
Can someone please give me the BEST movesets for these......
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Author:  tommy_123 [ Fri May 29, 2009 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Can someone please give me the BEST movesets for these......

Bug: Pinsir
Dragon: Dragonite
Electric: Zapdos
Fighing: Machamp
Fire: Moltres
Flying: Dragonite
Ghost: Genger
Ground: Rhydon
Ice: Articuno
Normal: Tauros
Poision: Tentacruel
Psychic: Mewtwo
Rock: Rhydon
Water: Gyarados

the pokemon above have the highest maximum stats possible for each type so with the right moves does that mean they are the strongest?

Thanks for any help! :)

Author:  Benjamin [ Sat May 30, 2009 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can someone please give me the BEST movesets for these......

No, that doesn't mean they're the strongest at all. And check on the site. Go the psydex -> movesets for each of these pokemon.

Author:  Mudkipninja [ Sat May 30, 2009 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can someone please give me the BEST movesets for these......

Well, my Dragonte has Thunderbolt, Dragon Rush, Ice Beam, and Flamethrower. I suggest you use move with a variety of types, and that also have added effects.


Author:  Origin [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can someone please give me the BEST movesets for these......

Check the this website.
I personally prefer strong attacks rather than moves such as protect or poison powder but it is completely you choice.
Remember that there is no 'perfect' team there is only very good ones.

Author:  torchie13125 [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can someone please give me the BEST movesets for these......

I think it's Gen. I, so Dragon Rush doesn't exist. Otherwise, get Outrage, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw/Dragon Rush, Aqua Tail/Wing Attack. Mine in Diamond works wonders with these moves. I beat Cynthia's Garchomp up with two DDs and a Dragon Rush. Both times Chompy used Dragon Rush, but missed. Mine was lucky and it hit.
Anyway, for Pinsir
If it's Gen. IV (I only try to do this for IVs because I don't own R/B/Y anymore and can't remember at all)
{pinsir} adamant/jolly @Salac Berry/Leichi Berry
Guts (or whatever it really is: I don't personally ever use Pinsirs so...)
252 Atk./252 Speed, 129 Speed/129 Atk., 129 HP
Flail/Close Combat (I think it can learn it)
Yeah. I suck at rating Pinsirs because I never use one, but try this. The first two from the first set is godly according to a lot of raing center people who actually had Pinsirs. Revenge is for... revenge, and X-Scissor's for good old STAB.
{zapdos} Timid/Calm @Leftovers
Rain Dance/Detect
Charge Beam/Roost/Extrasensory (third one if you got Zapdos from XD)
I didn't get one from XD, so I have one with the first set, except my nature was Naive. It's really awesome!
{machamp} Jolly @Muscle Band/Choice Band
252 Atk., 129 Def., 129 HP
Focus Punch
Vital Throw/Cross Chop
Seismic Toss/Protect
I don't personally use Machamps, but I heard it from somewhere that Substitute+Focus Punch is the best moveset for a Champ.
{moltres} Mild @Charcoal/Charti Berry (was it charti that reduced SE Rock?)
Heat Wave
Sky Attack
Sunny Day
That's what I have on my Emerald (Gen. III) and it's the best substitute for my Torchie (Blaziken) and Melody (Altaria) combined.
Um. I think it's getting a little long, so I'll leave this like this.

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