
Leaf Green Elite 4 teams
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Author:  Trainer Chris [ Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Leaf Green Elite 4 teams

Can someone help with my final Leaf Green team? Here are what I think I should have.
Team 1
1. Venasaur
2. Pidgeot
3. Primape
4. Dragonite
5. Pikachu
6. Ninetales

Team 2
1. Venasaur
2. Dewgong
3. Rapidash/Ninetales
4. Haunter
5. Graveler
6. Hitmonchan

Team 3
1. Venasaur
2. Dragonite
3. Nidoqueen
4. Rapidash
5. Lapras
6. Kadabra

Team 4
1. Venasaur
2. Pidgeot
3. Primeape
4. Nidoqueen
5. Gyarados
6. Electrode

Team 5 (So far I am looking towards this team)
1. Venasaur
2. Pikachu
3. Lapras
4. Snorlax
5. Dragonite
6. Ninetales

Team 6
1. Venasaur
2. Dragonite
3. Ninetales
4. Dewgong
5. Pidgeot
6. Jolteon

Team 7
1. Pikachu
2. Dragonite
3. Ninetales
4. Lapras
5. Vileplume
6. Snorlax/Pidgeot/Kadabra

Team 8
1. Pikachu
2. Golbat
3. Onix
4. Lapras/Golduck
5. Rapidash/Ninetales
6. Venasaur/Vileplume

Team 9
1. Venasaur
2. Dewgong/Lapras
3. Rapidash/Lapras
4. Jolteon/Pikachu
5. Nidoqueen/Arbok
6. Kadabra/Hypno

Team 10
1. Venasaur
2. Jolteon
3. Gyarados
4. Dugtrio
5. Pidgeot
6. Rapidash

Team 11
1. Venasaur
2. Primape
3. Pikachu
4. Vaporeon
5. Ninetales/Rapidash
6. Pidgeot/Dragonite

Team 12
1. Venasaur
2. Magneton
3. Lapras/Gyarados
4. Primape/Machoke
5. Pidgeot/Porygon
6. Flareon

So tell me which one you think I should choose. If you would like to recommend a team for me, please do. But do not include legendaries because I will not use them.

Author:  Lt Sylar Gump [ Fri Jul 09, 2010 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Leaf Green Elite 4 teams

You can list Pokemon teams all day long and it won't matter if you don't list their moves. We can't accurately evaluate your teams unless we know what moves you're teaching them. For all we know they all know horrible moves. I'm assuming they're not, but still, one team may 'stand out' above the rest because of it's move set.

Author:  AEP: Master Trainer [ Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Leaf Green Elite 4 teams

Seeing the listing that you have done, I notice two things.

1) You have some Pokemon who you would like to use in most of the situations. These are probably your strongest Pokemon, and that's a great place to look if they're balanced with level and movesets counter weaknesses (if at all possible).

2) There is some indecision in some of your prospective teams. Should you choose any besides the one you were "leaning toward", then don't choose these unless you narrow it down to one Poke per slot... :P

That being said, moves are kind of important if you want us to really help you out with which team to use...

Hope this helps!

AEPMT :mrgreen: ;) 8-)

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