrote:
{luxray} needs access to more physical moves. Its lack of speed is already a bit problematic as is.

Yeah though in general they just need more physical Electric attacks or at least more powerful ones that aren't specially distributed like Volt Tackle & even when not talking about it's type, it needs more physical move access in general all around...

Yeah, thanks for repeating what I said, only longer? ;)


{venusaur} {charizard} {blastoise} {meganium} {typhlosion} {feraligatr} {sceptile} {blaziken} {swampert} {torterra} {infernape} {empoleon} {machamp} {gallade} {toxicroak} {pidgeot} {staraptor} {luxray} {alakazam} {gengar} {nidoqueen} {nidoking} {aggron} {rhyperior} {gyarados} {milotic} {kingdra}

Wed May 26, 2010 2:34 pm
Psychic Trainer
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{flareon} and {entei} need Flare Blitz. Two Fire-types with such high Attack stats really need a STAB better than Fire Fang.

Feel free to send me a PM if you want to chat about various things.

Fri May 28, 2010 5:20 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Everlasting Sapphire wrote:
{flareon} and {entei} need Flare Blitz. Two Fire-types with such high Attack stats really need a STAB better than Fire Fang.

That, or they need a new physical fire move. A physical "Heatwave" or "Discharge" variant would be cool; a fire "Waterfall" would be cool, etc.

Sat May 29, 2010 6:15 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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I really want to see {exploud}'s family given something to really set it apart.
It seems like they put so much effort into their development, but there's almost nothing to show for it.

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Sat May 29, 2010 10:10 pm
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Spoinkable wrote:
I really want to see {exploud}'s family given something to really set it apart.
It seems like they put so much effort into their development, but there's almost nothing to show for it.

I'm okay with signature moves, but I prefer signature moves that can be eggmoves for different pokemon.

Sat May 29, 2010 11:38 pm
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labarith wrote:
Spoinkable wrote:
I really want to see {exploud}'s family given something to really set it apart.
It seems like they put so much effort into their development, but there's almost nothing to show for it.

I'm okay with signature moves, but I prefer signature moves that can be eggmoves for different pokemon.

I'm totally okay with this, too, despite the fact that I'm a reason-maniac.
(I love there to be consistently sound reasoning behind developmental decisions. This actually makes me as happy as a Catholic School Girl discovering boy parts.)
Signature moves being egg moves makes total sense, because it's still tied directly to the original.
A Squirtle with a Tentacruel for a daddy would be able to learn Barrier, because it makes sense but wasn't within Squirtle's original capacity.

I'm gonna segway into a mini-rant.
I think they should stop editing Pokemon's level-up moves and just introduce anything new to the family as an Egg Move or level-up as a new evolution.
"Oh, hey, Charmaner learns Metal Claw now!"
F that sh!t. It makes no goddamn sense.
"Charizard had a lovechild with an Aggron, and it knows Metal Claw!" is much better.

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Sun May 30, 2010 10:46 pm
Dragon Tamer
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The big question regarding eggmoves is whether they have the balls to do "secret" egg moves - IE eggmoves that are impossible until you get a male who learns that move (perhaps even of a different species in that egg group).

For example, let's assume that the first "event" pokemon is a breedable rare fire/water crab.
Let's say Generation V Krabby has ember as an egg move, but because no one in it's egg group (save this unreleased event pokemon) can learn ember, it's a "secret egg move" for Krabby.

A more realistic example, though, is akin to the Extreme Speed Dratini in HG/SS. For example, let's say that "Bug Zap" is an electric move from Generation V which is "super effective against bug types" (as one of it's goals). In Generation V, let's say, only a small number of electric pokemon can learn bug zap, none of them bugs.

However, let's say there's an event "Bug Zapping Weedle" pokemon, who can pass on the move "Bug Zap" to a given subset of bug pokemon in it's egg group - bug pokemon who can't learn it from any other pokemon but a male bug zapper. Any pokemon in this group that knows bug zap who was born before the " Bug Zapping Weedle" would be the offspring of a hacked pokemon, or hacked itself. (Yes, "Bug Zap" is a horrible example, but you get the idea).

Secret Egg Moves would take a lot of planning on Gamefreak's part, as they'd not only have to decide when to release the exclusives, but also what to do, tourney wise, with a pokemon that knows it before it could legally know it (I don't know how Tourney Rules go...).

Another possibility, of course, is to have pokemon learn different movesets based on which game they originate from (Black/White, or English/UK/Japan), such that to get a pokemon with, say, "both ultimate moves", you need to breed one from one game with a female pokemon from the other.

For example, let's say "Pyder", a new Fire/Bug spider pokemon learns "Flame Web" if it's from Black at level 50, and learns "Scaulding Wrap" at level 50 if it's from White. Both moves are egg-moves, neither is a TM, and neither is tutorable. For a pokemon to have both, it's male parent would need to be from the opposite game. Basically, this is a special catagory of egg moves, and one potentially worth exploring.

Another example would be something like this:
A Eggbobber, a water/psychic pokemon, from Black learns Recover at level 30.
A Eggbobber, a water/psychic pokemon, from White learns Soft Boiled at level 40.
An Egg Bomber born on Pokemon Black with a father from White could thus have both Recover and Soft Boiled. Making it fairly redudant. :P

Mon May 31, 2010 2:25 am
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i do not believe that anyone has mentioned shedinja's failure to utilize it's most awesome stat, HP...yes i know it only has 1, but an HP equalizer i.e. endeavor would take any pokemon it fights down to 1 HP, and if it were the fastest pokemon in battle, and had a focus sash, it could kill something very easily, then die.

Bug, ghost and water!

Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:41 pm
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Spoinkable wrote:
(I love there to be consistently sound reasoning behind developmental decisions. This actually makes me as happy as a Catholic School Girl discovering boy parts.)

That made me ROFLOL

Anyways, referring to the thread title, I think Arcanine and Flareon need better Physical movepools, Torkoal a better supportive movepool/ability (Defensive Fire type??? WTF?!?) and Typhlosion has a good physical movepool, but poor attack stat and bad special movepool, but good sp.attack, so I think it needs the moves to exploit these attributes (Maybe a belly-phlosion?)

and yes, I do like fire-types more than I perhaps should

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Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:47 pm
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Don't forget {farfetch'd}. The Wild Duck Pokémon has been the bane of would-be trainers since we all gave up our Spearows for one in R/B/Y/FR/LG. With horrible stats (no base stat above 85), it should learn some more powerful moves.

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Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:09 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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I think Farfetch'd is supposed to be the joke Pokémon. ... rfetch%27d

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Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:06 pm
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So many......

Torterra, any ATK elec poke, Torkoal, all eeveeloutions, all steel, poison, and all bug minus heracross.

Just to name a few.

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Act Like you know.

Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:01 pm
Dragon Tamer
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I hope bug-type pokemon become stronger in gen 5 , i want all bug pokemon like Drapion(Drapion is strong with its cross poison).
maybe the no-evolutianary line pokemon should get 1 evo (ex. Farfetch'd, tauros, miltank, pinsir, heracross)


Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:20 am
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:GalladeRoxas: Yes, I know it's a joke Pokémon. Currently, at least.

Hamiforbeeterra's credit to Rocket's Game Corner.
Dunmaorprasecutail's (also: Whakadon) credit (avatar) to Mektar.

Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:31 am
Pokemon Ranger
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I think most Grass-types in general need better movesets.

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Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:53 am
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More steel moves, more dark moves and most importantly... Garchomp needs better LVL up moves. LVL 55 for Dragon rush?!?!?!?!?!!! Garchomp should be able to learn drago meter by LVL up.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Sat Aug 07, 2010 9:42 am
Dragon Tamer
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Garchomp needs better moves? Its already ridiculously overpowered and has access to some of the best moves in the game. No offense but that would be massive overkill.

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Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:23 am
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I said better LVL up moves. Plus im not big on move tutors unless

A- Only way to get move
B- Its a Delibird.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:35 am
Dragon Tamer
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Gallade Roxas wrote:
I think most Grass-types in general need better movesets.

Or better moves to begin with.

{venusaur} {charizard} {blastoise} {meganium} {typhlosion} {feraligatr} {sceptile} {blaziken} {swampert} {torterra} {infernape} {empoleon} {machamp} {gallade} {toxicroak} {pidgeot} {staraptor} {luxray} {alakazam} {gengar} {nidoqueen} {nidoking} {aggron} {rhyperior} {gyarados} {milotic} {kingdra}

Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:05 am
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