
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 - Just a thought!
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Author:  Meadow [ Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 - Just a thought!

Am I the only one who has ever thought why they didn't make a second version, instead of making two (almost) indetiacal versions, in the shape og Time/Darkness...? Straight from the beginning, i've been thinking why Nintendo didn't make a "Space" version, instead of "darkness", built on the same skeleton, just the story being about space being interupted, starring Palkia as the "boss"...

However, i wasn't disappointed when i received "PMD;sky", as the story itself was still the best of all the Pokemon games ever made, IMO!

I still feel the goosebums when I'm leaving my partner after beating Dialga at Temporal Tower...

Maybe they'll make a "3rd Generation" for PMD too for NDS... Someday i hope... Are there any rumors of this, possibly?

Looking forward to the future XD

Author:  dialgatime [ Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 - Just a thought!

You're not the only one who's been wondering that for a long time. I also there should be some difference, not huge, but more than just having different pokemon appear. And if they did make a PMD 3, it would be for the 3DS, which would be awesome.

Author:  bamstaman [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 - Just a thought!

i hop they make a generation 5 one :D :violin: :violin:

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