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 New Ways to evolve Pokemon 
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Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer

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* From Male -> Female (and/or female to male?) - Probably a Frog pokemon (Fire/Water frog pokemon?). We've all seen jurassic park.
* From one pokemon to two pokemon (okay, so technically a certain bug does this, but I mean from one pokemon - say a dual headed snake - to two exactly the same pokemon - two one-headed snakes?).
* A pokemon that evolves into something else then back and back again!
* A pokemon that evolves when returning from a pokewalker after having gained a level? (And yes, keep pokewalkers for sure!).
* A pokemon that evolves upon fainting.
* Pokemon that evolve by combining together (think Slowbro, Magneton, Dugtrio - except in-game. They should combine IVs, allowing a "perfect IV" Magneton to be possible. ANd there should be at least one new pokemon that can do this...)
* Pokemon that hatch differently if they were hatched in an incubator (Think a new way of hatching pokemon - drop off an egg, it hatches in 5 days at level 5, if it's fire type it learns ember? or some new fire move like "incubate" from the get-go).
* "genetic mutation" pokemon, available in game only through a genetic quirk in breeding common pokemon (less irregular than shinies). For example, maybe if you're breeding Senret - a common pokemon on both versions of the game - with a senret from a different game (or a ditto from a different game), there is a 1 in 1,000 chance or something that instead of a senret, you get a new breed of pokemon - a psuedo-legendary evolution. Maybe there should be 3 of these "genetic quirks". The genetic quirks should be at the end of the pokedex, and should be able to breed as normal - thus once someone breeds a "new pokemon", she can breed it for everyone!
* More "mule" pokemon like Phione - although, preferably, mules that come from combining two specific pokemon - for example, maybe if you breed Sunkern with a new plant pokemon, you get a 3rd plant pokemon that's got characteristics of the first two.

Thu May 06, 2010 3:38 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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Interesting idea, but to the last point, I feel that keeping the Pokemon families distinct is important.

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Thu May 06, 2010 6:09 pm
Dragon Tamer
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KingErick wrote:
Interesting idea, but to the last point, I feel that keeping the Pokemon families distinct is important.

Phione set an important precident. I see no reason why we can't have "complex crossbreeds" such that:
A+A = A
B+B = B
A+B = C
C+A = A
C+B = B
C+C = C
Suppose A is Ponyta
Suppose B is a new pokemon, Normalta, a "normal" Unicorn.
Suppose C is Uniflame, a fire unicon.
Now I'm not saying do this all the time, but this sounds a like a logical progression.
I'm not saying have every possible combination here - I'm saying have several pokemon species that are in the same egg group be so related to each other that they can produce a hybrid.

Now, all things being equal, this could be done a different way - suppose we have a Normal/[X] Turtle Pokemon. Perhaps this turtle breeds like Eevee evolves - if it breeds with Squirtle, you get a new [X]/Water pokemon (a breed-evolution, if you will). If you put it with Turtwig, you get a grass/[x] pokemon, and if you put it with, say, charmander, you get a [x]/fire turtle pokemon. If it breeds with any other pokemon, it wold just get a copy of itself.

Thu May 06, 2010 7:19 pm
Pokemon Master
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gah, that's too much change. you can't just disrupt the traditions of pokemon. then it would be more like some animal raising game than what it currently is (this, i'm reffering to the breeding- all of it. and the combos.). i like the incubator idea, but i think it should instead just be a different method for hatching, that way you just put it in while retaining a fully functional team. maybe some added benefit, but no different evos. and doesn't this coincide with your other thread about the new items?? not to be super critical, or anything.


Fri May 07, 2010 1:20 pm
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rex09 wrote:
gah, that's too much change. you can't just disrupt the traditions of pokemon. then it would be more like some animal raising game than what it currently is (this, i'm reffering to the breeding- all of it. and the combos.). i like the incubator idea, but i think it should instead just be a different method for hatching, that way you just put it in while retaining a fully functional team. maybe some added benefit, but no different evos. and doesn't this coincide with your other thread about the new items?? not to be super critical, or anything.

Sorry but, i completely disagree...we need new changes, after 4 generations and 17 main series games...we need some new radical changes. I agree with keeping to the traditions but we can't keep everything the same...



Sat May 08, 2010 3:42 pm
Dragon Tamer
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rex09 wrote:
gah, that's too much change. you can't just disrupt the traditions of pokemon. then it would be more like some animal raising game than what it currently is (this, i'm reffering to the breeding- all of it. and the combos.). i like the incubator idea, but i think it should instead just be a different method for hatching, that way you just put it in while retaining a fully functional team. maybe some added benefit, but no different evos. and doesn't this coincide with your other thread about the new items?? not to be super critical, or anything.

We have pokemon who evolve in certain areas, pokemon who evolve after learning certain moves, and pokemon who can only be gotten by breeding a legendary guy from a DIFFERENT KIND of pokemon game with a ditto. Pokemon is all about breaking traditions.

The Incubator has to be functionally different from running around with an egg, and both need to be viable options. I've suggested that the Incubator should take 5 days and should hatch eggs at level 5. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to have it have 3-6 slots with an individual "day calculator" for each. You should be able to leave them there however long w/o anything happening to them (thus not penalizing you for picking them up the day they hatch). However, given the incubator, I see NO PROBLEM with certian pokemon (a) learning a new ability (either something to do w/ fire, or something to do with "love/heat/etc." - that can be a normal move. It shouldn't be GOOD, for the most part, just different.), (b) evolving differently (Look, if Eevee can evolve differently near a rock, I see no problem why a certain species of pokemon when hatched here can't evolve into a different guy, or (c) hatch differently - we've had pre-evolved pokemon, why not "differently hatched" pokemon.

All things being equal, if we don't get "different" evolutions or hatchings out of the incubator, it's a waste of space from a game perspective. Change is good. Change into a truck.

Sat May 08, 2010 6:56 pm
Dragon Tamer
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I think you should just be able to carry a (maybe several) eggs in your bag. It shouldn't take up a slot on your team. When you beat the game its no big deal to only have 5 pokemon on your team, but early on it can be especially tough. Just add a new section to the bag (which should be by the way totally organizable in any way you desire) that's called the incubator and it holds eggs. I don't know about all of this new evolving stuff, but I wish this were a feature...

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Sat May 08, 2010 7:20 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Ajit wrote:
I think you should just be able to carry a (maybe several) eggs in your bag. It shouldn't take up a slot on your team. When you beat the game its no big deal to only have 5 pokemon on your team, but early on it can be especially tough. Just add a new section to the bag (which should be by the way totally organizable in any way you desire) that's called the incubator and it holds eggs. I don't know about all of this new evolving stuff, but I wish this were a feature...

Basically, you're advocating a "berry potts" for eggs - the problem with this, of course, is that once you've hatched them, you have several freshly hatched pokemon in your bag apart from your team pokemon. They can't battle, which is very odd since they're WITH YOU.

For the most part, egg-hatching shouldn't be TOO easy. At least not too early in the game. I can see an incubator-house that you can get to late in the game and hatch bunches of eggs for trading and/or breeding purposes, but it should ALWAYS be strategically correct to hatch eggs in your party time-wise. However, someone who isn't "into breeding" should still be able to drop some eggs off and then go do something else. However, I think it should be expensive to use the incubator (at least early on), such that it is still practical to walk around with an egg.

That said, I disagree w/ you - early in the game, it should be easy to walk around with an egg until it hatches - your starter/main guy needs the practice. This is why you should always get an egg early game, like in HG/SS, not late game. If, for no other reason, than that your egg might become a main team member.
NEW new ways to evolve pokemon:
* A pokemon that only evolves (or evolves differntly) if you have an egg in your group.
* A pokemon that evolves differently with the weather and/or season. Weather seems too easy (as you can just use your own weather guys), so season's probably best (Where we have a 2 month winter, 2 month "fall" and Spring/Summer are the rest of the year. Timed to your game's location or maybe to your GTS location?
* a pokemon that hatches differently based on it's IVS (think either tyrogue or deoxys style...).
* A pokemon that PROPOGATES by using a move on a certain type of wild pokemon (that you then catch). For example, say we have an "alternate evolution" of a certain pokemon. For example, suppose we have a dark/normal ape pokemon. Suppose, also, that Zubat (and it's evolutions) learns a new signature move "batbite", which is a poison move. Suppose when a zubat uses "batbite" on the dark/normal ape pokemon, it evolves mid-combat into a dark/poison vampire-ape pokemon. (Yes, each reoccuring character who has the dark/normal pokemon needs to have it hold an everstone. And yes, we do need "mid-combat" evolutions, if only to match up with the anime. Roughly, I advocate each move should give a set number of experience points (perhaps inverse to it's PP), such that (a) even if you catch the pokemon, you still get experience points, and (b) it allows you to level up and evolve mid battle - making for some EXCITINTG battles.
* A pokemon that evolves only if it levels up mid-battle (note that this is incredibly hard to do on purpose, I imagine...).
* A pokemon that evolves by beating a certian mini-game.
* Pokemon who evolve when traded over the GTS only.
* Pokemon that evolve when left in the daycare (w/ a certain other pokemon?).
* A pokemon that evolves by staying in your box a year???
* A pokemon that evolves by getting X ribbons.

Sat May 08, 2010 7:29 pm
Dragon Tamer
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ahh excellant point about once it hatches it won't have a spot in your team. I suppose this ruins the mobile incubator idea altogether.

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Sat May 08, 2010 7:54 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Ajit wrote:
ahh excellant point about once it hatches it won't have a spot in your team. I suppose this ruins the mobile incubator idea altogether.

Technically it can be such that it only hatches if you have a free slot... otherwise, it gets "backed up" X steps.

But I prefer the idea of a Pokemon hatchery.

Speaking of eggs and breeding, I really would like to have some of the main characters drop of thier pokemon at the daycare center such that you can breed with their pokemon. To do this, we'd need:
a) Other trainers whose pokemon gain levels (maybe the elite 4 gain 1 level each 4 timefs you beat them).
b) A "day off" or two for pokemon trainers like the elite 4, gym leaders, etc... at least after you first beat them.
c) Maybe over the weekend, if you don't have two pokemon in there are the start of the day, when you come to the daycare center you bump into a "big name character" at random who has just left one of his/her pokemon at random in the daycare center. So you drop off your pokemon, and it has an egg (well, "twin" eggs - not that you ever see the latter egg) with the other character's pokemon. By the time you get back, the other character has left w/ his/her pokemon - and you have an egg from that coupling.

Sat May 08, 2010 10:23 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Many of these suggestions feel a little too out of place. Pokemon is not all about breaking traditions. We could argue forever about what you think what traditions are, but for me at the very least, traditions include the types of the starters (obviously excluding yellow), number of gyms per region, number of elite trainers (four everytime). Evolution never had tradition as it always had dynamic methods even from the first generation. Evolution has always been about something new. But I digress.

Call me whatever you think but it is easier to have the pokemon first before looking at how they evolve rather than the other way around, which is forcing a pokemon adapt to a certain evolution concept (i.e., a pokemon to evolve while you have an egg with you can only be limited to egg-based or parent-based pokemon).

Mid-fight evolutions sound..uh..meh. This could be an imbalance on tournaments, i think.

Pokemon evolving by staying in a box for one year? Good luck with that...not only does it lack some sense, it also fails gameplay-wise..

I know you could just be throwing random ideas around but most are really just, you know, not well thought of..

On a different note, I think Nintendo should start making up evolution methods that benefit not just a handful of pokemon. Like a stone which benefits only 1 pokemon? Come on, make it at least 3.

{venusaur} {charizard} {blastoise} {meganium} {typhlosion} {feraligatr} {sceptile} {blaziken} {swampert} {torterra} {infernape} {empoleon} {machamp} {gallade} {toxicroak} {pidgeot} {staraptor} {luxray} {alakazam} {gengar} {nidoqueen} {nidoking} {aggron} {rhyperior} {gyarados} {milotic} {kingdra}

Sun May 09, 2010 4:37 am
Pokemon Master
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whatever your opinions on traditions, some of the ideas may not work, and that's something you have to face. personally, i dislike the idea of walking around with the egg in your bag for the reasons listed by ajit. i believe the incubator should be either a new pc function, or a separate machine. a pokemon hatchery could be interesting, but if so, it should have to coexist with the daycare center.
@labarith: i disagree with breeding with other in-game trainer's pokemon. that's just... i don't know, nonsensical?? (maybe not, but i can't really think of the proper adverb). i mean, most of the other in-game trainer's pokemon just plain suck... in gen IV, the ones you team up with you generally have to protect or use as cannon fodder. i'm not gonna have my pokemon breed with something that just plain stinks. if they get some decent other pokemon to use, then fine, whatever. but most people will still prefer to use their own. just saying.


Sun May 09, 2010 4:50 pm
Bug Catcher
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As for the mobile incubator thing, I say, if you don't have a spare slot and a pokemon hatches, it should be sent to a box in the pc. Just like you catch a new pokemon and you dont't have any room for it.

Sun May 09, 2010 11:23 pm
Dragon Tamer
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sixyearold wrote:
As for the mobile incubator thing, I say, if you don't have a spare slot and a pokemon hatches, it should be sent to a box in the pc. Just like you catch a new pokemon and you dont't have any room for it.

I don't know... it seems a bit forced to me. What happened to your shedinja if you didn't have a slot open for it?

I envisioned a "Pokemon incubation center" somewhere in a big city near the end of your journey (or after the elite 4). The idea would be that trainers brought their eggs there to hatch, including the eggs of the starters before the starters are shipped out to the various profesors. Now that I think about it, there could be unlockable events there where you get the starters from previous generations (Maybe game A could give you the kanto starters, while game B gave you the jhoto starters, and an event-item could unlock the 4th and 3rd gen starters respectively).

Mon May 10, 2010 9:52 pm
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labarith wrote:
Now, all things being equal, this could be done a different way - suppose we have a Normal/[X] Turtle Pokemon. Perhaps this turtle breeds like Eevee evolves - if it breeds with Squirtle, you get a new [X]/Water pokemon (a breed-evolution, if you will). If you put it with Turtwig, you get a grass/[x] pokemon, and if you put it with, say, charmander, you get a [x]/fire turtle pokemon. If it breeds with any other pokemon, it wold just get a copy of itself.

I love this idea..that would be awesome! and I'm sure you've probably thought of it by now but for the fire...Torkoal

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Tue May 18, 2010 6:27 pm
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AceTrainer wrote:
Many of these suggestions feel a little too out of place. Pokemon is not all about breaking traditions. We could argue forever about what you think what traditions are, but for me at the very least, traditions include the types of the starters (obviously excluding yellow), number of gyms per region, number of elite trainers (four everytime). Evolution never had tradition as it always had dynamic methods even from the first generation. Evolution has always been about something new. But I digress.

Call me whatever you think but it is easier to have the pokemon first before looking at how they evolve rather than the other way around, which is forcing a pokemon adapt to a certain evolution concept (i.e., a pokemon to evolve while you have an egg with you can only be limited to egg-based or parent-based pokemon).

Mid-fight evolutions sound..uh..meh. This could be an imbalance on tournaments, i think.

Pokemon evolving by staying in a box for one year? Good luck with that...not only does it lack some sense, it also fails gameplay-wise..

I know you could just be throwing random ideas around but most are really just, you know, not well thought of..

On a different note, I think Nintendo should start making up evolution methods that benefit not just a handful of pokemon. Like a stone which benefits only 1 pokemon? Come on, make it at least 3.


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Wed May 19, 2010 12:31 pm
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Psychic Trainer
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I like the incubator idea. In fact, I had a similar thought myself when envisioning new things that should be added to B/W. I think this could finally be the way GameFreak explains why I can catch a Lv15 Magmar in the wild.

However, I think that if you use the incubator, some pokemon won't hatch at their lowest evolution. Or maybe, have the incubator be at the day care. That way, depending on if you have the same family of pokemon in the day care, or even the female that produced the egg, would give way to the 2nd evolution of that string.. or if both parents are there, it hatches at the highest evolution possible. This of course could be limited by species and what not, kinda like the Egg groups are now. But it would open a whole new way for a pokemon to evolve.. and even hatching "new" tier 1 pokemon not previously discovered.

Wed May 19, 2010 2:38 pm
Dragon Tamer
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1. I have no problem with level 15 magmar or level 10 golducks in the wild. I do wonder why we never see wild magby, but maybe they could be a seasonal thing (IE, you can catch baby magby in the magmar area during spring - but they'd be relatively rare?).
2. I could see a "anti-rare-candy" that is extremely rare that lowers a pokemon 1 stage, thus allowing you to EV train level 100 event pokemon, and similar things. This would "explain" low-level golducks... more or less.
3. Speaking of alternate evolutions/alternate forms, how about this:
* Pokemon that hatch different in different areas.
For example:
a) If you hatch a Magmar egg on "New Fire Island", maybe the Magby hatches then immediately tries to learn flamethrower or, better still, some "new fire island" exclusive move (Fire quick-attack?)
b) if you hatch a [insert new plant/flower pokemon here] on "new fire island", it's form is that of a "fire/plant" and it tries to learn said attack. Now, this could be burmy-esque altenrate appearence forms (w/ alternate 2nd type), or it could be eevee-esque hatch-location forms (as opposed to eevee-esque parents-matter different pokemon "evolutions").
More ideas that just occured to me:
* Pokemon that hatch/evolve different on different games. Maybe [x] evolves into [y] on Black, but it evolves into [z] on White.
* A pokemon that evolves by being lowered a level (see 2. above)
* An Eevee-esque pokemon that evolves differently based on the moves it learns (for example, if it learns all fire moves it becomes a fire-guy, if it learns all electric moves, electric, etc.

Thu May 20, 2010 12:38 am
Dragon Tamer
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The last idea (eevee-esque) would be better off when evolving depending on contest stats, methinks.

{venusaur} {charizard} {blastoise} {meganium} {typhlosion} {feraligatr} {sceptile} {blaziken} {swampert} {torterra} {infernape} {empoleon} {machamp} {gallade} {toxicroak} {pidgeot} {staraptor} {luxray} {alakazam} {gengar} {nidoqueen} {nidoking} {aggron} {rhyperior} {gyarados} {milotic} {kingdra}

Thu May 20, 2010 4:08 am
Psychic Trainer
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While the thought of hatching an egg in a different location they learn different egg moves and stuff could be cool.. please please please do not make a pokemon that only evolves via location again. They are already going to have issues with the location-only pokemon in future games.. generations.. why start something else that can't be easily inserted to every region.. and be explained why in the re-makes they'll be able to evolve.

In Gen V they are going to have to find a way to insert special mossy rock in an ice and forrest area. They are going to have to have a cave with special magnetic properties similar to the Sinnoh mountain range. Why have any more?

And remember, whatever new wrinkle they are going to add to evolve pokemon.. Eevee with evolve with this method. Also, some other old pokemon will evolve this way. Lastely, one of the new pokemon will evolve using this method. It's a pattern that they've kinda been doing. Granted, the item-trade-evolution hasn't happened yet.. but that I think is because there is probably some secret rule regarding eevelutions that he can't evolve by trading. Probably some manga reason regarding the pokemon itself.

Thu May 20, 2010 1:20 pm
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A Theory on the {mamoswine} Evolution

While there are large herds of {piloswine} who know the move ancient-power in the region of johto, it should be noted that according to the pokedex, mamoswines live in colder environments. This is where the difference between the capability of evolution between the piloswines of johto and sinnoh come in. Sinnoh is generally a colder place on a whole relative to johto.

But with the advent of the updated johto region, it seems that the ice path and other northern areas of the region are now capable of supporting a population of mamoswines.


Tried it very hard for {lickitung} but I can not think of anything to support the previous lack of evolution.


This is when evolutions like these fail in continuity aspects of the games.

If they are including {leafeon} , {glaceon} , {magnezone} and {probopass} in the future generation, they better provide a logical explanation or an alternate way to evolve them or just let them be un-acquirable save through trade, while still letting their basic evolutions roam about.

{venusaur} {charizard} {blastoise} {meganium} {typhlosion} {feraligatr} {sceptile} {blaziken} {swampert} {torterra} {infernape} {empoleon} {machamp} {gallade} {toxicroak} {pidgeot} {staraptor} {luxray} {alakazam} {gengar} {nidoqueen} {nidoking} {aggron} {rhyperior} {gyarados} {milotic} {kingdra}

Thu May 20, 2010 3:51 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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I wasn't really a fan of the location specific evolutions added in newer generations, but that's because I'm a traditionalist when it comes to video games (if it's not broken, don't fix it). I'm fine with the only methods of evolution being the classic level up, evostones, trade, and trade/level up with items, as well as time of day evos.

However, it is fun to speculate and to form new ideas for upcoming games, so I'll throw out a few crazy ideas.

Perhaps there could be special ways to evolve classic pokes in addition to leveling them up. For instance, some sort of interaction between Slowpoke and Shellder could trigger an evolution into Slowbro. Or, maybe something to do with having three Magnemites in your party each holding a magnet (or something along those grounds) would trigger a Magneton evolution.

And here is a crazy list of suggestions for new Pokemon evos...

A pre-evo Tauros or Miltank.
Choking, the evolved form of Weezing.
Draceon, a Dragon-eeveelution.
A ventriloquist based evo of Mr. Mime.
A Dunsparce evo.
I think a Heracross evo has a ton of potential.

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Thu May 20, 2010 5:17 pm
Psychic Trainer
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I'm kinda hoping for the seasons. I know someone posted something about seasons in a similar thread (Maybe New evolutions for old pokemon, which.. btw is where those suggestions of pokemon should go.. as this has to do with the HOW they evolve). Having a pokemon evolve via season would probably be a good one. It would be easily explainable as to why it wasn't in the previous games.. and would act similarly to the day/night evolutions, or the location evolutions.

Another idea, would be doing it based on weather. However, that one would be harder to explain since consistant weather effects have been present in past games, which didn't create evolutions. A fix could be done by having a pokemon hold onto some kind of "weather stone" and level up while under a route-based weather thing.

Weather, seasons, and/or the incubation ideas probably have the most likely chance of happening. They all fit into the kind of mold that GameFreak has been establishing for their evolutions. Lets hope with Gen V that they'll actually give them to us.

Thu May 20, 2010 8:55 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Eon wrote:

Perhaps there could be special ways to evolve classic pokes in addition to leveling them up. For instance, some sort of interaction between Slowpoke and Shellder could trigger an evolution into Slowbro. Or, maybe something to do with having three Magnemites in your party each holding a magnet (or something along those grounds) would trigger a Magneton evolution.

I think they should have "combing" pokemon (IVs combine up to 31, Evs are erased?, experience 1.5ed?) where Shelder + Slowpoke combine if they're in a battle together, and Magnemite (being rare in this, and future generations) can only combine by being fused in the "generator" (Diglets can optionally be fused, Grimers can be fuzed into Muk?). Story-wise, Slowbro's evolution would be a "fix" of it's original evolution, while Magnemite's evolution can be a byproduct of a "disappearence of the bees" type story element.
Eon wrote:
And here is a crazy list of suggestions for new Pokemon evos...

A pre-evo Tauros or Miltank.
Choking, the evolved form of Weezing.
Draceon, a Dragon-eeveelution.
A ventriloquist based evo of Mr. Mime.
A Dunsparce evo.
I think a Heracross evo has a ton of potential.

1. Pre-evolutions that don't DO ANYTHING don't make sense. It made sense in Generation II, as we introduced breeding. Incense is just dumb.
2. I could see a Weezing evolution, but I'd be more interested in it producing a budded koffing from it when it evolved.
3. NO MORE EEVEES. The fact you mention it shows you don't know a thing about eevee evolutions.
5. Dunsparce getts to much love.
6. A "Scizor"-style "alternate" evolution of Heracross and/or Pinser seems like a good idea. Same base stat totals, different subtype.

Fri May 21, 2010 1:08 am
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer

Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:45 am
Posts: 209
puck269 wrote:
I'm kinda hoping for the seasons. I know someone posted something about seasons in a similar thread (Maybe New evolutions for old pokemon, which.. btw is where those suggestions of pokemon should go.. as this has to do with the HOW they evolve). Having a pokemon evolve via season would probably be a good one. It would be easily explainable as to why it wasn't in the previous games.. and would act similarly to the day/night evolutions, or the location evolutions.

Another idea, would be doing it based on weather. However, that one would be harder to explain since consistant weather effects have been present in past games, which didn't create evolutions. A fix could be done by having a pokemon hold onto some kind of "weather stone" and level up while under a route-based weather thing.

Weather, seasons, and/or the incubation ideas probably have the most likely chance of happening. They all fit into the kind of mold that GameFreak has been establishing for their evolutions. Lets hope with Gen V that they'll actually give them to us.

New evolutions for old pokemon via season and weather would be "junk through hoops" crap evolutions like the "retarded" (I hate to say it, but it's accurate) incense evolutions. And there JUST IS NO explanation for night/day from generation 1 to 2 (Notice how Kanto has lots of generation II pokemon in G/S... hmmm...).

We'd be much better off w/ NEW pokemon who evolve in this way.

Fri May 21, 2010 1:38 am
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